Nature blesses us with another of its creations, such as the persimmon fruit . It has an interesting combination of chemical and nutritional compounds , which make it an excellent therapeutic option to prevent the appearance of certain pathologies.
In the following article, we give you important information about the benefits of this fruit, so that you can benefit from it,
What is persimmon?
The persimmon or palo santo , is the common name of a variety of trees cultivated for their fruits called persimmons, whose word comes from the Japanese kaki. The scientific name of persimmon is Diospyros kak i, which means “fruit of divine fire”.
It is a fruit native to China and Japan, it has a sweet taste, it is bright orange or red in color and has a fleshy pulp, and it contains a high nutritional value. There are three species of persimmon, the one from China, the one from Japan and the one from Virginia, where the first is the most cultivated.
Note: Persimmon varieties differ in astringent and non-astringent . An intervention work on ” Food products derived from persimmon and method of obtaining it” , details the astringent and non-astringent characteristics of this fruit for human consumption. (1)
persimmon properties
This fruit contains very interesting properties that make it a good nutritional option for people of all ages. Here we describe the most relevant:
The palo santo fruit stands out for its high content of vitamin A (retinol), B complex vitamins such as B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and B3 ( niacin ), as well as a significant amount of vitamin C (acidic acid) . ascorbic), which gives it many of the benefits of vitamins for the body .
Potassium stands out in this line , followed by phosphorus, calcium, sodium, copper, zinc and iron. These minerals highlight their participation in various body systems such as the circulatory, immune, and musculoskeletal system.
To highlight: An article entitled “ Mineral profile of kaki fruits (Diospyros kaki L.)”, compares the contribution of minerals from this fruit, with the recommended daily allowances (RDA), to maintain good health. (two)
The literature indicates that this fruit provides approximately 127 calories per 100-gram portion. of the fruit. This is due to the large amount of carbohydrates it has.
It should be noted that the persimmon fruit is an exceptional source of water. Likewise, it contains antioxidants such as catechins, beta-carotenes, gallocatechiae and betulinic acid.
To highlight: Due to its high content of carbohydrates , its intake is not suitable for diabetics or patients diagnosed with renal failure.
Health benefits of persimmon
Thanks to its nutritional and chemical properties, this fruit offers many medicinal benefits when consumed. We indicate below, the most common:
Strengthens the body’s defenses
The presence of vitamin C, as well as the variety of flavonoids, make this fruit a powerful antioxidant, preventing the degenerative action of free radicals , mitigating the premature aging of the body’s cells. It also has betulinic acid, to which anti-retroviral, antimalarial and anti-inflammatory properties are attributed.
Note: A study on “Betulinic acid, a potent inhibitor of eukaryotic topoisomerase I: identification of the inhibitory step, the major functional group responsible and development of more potent derivatives” , refers to the action of this antioxidant on malignant cells in the body. (3)
Prevents cardiovascular diseases
Thanks to its antioxidant action, the consumption of this delicious fruit prevents the formation of low-density cholesterol (LDL) or bad cholesterol, which causes the appearance of arteriosclerosis, with the consequent appearance of cardiovascular diseases.
Reduces cholesterol levels
The antioxidants present in the persimmon fruit are molecules capable of delaying or preventing the oxidation of other molecules within the body, such as preventing the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL), a lipid that sticks to the walls of veins and arteries, causing arteriosclerosis.
Regulates high blood pressure
For the regulation of blood pressure in hypertensive people, the persimmon fruit has antioxidants that prevent the formation of atheromas in the walls of the veins and arteries, helping to improve blood flow.
Additionally , it has a lot of water and a high amount of potassium , elements that contribute to the elimination of excess sodium, which also causes hypertensive effects in the body.
Note: Potassium also helps relax blood vessel walls, which helps further lower blood pressure.
Protects eye health
One of the important vitamins contained in this fruit is retinol or vitamin A, and one of its functions is to produce pigments in the retina of the eye , helping in the proper functioning of vision.
In an informative article of the FAO , it is highlighted that the contribution of vitamin A in the consumption of a daily persimmon covers the needs of the organism with respect to this vitamin. (4)
Strengthens bones and teeth
Among the minerals that make up this kind fruit, there is calcium and phosphorus, which play a leading role in the protection and formation of the bone system and teeth.
Improves intestinal transit
This fruit has an interesting content of soluble fiber such as pectin and mucilage and a considerable amount of insoluble fiber. Pectin and mucilages retain water, increasing the volume of feces and facilitating intestinal transit , thus avoiding constipation.
Fight anemia
Iron deficiency anemia occurs when the blood does not have enough iron, so the body does not have enough capacity to produce red blood cells, minimizing the transport of oxygen to the cells.
Note: This fruit provides iron , which helps the formation of blood cells and prevents the onset of iron deficiency anemia.
Improves hair and skin health
For healthy skin, this fruit provides vitamins from the B complex and vitamin C, which act on cell regeneration of the tissues responsible for hair growth. It has the presence of minerals such as zinc and iron that are involved in the maintenance of hair and skin.
Protects cells from free radicals
Free radicals are molecules that are made during the normal metabolism of cells , causing aging, DNA alterations, cardiovascular diseases, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, increasing bad cholesterol levels and promoting the appearance of cancer.
The antioxidants provided by this fruit prevent these free radicals from acting on healthy cells , damaging them, causing premature aging.
How to consume persimmon?
This fruit is very versatile, and can be used and combined with other ingredients, including cereals, to prepare delicious and nutritious foods. Here we show you how to prepare two simple recipes:
persimmon smoothie
This is a drink for breakfast or snack , providing the necessary nutrients to start the day or to recover from the daily hustle and bustle. Here’s how to prepare it:
- pieces of persimmon
- Vegetable or skimmed milk
- Ice
- sweetener to taste
- First take a persimmon, wash it, peel it, and then cut it into pieces.
- Then in a blender, add the milk, place the persimmon pieces, place ice and the sweetener to your liking.
- Then blend the mixture until you get a creamy smoothie.
- Serve as you like.
persimmon jam
To make persimmon jam, we only need three basic ingredients: persimmon, sweetener, and lemon or orange juice. And if we also want to add a touch of aroma, we can incorporate products such as lemon zest into the recipe. Here we explain how to do it:
- Khaki
- Water
- Lemon or orange juice
- Lemon or orange zest
- sweetener to taste
- We start by washing the persimmons, cutting them in half and removing the pulp.
- Then, we put the pulp of the persimmons in a pot, add the sugar and the lemon juice.
- Next, we constantly stir with a wooden spoon or spatula and let the persimmon jam cook over low heat until the sugar dissolves and it acquires the desired consistency.
- When you consider that it is ready, we transfer the jam mixture into sterilized glass jars, close and leave them upside down until it cools completely.
- Done, enjoy!!!
Tip: Remove the seeds from the pulp beforehand so that the jam is smoother.
Key Findings
- The persimmon is consumed fresh or processed and stands out for its juiciness and sweetness.
- The most cultivated is the persimmon from China.
- It stands out for its high composition of vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, as well as phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium and potassium.
- This fruit helps reduce the risks of cardiovascular and degenerative pathologies.
- Fights anemia, improves intestinal transit and promotes healthy hair and nails.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.