Psychology is the science that is responsible forstudying human behavior in different areas, in order to help and give precise guidanceto people who are going through problems in their lives, in terms of managing emotions, relationships, anxiety and a number of situations.
In this sense, psychology is divided into different branches of specialization with the intention ofgiving a competent response to the demands that arisein various sectors or lines. For this reason, in this article we will introduce you to the differentbranches of psychologythat exist and what their specific applications are.
ToggleWhat are the branches of psychology?
As mentioned above, there are different branches of psychology which aim toanalyze and see thepsychological, mental and behavioral processes of an individual. By virtue of this, below we will explain the most outstanding branches of psychology, their definition and characteristics:
1. Clinical psychology
Clinical psychology is one of the best-known branches of psychology, which is responsible for studying carefully through the evaluation, diagnosis and medical treatment of people suffering from apsychological illness.
Commonly clinical psychology is aimed at stress reduction, seeking tofind personal well-being, physical, emotional and mentalhealth. In addition, within this type of psychology, clinical psychologists investigate in depth the types of psychological problems of the individual, such asdependent personality disorder.
Note: In the development of this branch of psychology, different psychological schools have contributed that have allowed its study and correct application, such as thebehaviorist, constructivist, psychoanalyst, humanist school, among others.
2. Cognitive psychology
This is one of the types of psychology, which studies those processes by which human beings interpret, process and store information, , that is, how we think and learn. (1)
In this sense, cognitive psychology took up some of the old philosophical problems and raised new problems about the functioning of the mind , always approaching them from the scientific method.
To highlight: The main areas of interest of cognitive psychologists are: perception, memory, attention, reasoning, language, decision making, motivation and emotion.
3. Social psychology
You should know: This branch of psychology allows us to to Know the phenomena that happen to people and and to observe with greater interest the social world and its relationships.
In the same way, social psychology increases the objectivity to judge the acts of the human being, the contributing to the understanding of behaviors and their relationship with the situations of the environment that surrounds an individual.
4. Psychology of sexuality
We know that psychology is the science that studies the mind and behavior We know that psychology is the science that studies the mind and behavior and on the other hand there is is Sexology , which is the science that specifically studies sexual behavior tag. Both disciplines pay special attention to the detection of the differentaspects that may interfere with the functionality and sexual life of the individual .
Important: Unresolved doubts and and sexual problemscause discomfort and can become a big problem at the relational level,affecting different vital contexts. It is for this reason that when they appear itis important to consult a professional,in this case a psychologist specializing in sexology. in
5. Educational psychology
Educational psychology or education, aims to Study how learning occurs in the human being, especially in educational centers. Basically it tries to study how How the Learning Processof the students is and how this learning can help them to develop.
Note: The psychology of education , looking at it from this point of view, , is useful to develop educational models , , study plans and to manage educational centers of different levels, whether they are initial, secondary or university education.
6. Occupational psychology
Occupational psychology or organizational psychology, has as its field of study the the behavior of the human being in the workplace , , likewise it is in charge of ensuring the interests of both workers and institutions, companies and organizations.
In the same way, it is in charge of enhancing the performance and productivity of the human resources that the company has through strategies, motivations and innovative incentives, all with the purpose of of Promoting the Personal Developmentand professional growth of each one. from the workers.
7. Consumer psychology
Consumer psychology or consumer psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on investigating and studying in depth the behavior of people at the level of consumption of goods and services .
In this sense, consumer psychology through various strategies of information, communication and social influence , seeks to understand the reasons that drive people to purchase a certain product or service in order to satisfy needs and desires.
To highlight: This area of psychology is supported by other disciplines such as economics, sociology, anthropology and administration, which together with psychology, converge toThestudy the factors that explain the consumption behaviors of individuals and groups. social.
8. Family psychology
Family psychology is Family psychology is a branch of psychology whose field of study is the analysis of behaviors, emotions, forms of communication and conflicts that are generated within the family .
In this sense, the objective of the family psychologist is to provide strategies and appropriate methodsthat allow the satisfactory resolution of conflicts between family and couple relationships. (3)
You should know: Family psychology also addresses the problems that can be generated in family groups derived from addictions, diseases and psychological disorders .
9. Developmental psychology
Note: Developmental psychology addresses the processes of evolution of the individual,from the stage of newborn, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. the ,
In this sense, these stages suggest the the acquisition of certain skills , , the development of the of personality, the , the use of language, self- esteem and, most importantly, the formation of our identity as people.
10. Forensic psychology
Forensic psychology has as its main functions the application of psychology in criminal investigationand the evaluation of those possibly involved in criminal situations. (4)
In this sense, forensic psychologists make reports on the mental health of the person of the person who is accused of a crime, then they must explain said report before a court objectively, based on the results of their scientific investigation. (5)
To highlight: What differentiates the forensic psychologist from other psychologists is the fact that they must explain the report made without issuing judgments or personal assessments (they do not determine the innocence or guilt of an individual), they must also have Knowledge of the Legal Regulationsand each legal situation that arises.
11. Experimental psychology
Experimental psychology is dedicated to the study of scientific methodology in general and research methods in particular. It becomes an epistemology of psychological knowledge. (6)
You should know: It is also called experimental psychology, that practiced by Behaviorism or other close approaches, whose research is carried out almost entirely in laboratory situations .
12. Neuropsychology
Note: The neuropsychologist performs two main types of functions, one is the is the Clinical diagnosis of of a person’s cognitive, behavioral, and emotional functioning, and the second is guidance for patients , relatives, and health personnel . (8)
Key Findings
- Psychology is the discipline focused on the study of mental processes and human behavior.
- Psychology is divided into branches applied in specific areas areas, which allow the study of human behavior in its different facets and fields.
- Within the main branches of psychology are clinical, social, cognitive, educational, work and family.
- Clinical psychology is the best-known branch of psychology that focuses on the study and approach of the psychological problems of the individual.
- The branches of psychologyprovide specific and in-depth knowledge of each aspect of the individual and the environments where he operates.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.