What is blood temperament?

The blood temperament is one of the 4types of temperamentand is characterized by a fast and balanced nervous system, but witha slow correlation to reactivity to medium stimuli, that is, they are slow for decision making since they do not anticipate situations.

Basically, this temperament starts from the proposal of the Greek philosopherEmpedocles(1), who defined the qualities of thefour basic elementsnamely: earth, air, fire and water, which could explainthe existence of all known substances.

Then arises the “Theory of the 4 Humors”(2) of the father of medicineHippocrates (3), who from the proposal of Empedocles elaboratesa medical model of 4 body humors, which are: blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm. (4)

Note: Some time later Galen of Pergamon (5) , an ancient Greek philosopher, defined 4 types of personality or temperaments based on these two proposals, one of them being the sanguine temperament.

What are the characteristics of the sanguine temperament?

Next, we describe The main characteristics that identify the individual with a sanguine temperament:

1. Decisions are made based on feelings

The actions of people with a sanguine temperament are dominated by emotions , constituting one of their disadvantages since they tend to make decisions based on their emotional state rather than reflection.

, with little willpower, they want to be the center of attention and do their best for it, they are restless, carefree, disorganized and despite being extroverted

To highlight: People with sanguine temperament, unlike phlegmatic , choleric and melancholic , tend to make decisions based on rationality and on the reality that surrounds them.

2. People are usually sociable, cheerful, compassionate and communicative

As has been mentioned, they have an extroverted personality and have the ability to adapt very flexibly to changes, since they have an adaptable behavior.

Similarly, they are people who like to communicate, chat and have the power to infect others with their spirit of joy.

You should know: The person with this type of temperament loves fun and joy and is generally warm.

3. Emotions are unstable

People with a sanguine temperament, among their weaknesses, are that they are emotionally unstable and selfish, self- centered, want to be the center of attention wherever they are and do whatever is necessary to achieve that goal.

Note: People with this temperament need a lot of affection , but when these conditions are adverse they tend to change moods and go from joy to anger in moments as they are impulsive, but despite this they do not hold grudges.

4. There is a tendency to indiscipline, disorder and little willpower

Because behavior is subject to the emotional state they are in, they have no organization in their life,they lack objectives and goals, so they do not have aclearVisionvision of where they want to go someday.

To highlight: This temperament does not maintain discipline in their daily tasks , they lack the will to start or finish their obligations and it is for this reason that they do not aspire to leadership positions.

On the other hand, these people are not interested in planning and that is why they solve things as they arise and generally do not get feedback from past experiences. In physical appearance they resemble the extreme of the organization, however in their private spaces they are total chaos.

5. There may be insecurity and self-centeredness

Another disadvantage is that since they do not have control of the situations they face , they are extremely insecure, do not trust their abilities and skills, and tend to evade responsibilities.

On the other hand, to occupy a place in the social space they tend to be self-centered, they think that their opinions are more important than those of the rest of the group and they are very sensitive to criticism.

You should know: The fears of this type of temperament revolve around personal failure , rejection or disapproval from their family group or from the rest of society.

6. They tend to exaggerate manipulating the truth

Due to his weakness for being dominated by emotions, he tends to manipulate realityjust in the interest of the group keeping their attention on him. That is whythey turn out to be false, dishonest and untrustworthy.

Also due to his ability to envelop the group with his verbiage , he tends to convince many people that what he is doing is very well done, which makes him a dangerously agile swindler .

Note: The psychological tests used in Occupational psychologydogreveal what type of temperament and character people have, allowing them to place them in the appropriate workspaces.

Key Findings

  • The sanguine temperament is characterized by a fast and balanced nervous system.
  • The person with this temperament tends to be dominated by their emotions.
  • In the same way, the person with this temperament bases his decisions around the predominant emotional state.
  • This temperament locates people who are usually sociable, cheerful, compassionate and communicative.
  • People with a sanguine temperament are self-centered and highly disorganized.

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