The human brain is fascinating, storing endless information, either through reading, writing or auditory. However, it has been shown that the human being deposits more information visually.

Learning is fundamental in the development of the human intellect, however not everyone processes vast information in the same way, so different methods are chosen that favor the individual to achieve their established goal.

In the article below, we will talk about the meaning of visual learning in a concise way, dealing with something that is present in the daily life of students and the common citizen, in addition to that we review how to enhance it in a simple and clear way.

What is visual learning?

Visual learning is the first of the 4 learning styles, which were coined and described by Neil Fleming and Colleen Mills, both teachers, through an interestingEducational Model called “VARK”.

In this sense, visual learning is in first place in this model because of its great use in the current population, as it was over the years. Becoming common in educational institutions, universities, private lessons, among many others.

In addition to the above, it is proven that a person processes better any type of information visually, much more than auditory, in a short process of observing, analyzing, checking and memorizing, which has become preferred in the educational field for its ease of understanding.

Features of visual learning

Visual learning, in some way, becomes very broad because it is present in every moment of our lives. You may wonder how would you identify visual learning? Here we will present you what its most common characteristics are.

It is usually the most common in people

Many of us learn quickly visually; written on a blackboard in a classroom, live conferences with their respective presentations, online slides among many other ways. Most people have this tacitly preferred method.

It is based on assimilating information through observation

Thanks to visual learning, human beings are able to collect a lot of information and even choose which is the most striking for their preference, based on what they want to learn or search for. As explained above, it is only required to observe, analyze, demonstrate and memorize.

It is related to the capacity for abstraction and planning

Visual learning greatly develops the abstraction capacity of the human being, since it allows us to think about things only with the brain, without the need to have them in front of us, helping to acquire language, analyze operations, generate doubts, etc.

On the other hand, the planning capacity allows you to order the digested information and control it.

It is memorized using patterns, images and colors

It is easy to remember an object by its color or its shape. It is useful to remember math formulas by how they are written, and even words from different languages.

Therefore visual learning allows you to observe from your point of view the graphic description of any object that you want to study.

One way to assimilate it is on the street, coincidentally at traffic lights, for our subconscious, the color red means that a person cannot pass or cross an avenue, which is assimilated as the stop sign.

While the green color tells us that it is safe and we are allowed to pass or cross to a certain side. This undoubtedly remains engraved in our memory.

Often used in the arts

In all areas it is required; a musician must memorize his scores, which are written on sheets with instantly recognizable figures.

Another case occurs with cartoonists, who must identify color palettes that suit them for their works and in many other artistic works such as dance, visual learning is so close that it is tacit.

In fact, the visual arts are considered a professional career, using its own language and it is embodied through figures that are mostly abstract in nature, generating in students a new but strong type of learning strategy, in a professional and artistic way at the same time. weather.

It allows to discover the information quickly

Every image can be remembered deep in our brain, as it is something visual like a drawing, a figure or in the simplest cases, a number.

It immediately awakens our memory and we can identify it in less than a second. Which is an effective workout for the mind.

Enhances visual memory

The benefits of visual learning for the brain are spectacular, since it is about observation and analysis, this helps the neural motor of it.

In the words of Neurologist Guillermo García Ribas,the brain increases cognitive reserve and generates easier connections. Therefore, it can detect information quickly and in the future prevent deterioration or loss of memory.

Develop creative thinking skills

Visual learning has another point in its favor, it helps stimulate creativity, generating new ideas about something that already exists, where our mind immediately thinks and imagines something better, created by us, therefore it is captured visually.

Reinforces understanding and integration of new knowledge

With visual learning one can clarify many doubts that can arise, as happens in studies and practices with numbers, laboratory tests or tutorials on the Internet; Apart from the instructions, the figures will always be the ideal ones to guide the individual to better understand what he is reading.

Tools to enhance visual learning

Visual learning has enough means to be treated and reinforced, so that it works for each individual according to their comfort.

Here are 7 simple and short tools to enhance visual learning.

Mind Map

Mind maps are considered a powerful learning tool. The Pedagogical University of Durango (2014) cites that “they are created from the premise that we all act according to our models and criteria of thought”.

These maps are rich in drawings of all kinds, they contain very little text; Usually while expounding on a topic, these maps come in the form of sheets or online presentations.

In the same way, they have illustrations related to the theme that help to complete the ideas exposed, in addition, they also make it easier for viewers to memorize the topic that is being talked about.

Concept Map

Again, the Pedagogical University of Durango (2014) also cites that “the concept map technique is one of the new ways in which students are trying to conceptualize knowledge.”

Unlike the mind map, the conceptual one has only texts, but it is arranged in schemes or ramifications, which facilitate the monitoring or study of a topic without confusing it, helping to understand and visualize it. You can even write keywords that facilitate memorization.

Ideas map

This visually common method is where you can record all thoughts graphically. If you have a lot of ideas for a theme or a plan, this method helps you capture and order them. Resulting in a very useful form of visual guide.

cause-effect diagram

This diagram is a graphical representation of a limited number of elements (which are named as a cause), which can contribute to a problem (which would be the effect) of a specific situation.

This is an easy tool to build, to study various processes or situations, while creating plans for them.


You may have heard little of this visual method, but it is very useful. It is a graphic organizer that provides bases and structures for ideas and facts at the same time.

This is a very popular method for students (both in colleges and universities) to organize their own plans, thus helping them to generate specific priorities.

linear scheme

This is related to the concept map, but the scheme in general is a means to structure a topic and subdivide it into few branches. This information is ordered with codes of numbers, words or symbols.

There are universities and institutes that highlight how a good scheme is built. TheUniversity of ExtremaduraYouGuidesdetailing its construction and its characteristics; among these is brevity, symbolism and structure.

Synoptic table

The latter is a popular method with students; It is a way of summarizing or organizing ideas, from left to right, on a specific topic.

It can be said that it is to organize the keywords, to be able to memorize more complicated topics or a lot of information.

Importance of visual learning

Given all of the above, visual learning stimulates human thought, as well as the intellectual, creative and critical side of individuals. It allows us to develop new skills and deep thoughts. It is also a training method for our brain engine.

And now that you know about the tools that will help you enhance it, don’t worry if one day it doesn’t work out, this learning takes time but it is so effective that it is almost mandatory in our daily lives.

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