Carl Gustav Jung was a doctor of Swiss nationality, with an approach in psychological methodology extremely influential for the twentieth century. His main work is based on the theories of Sigmund Freud and is born at the same time as what we know as the collective unconscious.

He wrote a book of deep psychological research entitled “Archetypes and collective unconscious”, for the year 1970 and translated in its entirety into Spanish in 1999.

In general terms, Carl Jung wanted not only to stay with those physiological functions that were developed to explain human behavior, but also developed studies through certain patterns of behavior, historical and cultural to be able to recognize and complement each other actively.

Next, with this article we will discover more precisely what these archetypes are (managing to see with which we identify), the characteristics of this methodology and what this term really means.

What are Jungian archetypes?

Jung’s archetypes are images and symbols of thematic containers. Jung defined them as: “Factors and motives that order the psychic elements in certain images. But, in such a way that they can only be recognized by the effects they produce.”

We find these elements very involved in art, in literature, even in religions.

They are patterns that exploit the personalities of individuals to produce possibilities for growth and personal knowledge. In fact, there are research works where they are applied to know where we fit.

Characteristics of Jungian archetypes

Among the characteristics of these archetypes, there is a compatibility in what can be a repertoire between its elements. In addition to this, it is recognized that they are something completely personal and individual, although they are generated and transmitted through a social structure.

Next we will describe what these characteristics are and understanding through them how the archetypes were established as a psychic structure.

They constitute universal patterns and symbols

These are precisely the patterns with which Jung works. With them, he exemplifies the archetypes so that they would be recognized across cultures.

In the investigation entitled ” Jung’s analytical psychology and its contributions to psychotherapy “, it is exposed how patterns and symbols are fundamental elements for the therapeutic process. They are in fact defined as a psychological machine that transforms energy.

It is then that each of the individuals gives a personal meaning to each symbol, based on their experience, and the patient’s relationship with the collective unconscious is examined through analytical psychology.

They are part of the collective unconscious.

This has great importance and influence in people’s lives and they have the ability to direct behaviors, beliefs and emotions in a substantial way. It allows opportunity for the explanation of religious or spiritual clingings.

The archetypes are part of the collective unconscious to allow us to understand who we are, our phobias and even the dreams we face when we sleep.

They symbolize the basic motivations of the human being

The archetypes influence the multiplication of possibilities in the motivations of individuals and personal growth. These even have a number of values and descriptions capable of influencing our personality.

For many authors they symbolize a path of their own, collective and universal meanings.

They determine the way to process sensations and perceptions

Jung’s archetypes are a way of constructing in a certain way the opportunity to process images, perceptions and sensations in an oriented sense. They are concrete manifestations, which can even be perceived as something unknown that causes a greater impact on our being.

In this sense, archetypes are considered one of the basic functions for people, and grouped based on elements such as:

  • Thought
  • Intuition
  • Feeling.

It is these elements that discover the complex personality of the individual and allow an effort to understand it.

They are inherited from generation to generation

Jung’s archetypes can be considered through his definition as behavior patterns, including the fact that they are inherited.

Its inheritance is through the brain structure. And also, since they are rooted in the collective unconsciousness, they respond to instincts.

They define the traits of each person

The research work of Juan Carlos Alonso, allows the understanding of a self that is considered as a process of natural evolution.

The process in fact constitutes a transformation of the personality, in the recognition of his or her archetypes to adapt as an individual in an external and internal reality.

They allow to detect conflicts between the unconscious and the conscious

The recognition of conflicts exists from the confrontation with the self . Archetypes are dominant images that formulate the opportunity for a representation, but that present material of conscious experience.

It is therefore that in scientific articles such as ” Study reflection on Jung’s theory and the archetype of the shadow “ , the difficulty faced when identifying ourselves is recognized, and with developed consciousness, accepting the unconscious that is repressed to avoid the energy charge and corroborating equality in temporal space.

Jung’s archetypes

The main archetypes or stereotypes are presented as clichéd or predictable characters. They exist through labels that allow us to know artistic characters, literature, and ourselves.

Each of the twelve archetypes will be described with greater specificity below.


They are good listeners and usually oriented towards the teaching role. They provide reasoning and allow the development of other aspects. They tend to be planners, and even judges.

They show his independence from his philosophy and how to strengthen his self-confidence with the discovery of the world around him.


He is quite an important figure. They are quite typical and their most characteristic features include:

  • The value
  • Strength
  • The triumph.

They are also usually those who must overcome obstacles to achieve their goals.

We find this archetype in epic stories from Ancient Greece such as Hercules , children’s stories like Peter Pan and even historical sagas like Harry Potter .


The traits that stand out the most in this archetype are: purity, simplicity and ingenuity. He usually trusts others a lot and presents himself with positive attitudes, even in the face of any adversity.

In addition to that, they tend to be carefree and with altruistic goals, in addition to the tireless search for full and eternal happiness. He is romantic, dreamy and extremely optimistic.


They are fans of challenges and adventures. They are restless and eager to discover. They are not afraid to mobilize to learn and absorb cultural elements, philosophies, etc.

On the other hand, they are highly characterized by detachment so it is difficult for them to establish themselves in personal or work relationships for too long.


He owns control, or at least that’s how he prefers things to play out. He has a desire to be the protagonist and to be right, in addition to always knowing what is best for everyone around him. And, although sometimes he is wrong, he always acts from the heart, taking care of the interests of his people.

Sometimes his authority can trigger misunderstandings or disadvantageous situations, due to his inability to delegate. It can naturally adapt to different societies.


They are characterized by their empathy and compassion. He bases his existence on protecting others and can find himself involved in situations where these qualities are easily taken advantage of.

She acts almost motherly and hates feeling selfish. They tend to transmit and inspire confidence and security in others.


This archetype does not give up in the frequent search to create social ties and feel that it belongs. They tend to be quite reliable and characterized by their frankness.

It is very frequent that they are in search of collective and not personal well-being. Their priorities are different from those of other archetypes.


This archetype is usually born to create something that doesn’t even exist. He likes to create his own things, even his own entertainment. You are never satisfied or satisfied with what you have, you look for more.

They are dreamers and admirers of creativity. His desires can cause frustration if they are not fulfilled, but he is persistent and confident.


He has a domineering positive and funny attitude, but that doesn’t mean his soul is deep. He likes to make those around him laugh and make them feel good in his company. Even also that they forget his worries.

He is considered capable of using this characteristic of his personality to mitigate and hide his fears and adversities.


They do not believe in impositions and focus on being different from the rest. He tries to change things when he perceives that something is not working and they look for those who accompany them in their rebellion. They are charismatic.

He can be a bit of an individualist at times, but he is willing to summon, innovate, and catch on. It can become obsessive and destructive.


It is among the different archetypes, the most passionate of all. You have a characteristic elegance and daydreams of romance. He is sensitive, but also very much in need of being loved and accepted, so he may lose his identity in the attempt to please.

He blindly believes in love, in every possible way, and wants to create stable ties in all areas, including work. Sometimes this makes it difficult for him to defend his own criteria and he has a hard time dealing with conflicts.


They are characterized by being very charismatic. They tend to have a personality where they truly believe in their ideas, and their ability to see things from different perspectives allows them to really contribute things that can transform ideologies.

They are in a constant process of evolution and understanding. They evoke creativity, imagination, intelligence and transformation.

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