Death is a highly variable concept that starts from the culture, religion and thought of the person. In addition, it also influences the belief or not of life after death, and everything that entails the end of the course on the earthly plane.

In this sense, thanatology is a science that addresses everything related to death and its manifestations. It intervenes in the grieving process and all the phenomena or factors presented by the mourners who live it.

Likewise, this science has as its main objective the channeling of the process and the appropriation of the patient, focusing on their quality of life to thus absent suffering and consummate their desires as much as possible.

Next, we present an article in which you can discover more about this important science, related to one of the most difficult stages of the human being: death.

What is thanatology?

The name of thanatology originates in Greek mythology, born from the name of the God who represented death, Thanatos. And, of the wordlogosthat has as meaning reason or study.

It was considered a branch of forensic medicine by 1908, afterElie Metchnikoffreceived a Nobel Prize in Medicine.

It is then thanatology, the science that helps to make sense of the process of death and that which helps to cope with losses. This orientation can be directed in two directions: in theory, studying how the phenomenon influences society, or in practice helping people close to death and their families.

Characteristics of thanatology

In the research entitled “Thanatology and its fields of application“, it is quite explicit the way in which it deals with the circumstances surrounding the phenomenon of death, focused mainly on the transition for the patient and his relatives.

Next, we mention which are the main characteristics of this science and how its specialty is distributed in the field.

Addresses related to human death

Di Caprio and Di Palma, in 1999, published their book entitled: “Medicine and death” from which, in subsequent investigations, we see extracted fragments that define death as aging and progressive deterioration of the organic and functional process.

It seeks then, with thanatology, to know all the possible reactions to the circumstances to be able to mediate the interpretation that is given to it. It is oriented towards seeing death as a less tragic and inevitable process, in order to be able to accept it more easily.

It is based on scientific methods and forensic techniques

Thanatology is quite broad in general aspects, but this part of the principle of detachment to horrify the process less. It is understood then, that understanding is sought in a technical and natural way to turn it into an alien event.

As a discipline and branch of biology, it has both biological and social aspects to its context. It allows the validity of focusing on pronouncing order within disorder.

For the Fundamentals of Forensic Medicine , thanatology encompasses the study of death as an event and all the circumstances that occurred to get there.

It is executed by a thanatologist specialist

The thanatologist is the specialist, who through courses or diplomas, has the ability to direct the individual to work on a grieving process for any significant loss.

It is in charge of teaching how mourning is carried out, accompanies the person during the process and intervenes when there are complications in it.

Focuses on appeasing the pain of death

The objectives of this branch of medicine are focused on understanding both the patient and their relatives, theoretically or practically.

The emotional emptiness and lack of motivation are a consequence of the destabilization that occurs after a death event, and thanatology attends to the aspects for conformity, without ceasing to validate the feelings that are produced in our being.

Provides what is necessary for a dignified death

In the thesis presented under the title: ” Guidance for parents who present losses in children “ , it is exposed how the thanatologist helps the dying person to accept their condition, and also avoid the unnecessary prolongation of suffering.

In its fields of application , the way in which it takes care of the interests of the patient is outstanding, allowing him to:

  • Absence of suffering
  • Conflict relief
  • wish fulfillment
  • Understanding the limitations you suffer
  • Options and Possibilities Exercise

All this, taking care of what is ideal and that considers the right to a dignified death, which we must all allow ourselves, moving away from the social construction that we have imposed on ourselves by avoiding death.

Death with dignity, it is important to mention, can be provided to those who care for incurable diseases or those in terminal phases, such as those who have cancer in the fourth stage.

Establish bonds of trust with family members and medical personnel

It is essential to create a bond, to be able to internalize with individuals what their true feelings are.

A thanatologist develops empathy, treating people experiencing loss with respect and care. And in the same way with the patient, to be able together to make decisions related to their situation.

Guillermo Solana Alonso, from Barcelona, is a translator of a book entitledThe death of loved onestag. With his journalism and philosophical anthropology, he demonstrated in different articles the importance of individualistic influence and how the perspective is glimpsed from Spanish society.

Helps cope with the grieving process

Mourning is pain, grief, sorrow for the absence of something or someone. And in fact, this concept is put into practice for all those processes where we face the loss of an affective bond.

It is then that with mourning thoughts and behaviors that are alien to us usually occur, being motivated by the process we are going through. And it is for this reason that this science is oriented to guide, reducing the impact that a loss has on our being.

In ” Testament of life, legacy for my daughters “, Griselda Constantino exposes the importance of knowing how to carry, understand and assimilate the death of a loved one. Thanatology is redeemed by acknowledging the loss and avoiding facing the formation of thoughts that make us consider death as something bad, negative, and tragic.

The grieving process consists of the seven standardized phases, where the absence is received and its significance is gradually understood. Then they are experienced and oriented to handle all the feelings that are generated.

Objectives of thanatology

As we have previously mentioned, the basis of Thanatology is to provide help to patients with terminal illnesses or their relatives, who are facing the loss of this loved one.

Therefore, below we break down each of the objectives that are present in this discipline.

Treat psychological suffering

In the research work entitled ” Grief “ , the support to treat psychological suffering is defined as the professional path to identify our emotions and the tools we have to deal with them.

It allows, then, to define and allow us to take the most correct alternative for our needs, and have as its purpose, to get out of this state.

Take care of the important relationships of the patient

The restructuring of the meaning of death that thanatology offers us is capable of allowing us to confront one another in order to close cycles with people with whom we have affective ties, who are facing an unpleasant experience.

Irreversible losses of this type change many things in our way of thinking, so preparation and recognition of the type of mourning that is going to occur is essential.

Reduce physical pain

People who are under Palliative Medicine (care for the terminally ill) seek support from thanatologists to lessen the effect of decreased health and acceptance of their condition.

Clinically, its motto is: “Help the terminally ill to live without pain and respecting their ethical requirements”

Help in spiritual suffering

For Jimenez P, in” Spirituality as an unconscious and thinking characteristic in the thanatological being “ , he defines spirituality as the meeting of the essence, the universal energy, and where he can create a link with his being.

Elisabeth Kübler Rosshelped break down the taboo surrounding the terminally ill, and with her approaches she gave them the opportunity to prosecute. It is allowed, with all this, to give them an opportunity to conclude their existence in a dignified way to find acceptance and peace from a biological farewell.

fulfill the last wishes

Thanatology also works as a principle that promotes the autonomy of the individual, fulfilling their last wills or wishes, being linked to their life or what will come after their death.

So, this helps to reduce psychological suffering, the most common being a delegation of responsibilities.

Manage legal procedures

With that same autonomy, which is previously mentioned with respect to the wishes of the patient in different areas, living or legal wills can be made, or rejection of unnecessary prolongation of his life.

Importance of thanatology in the grieving process

“We are here to heal each other and ourselves. Not a healing as in physical recovery, but a much deeper healing. The healing of our spirits, of our souls.” This is what Kübler Ross mentions in his bookLife Lessons .

In this sense, the perspective and openness that thanatology provides in people’s paradigms is the tool to build ourselves internally. The processes are individual, but the confidence and autonomy that this science allows us allows us to tolerate absences and changes in life.

In the thesis entitled ” Hurts “, it is allowed to highlight how the transition through a grieving process and how it has resulted, develops adaptations in our being. The ideal is to know how to facilitate it and allow us to understand that there are specialists who can lend a hand to accompany us during the process.

It is important to note that we will never obtain an objective meaning from death, since although it is a natural process that is linked to many beliefs and cultures, what we can do is prepare for it, understand the nature of everything that is experienced with it. , and make healthy the fact of considering it normal.

Healing the pain of the dying process is what could define thanatology as a job. And sometimes, support the technicality of pathological mourning to connect with the biological and obtain accurate answers and for many individuals, logical.

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