For theWorld Health Organization (WHO), drugs are substances introduced into the body by any route and that produce alterations in the functioning of the CNS (central nervous system). Therefore, they are susceptible to creating physical or psychological dependence.
There are many varieties in different types of drugs, but the fateful factor is triggered from their metabolism and the creation of a withdrawal syndrome.
It is from there, that all factors play key roles in the development of what we know as drug addiction.
In the following article we will explain the reasons why this condition is generated, its consequences and what treatments can be applied to combat it.
What is drug addiction?
Drug addiction is a word composed of drugs and addiction. It is considered a disease capable of affecting the behavior of a person and the correct functionality of their brain, being motivated by the inability to control the consumption of certain substances that affect our Central Nervous System (CNS).
The risk of addiction that develops with substances depends on the nature of it and the affinity that our body has. Addictionis complexly motivated by biological, psychological and social factors.
It is then that we will break down all the potential reasons for what we know as drug addiction.
Causes of drug addiction
There are many factors of genetic, biological, psychological, social, cultural, personality and even family nature that can motivate the development of dependent behaviors. They produce predisposition and triggers for the consolidation of this pathological phenomenon.
There are studies that also expose how scientifically the chemical process in the brain for the development of addiction has been proven.
All of the above mentioned then pushes us to understand this event, and then we will mention in detail what those triggering reasons are and how they afflict the most vulnerable.
satisfaction of curiosity
Most young people who use substances for the first time have been attracted by curiosity obtained from external experiences in friends or acquaintances. Imitation, rebellion and the desire to feel independent face the risk of starting and escalating to addiction.
In the book published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Danger entitled ” Drug abuse in young adolescents, and family vulnerability “ , it is mentioned that on many occasions and for the reasons previously stated, they seek to test in a single occasion and later become accustomed to consumption.
Social pressure for the environment
Addicted people often sell the product as something magical. They explain the incredible sensations they make you experience and judge you if you are not willing to try or experience it.
You have to have your own criteria and sustainability, when saying that it is not important so as not to allow ourselves susceptibility to these situations of influence. It happens many times that the targets are attacked in moments of vulnerability and are even given drugs without their knowledge and consent.
Eager to experience new things
Young people are usually the easiest target in these circumstances since fashion, stress, vulnerability, social circle, rebellion and emotional states are motivational factors for new experiences and disconnecting from their reality.
Traumatic emotional experiences
Problems in the family circle define certain personality characteristics, conflicts, beliefs, perceptions about consumption can produce inclination as certain risk factors.
The existing possibility of escaping from the recurring post-traumatic sensation is often motivational for the consumption of psychotropic or psychoactive substances.
Emotional depression, low self-esteem, deaths of people with important affective ties, discourage self-care and push the feeling that everything has lost meaning.
Escape from tensions, stress and frustration
There is an article on Drug Addiction as a substance use disorderand they emphasize that people with constant exposure to stress, depression and attention deficit are more likely to become addicted to drug use. They actually use it as a way to deal with painful feelings.
rebellion and hostility
Especially in adolescence and youth, these types of factors appear, influencing the need to demonstrate their independence and ability to make decisions, clearly going down the wrong path. The adolescent is a being who energetically claims his autonomy and individuality.
dysfunctional family environment
Hostility in the family environment greatly affects the decisions of young people. All these situations influence the foundations of physical and mental health to achieve stability in adulthood.
Lack of affection and attention
In the previously mentioned work, it is also highlighted how adolescents present a high degree of vulnerability and when they present interaction problems with their parents, it affects the psycho-affective development of the young person, which leads to inconsistent and unpredictable behaviors.
Low selfsteem
In the research of the Department of Psychology of the University of La Coruña, Spain, entitled: ” Drug use and adolescent self-esteem , they explain how preventive programs include improving self-esteem, thus channeling the effects produced by these substances on Our organism.
The self-evaluation that a person has of himself will be his way of facing changes and situations. A person with low self-esteem is vulnerable, manipulable and weak, so they become easy prey for addiction.
Depression and sadness
One of the simplest ways to understand the vulnerability of a person with emotional problems is described in the thesis entitled: “Drug addiction” and is that: “The amount of time that the effect persists in the body, is equivalent to the abandonment of the problem”.
In this sense, the use of CNS depressants help to produce a feeling of relaxation and disconnection. The organism demands its constant consumption in a psychological and physical way, causing an increase in the amounts of consumption and triggering a dependency.
Performance Increase
In highly demanding work areas, drug use is used to counteract fatigue and push the body to the limit.
They are usually known as Smart Drugs, and there are surveys that show that at least 30% of the population in countries like the United States consume them. These types of drugs also produce stimulant effects and, according to their users, help with mental energy and motivation.
Absence of goals and life projects
Depression and lack of motivation brings with it the feeling of being incapable of many things, even of achieving a successful or at least normal life.
Therefore, the difficulty of creating goals produces a lack of interest in achieving stability and disconnects awareness from ourselves, so that falling into vices and throwing life overboard is always latent and tentative. Just need a little push…
Mental disorders
Although all drugs have counterproductive effects, in mental health they are also capable of aggravating existing ones. It is precisely the lack of awareness that frequently conditions the disposition to consume drugs and the ignorance of its risks.
genetic predisposition
If there is addiction in blood relatives such as parents or siblings, by sharing genetics there is a greater possibility of presenting addictions as well. It is important to recognize when an individual under these circumstances seeks help.
Consequences of drug addiction
Drug addiction destabilizes us, in neurochemical alterations that modify our mood, the development of withdrawal symptoms, weakening of the immune system and deterioration of mental health.
Below we mention what are the main consequences of this disease.
Family and social conflicts
At the Institute of Neurosciencesthey explain how drug use destroys relationships and causes loss of friendships, since you basically stop participating in the world. We stop understanding how to solve conflicts and the whole world revolves around drugs as a solution.
It causes serious consequences at an economic level as well, and discussions often escalate to another level when a person is under effects that alter their responses.
Respiratory disorders
According to the bulletin published by the ANMM Therapeutic Clinic , it was confirmed how drugs cause various problems, from irritations with the constant consumption of marijuana to bronchospasm and alterations in the functions of the lungs with carcinogenic potential.
There is a page called The Drug-Induced Respiratory Disease Website and it was created with the intention of listing drugs and medications in alphabetical order, together with the clinical manifestations they present, so that doctors and consumers can correctly handle the medication under prescription.
neurodegenerative problems
The way drugs wreak havoc on the brain leads to loss of coordination and language in the long run. Among the main consequences of high risk at the neurological level, the following can be mentioned:
- Altered synaptic connections
- DNA alteration
- neurochemical changes
- Decreased dopamine in the body
- Raising the threshold of pleasure
- Paranoia
- Insomnia
- Depression
Cardiac alterations
Cardiovascular diseases are associated with alterations in arrhythmias. The consumption of substances that are harmful to health usually produces changes in the structure and arterial functions of the body, which, as a consequence, leads to a diagnosis of arterial aging and vascular damage.
Many times deaths occur due to system collapses due to high heart rate and heart failure, since they alter blood pressure. It is important to mention that one of the drugs that leads to greater alterations at the cardiovascular level iscocaine .
Anxiety, insomnia and bad mood
Insomnia is mainly produced by the decrease or complete loss of quality of life, since the perception of reality is often lost and the ability to even distinguish schedules and routines disappears.
Irritability is usually due to the decrease in dopamine levels in the body, due to the false signals of direct pleasure that the consumption of addictive substances entails.
The overdose is defined by CCaddictions, as the excess of substances, be it drug or medicine, in such a way that it reaches toxic levels in our bloodstream. Normally, they are produced by the impulsive behavior of excessive consumption in short periods of time due to the tolerance that develops to the substance in question.
We consider it important and pertinent to mention the different most common signs to recognize an overdose:
- Confusion
- Difficulty breathing
- cold clammy skin
- seizures
- Unconsciousness
drug addiction treatment
There are several options to treat a person who has developed dependence on addictive substances. It is considered a chronic disease and care is needed in the medium and long term so that you can recover your life.
Below we mention certain treatments that have obtained satisfactory results in drug addicts to different degrees.
Clinically assisted detoxification
There are rehabilitation organizations such as Narcotics Anonymous, which are in charge of guiding and empowering the situations of individuals who have developed addiction to certain types of substances.
They are human services, where they specialize professionally to offer help to overcome the impetuous needs of these people on a day-to-day basis.
Behavioral Therapies
These types of therapies are intended as methods of relapse prevention. They are based on the study of the behaviors developed, to identify and correct them.
It seeks to improve self-control and usually yields results preserving the achievements obtained in this type of treatment.
In an article developed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, titled: ” DrugAddiction Treatment Approaches” , they explain how medicines help suppress withdrawal symptoms during the body’s detoxification process.
Rehabilitation patients must take medications that help restore proper brain function and also reduce cravings for drugs.
The drugs are directed directly to treat certain types of addictions, and if the person consumes more than one, they must take treatment for all of them.
Withdrawal Treatment
Withdrawal treatment begins when the person stops consuming those substances that their body requires, presenting both physical and emotional symptoms. This process lasts from 1 to 10 weeks approximately.
Medications are used to reduce these symptoms, as previously mentioned, and it is monitored so that relapses do not occur during the detoxification process.
Permanent control and supervision
Supervision of the correct execution of the applied treatment is key to success. In theManual on drug abuse treatment , they explain that the objective of this control is to determine to what extent the objectives are being met in both psychoactive substance and alcohol treatment.
Recording of the obtained results is important for the family, the medical staff and the official planners of organizations that help people with addictions.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.