The nodes are located in different areas of the body such as armpits, neck, groin and are consideredsmall organs that are under the skin. They are structures that have less than a centimeter in diameter and are part of the lymphatic system.
The inflammation of the lymph nodes are an alert to go to the doctor, since detecting inflammation will allow the identification of infections or diseases, so in the next article we will talk about what are the swollenlymphnodes, causes and symptoms they present, together with the treatment that must be applied.
ToggleWhat are swollen glands?
Lymph nodes arenodules located in different parts of the bodyand function as a defense against different infections. They are easy to feel in areas such asears, armpits, neck and groin. They are formed by cells of the body, mainly the immune system, so they usually occur in the face of adversity, risks and infections.
Important: The inflammation of the lymph nodes, depending on their location, can also identify the area of infection, that is, detect that the only nodes are inflamed in the neck area, allows to be linked to infectionsin the respiratory area, including otitis. (1)
Causes of swollen nodes
As we have previously mentioned, there are certain reasons that can causeinflammation of the lymph nodes, which will be mentioned and described below for recognition.
1. Infections
Swollen, reddened and increased lymph nodes are usually theresult of the presence of an infection in the body. This allows to recognize the infectious agents in the areas where the lymph nodes are inflamed or at least in a nearby perimeter, so it allows to emphasize that they are then animmune response of the organism.
Note: Lymph nodes often increase the production of white blood cells in order to fight infection.
2. Immune disorders
The presence of disorders that affect and compromise the immune system at a generalized level, can lead to the appearance of swollen ganglia throughout our body, these disorders can be understood as: HIV, AIDS, mononucleosis, leptospirosis, tuberculosis, lupus, among others. .
3. Cancer
Swollen nodes may suggest the presence or existence of cancer in the body, in addition to having an influence in some cases, the part of the body where the swollen node appears may be indicative of the presence of cancer there.
Note: This disease usually advances towards these nodules and enlarges their size and for the same reason, hardens. (two)
Symptoms of swollen glands
Swollen lymph nodes present a characteristic symptomatology , which will be mentioned and described below in order to allow their identification and recognition if necessary.
1. Pain and tenderness
Pain and tenderness are quite characteristic symptoms, because they usually occur when the body is affected by an infection. It is attacked from the application of certain treatments and reduce its size in this same way, up to normal.
2. Flu ailments
Because there is an infection against which the body is fighting, symptoms similar to the discomfort of a flu appear, because it is a constant response of the immune system to these external and infectious agents. Among the ailments that occur are runny nose, sore throat and even fever.
3. Hardening and growth
The hardening and increase in the size of the inflamed ganglia is produced by what is considered as adenopathy (disease related to the lymph nodes)tag. They are presented for infectious reasons, and allow the detection of threats in the body.(3)
4. Fever
High levels of fever, intermittent and variable, are another way to identify the presence of an infection in the body. This is because the presence ofhigh temperatures means an alteration in the immune system.
5. Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain is one of the most persistent symptoms in swollen lymph nodes, which can also be recognized as an indication of the presence of disorders that usually go hand in hand with them, such as gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections. (4)
Treatment for swollen glands
Although swollen glands are in very few cases of debatable severity, different types of treatments are appliedto reduce their symptoms and discomfort. They will be mentioned and described below.
1. Apply warm compresses
Warm compresses are applied to reduce swellingand help to return to normal size for the same reason. The principle of its use is due to the increase in blood flow and also promotes the relaxation of the affected area.
2. Rest properly
Rest allows the body to fulfill its immune activity and effectively combat external agents or elements that can influence and affect the body.
3. Take pain-relieving drugs
Analgesics are oriented to be applied as an anti-inflammatory treatment and the relief or reduction of pain that is present in the body. They are responsible for acting in different ways in the body and in the Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System.
5. See your doctor if necessary
If inflammation persists, changes in color, size, temperature and pain occur that produce limitations in the individual, it is extremely necessary to attend a medical professionalwho can identify the reasons for the swollen lymph nodes and the relevant treatment.
Key Findings
- The nodes are nodules approximately one centimeter in diameter that are located in different parts of the body and are part of a complicated network of the lymphatic system.
- The main cause of swollen glands is an Alarm Systemthat indicates the presence of an infection. It is an immune response of the organism.
- The symptoms of swollen glands are usually quite compromising, presenting fever, pain, hardness and growth.
- Analgesics are applied to combat pain and infectious agents, as are warm compresses to increase blood flow and bring relief.
- It is important to see a doctorto determine the nature of the immune response and what is the appropriate treatment. It can be an indication of serious diseases, even cancer.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.