The onion, whose scientific name is Allium Cepa , is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Amaryllidaceae family . Onions are used not only to make gastronomic preparations, but also for medicinal purposes and skin care .

This plant has many health benefits, since it has a low caloric value and high fiber content , it is also a source of some vitamins such as C, B1, B6, E and minerals such as potassium, calcium, among others.

For this reason, in the following article we share with you the most outstanding benefits of onion for health , as well as its nutritional properties and the ideal ways to consume it to take advantage of its benefits.

What are the health benefits of onion?

There are various benefits of onion for our health, in fact, Ángeles Carbajal Azcona, professor of the Department of Nutrition, of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Complutense University of Madrid (1) , through some studies, revealed various findings regarding the benefits of the onion, which we present below:

1. Strengthens the immune system

Onion helps fight fungus, infections and viruses in large numbers . Therefore, it also acts as a barrier against immunosuppression, has a large antiviral component and contains bactericides.

2. Promotes circulation

A good source that improves blood circulation is onion, as it helps the arteries and veins to widen , increasing blood flow, which in turn increases the blood’s ability to dissolve internal clots. 

3. Reduces blood sugar level

Due to its high degree of flavonoid, also called quercetin, onion helps reduce blood sugar levels and cardiovascular diseases.

To highlight: Quercetin is a vegetable pigment whose content in onion is 300 mg for every 100 g of consumption, which is easily absorbed by the body and fulfills a cardioprotective function.

4. Lowers cholesterol

Thanks to the large volume of antioxidants that onion contains, eating it reduces bad cholesterol or also called Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). 

Note: Cholesterol is a substance similar to fat , which is found in all cells of the body. Bad cholesterol is the one that accumulates in the arteries and clogs them, causing various health problems.

5. Lowers blood pressure

Quercetin is a flavonoid present primarily in the onion, it helps to reduce high blood pressure , in people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. 

6. Improves the digestive system

According to a study carried out by the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (2) , consuming onion raw greatly helps digestion, since it contains nutrients such as essential oils, fiber, vitamin E and C among others to improve digestion. 

7. Combat respiratory conditions

This vegetable, thanks to its amount of alliin, sulfur and flavonoids , works as a natural antibiotic to attack bacteria and infectious processes that trigger respiratory diseases such  as cough .

You should know: Alliin is a sulfoxide derived from the amino acid cysteine, which when in contact with the enzyme allinase is transformed into allicin, responsible for the characteristic odor of both garlic and onion, which greatly favors the health of the respiratory tract . (3)

8. Eliminate fluid retention

On the other hand, onion is highly recommended if you suffer from fluid retention . It is an excellent diuretic that greatly helps the elimination of fluids from the body. 

To highlight: The purple onion (variety of onion) has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and purifying properties , as well as high levels of water in its composition, which contributes to the expulsion of toxic substances from the body through urine.

9. Strengthens bones

Due to its high calcium content , the onion contributes to the strengthening of the bones. In this sense, sulfur and calcium combined also help to enhance bone density , avoiding degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis. 

10. Prevents cancer

Some studies carried out reveal that onion (like other fruits and vegetables) produces great benefits against cancer thanks to its antioxidant capacity (4)

In this sense, frequently eating this vegetable inhibits the growth of tumors , all thanks to the high source of nutrients it contains such as quercetin, vitamin C and fiber.

What properties does the onion have?

At this point we will talk about the nutritional properties of onion, highlighting its diuretic, expectorant, bactericidal, fungicidal , antithrombotic and cardioprotective action. Next, the main nutritional components of onion:

1. Vitamins

Not only can we use onion when seasoning our meals, but it helps purify the body in multiple ways , as well as eliminate nasal congestion and other respiratory ailments.

This is thanks to the large number of vitamins it contains, such as vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E and carotene , the latter two with a high antioxidant function.

2. Minerals

Among the minerals that this vegetable has are potassium, phosphorus, selenium, calcium and magnesium , without forgetting that it contains 90% water and offers us a great source of fiber.

3. Other components

The onion contains various components and for every 100 g of consumption you can get 1.7 g of dietary fiber, 1.1 g of protein, 40 calories , 9 g of carbohydrates and 4.2 g of sugars. 

You should know: The onion has a very low percentage of fat (0.1 g), is rich in water (90%) and does not contain cholesterol, which gives it its cleansing and detoxifying properties (5)

How to consume the onion?

Whether raw or cooked, consuming onions brings numerous nutritional benefits in addition to the beneficial effects on your health. 

Note: The manufacturing processes of this vegetable, either frying or cooking, do not produce a great loss of flavonoid content , so its properties to improve the functioning of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas are preserved.

Next, we share some ideal ways to consume the onion to take advantage of all its benefits: 

1. Onion tea

Take advantage of the benefits of onion, since this tea results in a stronger flavor but at the same time positive for your body 


  • 2 onions 
  • 2 glasses of water


  • The onion is peeled and cut into large pieces, then crushed and boiled with two glasses of water for 10 minutes.
  • Subsequently, the water is strained, served and the tea is consumed. Its strong taste will not be pleasant but it will be effective and beneficial.

2. Infusion of onion with garlic and lemon

By mixing garlic , lemon and onion, you will have a high concentration of its vitamins and minerals . All this mixture will make you have good health, especially in the respiratory system, relieving coughing:


  • 2 onions
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2 lemons 
  • Water
  • 7 tablespoons of honey


  • Wash, peel and cut the onion and garlic, then place them in a pot with a liter of water and add the lemon peel. 
  • Boil for 15 minutes over medium heat. 
  • Once the time has elapsed, strain the infusion through a fine strainer. 
  • Later, add honey and lemon juice . Serve hot and enjoy.

Key Findings

  • The onion is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Amaryllidaceae family.
  • The onion offers us multiple benefits to our health , among them it strengthens the immune system, reduces blood sugar levels and lowers cholesterol.
  • Onion reduces blood pressure especially in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. It also strengthens bones and helps prevent cancer.
  • In the properties of the onion we find that it has diuretic action, it is an expectorant, bactericide and fungicide,
  • The onion can be eaten either raw or cooked . It is important to highlight that the processes of elaboration of this vegetable, either in frying or in cooking, do not alter a great loss of the content of its properties.

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