Vegetable oil is what we usually know as oil for food consumption, intended for the preparation of certain products or for obtaining certain organoleptic characteristics.

In the following article we will delve into vegetable oils, their properties, benefits and which of all can be considered the best. 

What is a vegetable oil?

A vegetable oil is a substance obtained from seeds or fruits , being of an oily or lipid nature and containing triglycerides and free fatty acids. They are usually of natural origin and to obtain them there is an extraction process that allows the appearance of vegetable oil, either through pressing or through solvents (1)

In addition to the above, vegetable oil presents certain organoleptic characteristics that allow the determination of its quality, based on its standardization or in comparison to others of a different nature. Its density, viscosity, behavior at low and high temperatures, smoke point, stability and contamination are evaluated.

To highlight: Vegetable oil does not have a boiling point, so when it reaches a certain temperature, what is known as the smoke point appears , a temperature at which its flammability occurs and it begins to smoke and burn.

Vegetable oil properties

Vegetable oil, being a natural and food product, contains an important nutritional contribution. It will be mentioned below to allow its knowledge and use: 

1. Vitamins and minerals

Depending on the nature of the vegetable oil, there is a greater or lesser concentration of this type of micronutrients, being among the most common elements and compounds vitamin E, A and K. 

You should know: Vegetable oil is very useful as a vehicle for fat-soluble vitamins and some minerals.

2. Other compounds

Vegetable oil is also characterized by having compounds such as omega 3 , fatty acids and saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, as well as triglycerides and antioxidants, always depending on the nature of its origin.

What benefits does vegetable oil have?

Vegetable oil, contrary to popular belief, has a wide variety of benefits to bring to the body, as long as it is in moderate amounts. They will be mentioned and explained below, thus allowing their recognition and benefit:

1. Promotes cardiovascular health

There are medical studies that have linked the presence of vegetable oils with the reduction of the risk of cardiovascular diseases . This is due to the platelet aggregation produced by the consumption of these substances, thus producing a preventive effect , especially in cases of atherosclerosis and other types of cardiovascular disorders. (two)

2. Controls cholesterol levels in the blood

The polyunsaturated fats present in vegetable oils are directly related to a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular diseases, but also significant reductions in cholesterol levels.

Note: The above was verified in a study carried out, in which in a selected and controlled group saturated fats were replaced by vegetable oils in their diet (3)

3. Decreases oxidative damage

Its antioxidant capacity is due to the reduction in the amount of free radicals, being responsible for the protection of cell membranes and thus avoiding the appearance of possible diseases. 

To highlight: Vitamin A and E, present in vegetable oil in significant quantities, are part of the group of vitamins with antioxidant capacity , which allows vegetable oils to reduce oxidative damage in the body. (4)

4. Prevents some types of cancer

The use of vegetable oil has shown through scientific studies, a significant reduction in the risk of developing some types of cancer, especially if the oil added to the diet is olive oil. 

Its antioxidant activity is the main responsible for reducing the degradation of the organism, also reducing the propagation and decomposition of autoxidation processes. (5)

5. Improves the taste of food

One of the gastronomic uses given to vegetable oil is its ability to improve the flavor of certain foods, allowing them to deepen or highlight certain characteristics. Everything will depend on which vegetable oil is used.

What is the best vegetable oil?

Vegetable oils have a wide variety, highlighting great differences between them that start from the nature of their origin. We will mention the main ones below in order to define according to criteria which is the best and most recommended for each consumer and for its different applications:

1. Extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil is obtained from the olive or olive, through a mechanical and physical process , usually pressing. Its concentration of fatty acids can vary depending on the variety used, the soil and the climate. 

Note: It contains an important nutritional contribution and is potentially considered the healthiest of all its variables, in addition to providing characteristic flavors and important health benefits. (6)

2. Soybean oil

Soybean vegetable oil is the most produced and consumed worldwide, surpassing even palm and sunflower oil. Its extraction process is through a solvent and it can be subsequently refined or not .

To highlight:  It is used on a large scale in the gastronomic area , containing omega 3 and omega 6, without cholesterol and with a large amount of protein. (7)

3. Canola oil

Canola oil comes from a variety of seeds, with a favorable composition of fatty acids. It is characterized by having a very light texture and flavor, making it useful for its application in recipes of all kinds. 

Note: It has a high tolerance to heat and is usually one of the most affordable. (8)

4. Coconut oil

Coconut oil has many characteristics, mainly organoleptic, quite peculiar. It is obtained by pressing the pulp of the fruit, which contains more than 60% oil in its composition. 

You should know: Coconut oil has a unique combination of fatty acids, which provide great health benefits for consumers and has a high decomposition temperature (smoke point) compared to other vegetable oils. (9)

5. Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is derived from the seed of the plant that bears the same name. The oil is obtained through a crushing and heating process, where a solvent is later applied and clarified. Contains triglycerides and mostly polyunsaturated fatty acids, and contributions of vitamin E. (10)

How bad is vegetable oil?

The indiscriminate and repetitive consumption of vegetable oil causes an increase in triglyceride and cholesterol levels in our body, which brings consequences and alterations, as well as an increased risk of cardiovascular disorders. 

Important: Vegetable oil can present many benefits and care, as long as there is control of what is known as dose-response, since it is exposed to the risks of the caloric content provided and the increased chances of developing overweight and obesity.

Key Findings

  • Vegetable oils are obtained from natural sources, through extraction processes, whether physical or chemical.
  • There are different origins and each one has different physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics.
  • Vegetable oil is capable of promoting cardiovascular health , as long as it is in moderate and appropriate amounts, without excesses. 
  • It even controls cholesterol levels in the body and confers antioxidant properties.
  • It is important to avoid consuming oxidized oils, because they cause greater damage to the cells of our body . They should be kept in dark places while not in use.

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