What are red moles?

Red moles fordermatology applied to primary care, are normal dilations of the skin venules and are part of the normal changes of the skin as time passes.

They tend to appear more commonly in fair-skinned people and are associated with certain elements such as sun exposure or hereditary reasons.

People usually develop between 10 and 40 moles throughout their lives, but monitoring them will always take us one step ahead to prevent skin cancer.

Causes of red moles

There is no single cause, but genetic factors can motivate the feasibility of these developing. Below we will mention the elements that most influence and make the appearances of red moles more prone.


In some situations, brown and traditional polka dots can change color due to irritation, allergy or constant rubbing with a garment.

It is always important to pay attention to our body and its changes to go to a specialist when necessary.

Sun exposure

Exposure to UV rays can also produce changes in the pigmentation of some moles. Avoiding the use of tanning beds and protecting our skin is essential, primarily for people who have more than 50 moles throughout their body.

Overexposure, although it does not have a direct connection, is relevant because it accelerates skin aging and increases skin elastosis .


Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy may be the reason for the appearance of these skin changes.

In this sense, the dermatologist Aurora Guerra, a member of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology , developed an article where she mentions that they usually appear after the third month in 5% of women.

So red moles for this reason do not require treatment and usually disappear a few weeks after the pregnancy ends.


Dr. Juan Colin Fuentes, in the development of the article ” Red moles, can also be hereditary “ , mentions that they are conditions that occur with a congenital history and if they appear at birth they can disappear in the first year of life.

Having a family history lies in the increased possibility of presenting nevi (which is the medical term given to moles).

skin pigmentation

Moles are part of the skin pigmentation, in fact they are produced from melanocytes.

Chemical substances

There are certain substances that contribute to the appearance of this type of moles. Chemical burns in the past or the constant application of tans, may be sufficient reason forRuby Nevus to develop .


Skin aging is one of the reasons most related to the appearance of these moles.

After 40 the possibility increases and in fact it is when the appearance of these begins, taking with it all the treatment that we have given to our skin over time.

Characteristics of red moles

Red moles have certain characteristics that distinguish them from brown ones, and for this reason we present and describe the main ones below.

They are small vascular lesions.

In the Grimalt Dermatology Blog , they mention that this type of appearance is due to small capillary dilations due to failures in the vascular system.

“It is something similar to what happens in the legs with varicose veins. However, while varicose veins run parallel to the surface of the skin, in this case the trajectory is perpendicular and small rounded dilations appear.

They do not pose health risks

These moles are not malignant, in fact they are not at risk of becoming malignant over time unless they change in size, color and texture. They are just accumulations of melanocyte cells.

They can appear in various areas of the skin

In fact yes, they appear even in the armpits, genital areas, face. None of them are risky due to the area where they appear, but as we have previously mentioned they must be observed in case they change in size, shape and texture.

The most common places are arms, thorax and neck.

They affect men and women from the age of 30

Because it is a factor that appears in the aging of the skin, they usually appear after that age. The sex of the person does not influence, nor is there a greater affinity motivated by it. It is usually a determining element of the reach of maturity.

They can be removed for aesthetics

There are people who, out of vanity, decide to remove their red moles. Sometimes also on the recommendations of the doctor who has examined the appearance of these and review the family history.

If they change color and texture they should be examined

Moles have different ways of developing, they can be brown, cinnamon, pink, red, black and even blue.

Its size must be between 2 and 6 mm, and the evolutions or modifications of these characteristics are those that must be monitored in order to see a doctor.

How to remove red moles?

There are different methods to remove them. It may be for health or aesthetic reasons, but it is always recommended to examine the new appearance of any type of mole, to prevent the possibility of a potential disease in our skin.

Below we mention the techniques that are most used to remove blood moles from our body.


In the Health and Beauty InternationalBlog,they talk about this type of process to remove moles.

It consists of using electricity to heat needle-tipped forceps, known as electrocautery. This tip is placed on the mole to be removed, eliminating it and once cauterizing the wound produced.

The electricity used for the functionality of the equipment does not penetrate the body. And the subsequent care treatments will depend on the size of the lesion and the location, avoiding exposure to the sun and undergoing the care recommended by the doctor in charge of the applied technique.


The Cryotherapyprocess consists of applying liquid nitrogen on the place where they are, to freeze it and remove it later. It is important to mention that this type of treatment greatly influences the location of the mole.

It is an extreme cold treatment (-196 °C) and after that, care must be taken mainly not to explode the bubbles that usually form. Similarly, they should be covered with petroleum jelly and not add any scented lotions to the area.

To be

It is a minimally invasive and quite new method. The use of anesthesia is not required and they do not usually produce long-term marks.

The laser light is absorbed by the nevus pigment and when heated and vaporized, the mole is removed, without the risk of damaging the surrounding skin tissue. It is a treatment with which normal life is immediately made after it.


At the Sagrat Cor University Hospital they developed an article , where they explain that they can remove moles by making a small spindle-shaped incision and giving stitches later.

Whether a permanent mark will form varies greatly depending on the location and the patient’s way of healing.

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