ToggleWhat is pulmonarom?
Pulmonarom®is a medicinal product containing bacterial lysates(1), particularly from respiratory tract pathogens, in a concentration of 60 millionCFU (Colony Forming Unit), for the prophylaxis of somerespiratory tract diseases.
Note: It should be noted that this pharmaceutical product is patented by the pharmaceuticalSanofi Aventis. (2)
What is pulmonarom for?
- Pulmonarom® is specifically usedto treat and prevent certain endemic respiratoryinfections, as well as respiratory tract infections from harmful environments.
- It is used to treat:
- Pneumonia.
- Tuberculosis. (3)
- Nonspecific airway conditions related to environmental pollutants.
- Common flu.
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
- Bronchial asthma.
Dosage and routes of administration of pulmonarom
The presentation of pulmonarom®is in ampoules, 3 mL UPC ina box of 10 to 20 ampoules, with an oral route of administration. The dose of this drug isunder medical recommendation, however, it is usually prescribed as follows:
- In adults and children over 2 years: One vial per day, preferably in the morning for 10 daystag. In more severe cases, up to two vials a day can be administered with due medical supervision.
Pulmonary Side Effects
The consumption of pulmonaryom® can cause in certain patients, some of the following Adverse effects :
- Adverse reactions due to contact with any of the components of Pulmonom®.
- Headache.
- Gastrointestinal upset.
- Excess mucus.
- Mild breathing complications.
You should know: If any of these symptoms appear during treatment with pulmonaryom® or another one not included in the list, you should stop taking it and notify your treating doctor.
Contraindications and warnings of the lung
Pulmonarom® is contraindicated in the following cases:
- Hypersensitivity to the active metabolite of bacteria.
- Children under 6 months.
- Do not administer during pregnancy or lactation without medical supervision.
Important: Before starting treatment with pulmonaryom®, it is advisable to give your doctor Information about your medical history .
Avoid if you have:
- Renal insufficiency.
- Hepatitis (strong swelling in the liver organ).
- To administer this medication, a prescription is required.
- It should not be administered to children under 2 years of age without medical supervision.
- Avoid self-medication.
- Keep the product out of the reach of children.
- Keep in a dry and cool place at a temperature not higher than 30°C.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.