Low back pain is anannoying, uncomfortable and desperate painthat patients of any age can suffer. The causes of this condition can be from a bad movement to the suffering of diseases.

To reduce the chances of suffering from low back pain, certain actions such as carrying very heavy objects, sedentary lifestyle and explosive movements should be avoided.

On the other hand, there is a wide variety ofvery effective treatments, which can partially or completely reduce low back pain. Next in this article we will let you know all these data about this pathology.

What is a lumbago?

Low back pain is pain in the lower back, caused by injury to muscles, nerves, ligaments, vertebrae or intervertebral discs. This discomfortcan last for days or months, preventing the patient from performing their daily activities and in some cases produces work disability.

Similarly, this pathologycan affect both men and women, and rarely occurs in children. Generally, it happens when performing work of great physical effort, overload, which exerts flexion of the trunk. It manifests itself especially in those who have a life in sedentary lifestyle.

Note: According to theSpanish Society of Rheumatology (SER), it is a “pain that is located in the lower back area, between the lower limit of the ribs and the gluteal area” and it is estimated that85 percent of the population will suffer at least one episode throughout their lives and is the main cause of sick leave in individuals under 50 years of age. (1)

Causes of lumbago

A low back pain is a pathology, whichchanges the daily lifeof those who suffer from it. Many times, without realizing it, we have activities that can cause this condition. Here are themost common causesof this condition:

Lifting heavy objects

When lifting heavy objects and making sudden movements, excessive and violent stretchingof the muscle ligaments occurs. This creates muscle tears or a strain in the spine.

Also, the pain can vary depending on the severityof the muscle strain. Mild lumbar discomfort can heal on its own in the short term, while chronic pain requires specialized medical attention for a long time.

Important: A study carried out at the “Fructuoso Rodriguez” Teaching Orthopedic Hospital in Cuba, resulted in the majority of pain being mechanical vertebral low back pain, which requires primary care treatment, where recovery is always favourable. (two)

incorrect body posture

for low back pain. Making rapid, explosive movements can

When we make Sudden Movements, passive tissues exert a greater force than they are used to. Thiscauses muscle pain, and doing activities like pushing and pulling can also create lower back pain.

To highlight: A study carried out in Costa Rica revealed that one of the most efficient ways to prevent low back pain is the correction of vicious postures in the, change ergonomics at work and occupational health. (3)

Fractures, sprains and tears

Some fractures can cause backbone slippagein the lower back. This instability derives anerve root pain. Falls in childhood often reflect discomfort and lower back pain in adulthood.

Similarly, low back pain caused by tears and fallsusually last less than 3 months. They are more common in adults over the age of 55, due to the wasting of the muscles at that age.

Herniated discs

Herniated discs usually produce low back pain that evolves and is irradiated , which is closely related to the nerve endings in the lower back, and can go from the gluteal region, the face, or the arms to the heel of the foot. .

Likewise, hernias often compress the nerve rootsof the lumbar spine. This causes pain that goes into phases of increasing, numbing, and numbness.

Serious diseases

There are diseases such as Discarthrosis and isthmic spondylolisthesis, which can affect young adult patients. The discs of the vertebra wear out, causing inflammation and instability when walking.

Note: It also causes severe muscle and nerve pain,which limits the patient to perform their common daily activities. Being treated quickly, she is successfully cured.

Sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle promotes muscle malfunction, since the lack of physical movement, combined with sudden abrupt actions, cause back pain.

Similarly, jobs that require sedentary postures,provide a high percentage of suffering low back pain. This causes the muscles to have a feeling of numbness, and maintaining the same position for a long time increases this pathology.

symptoms of low back pain

Low back pain has several stages of severity. The more symptoms there are, the more advanced the pathology is. For this reason, we explain in detail the common signs of this disease:

radiating pain

Radiating pain causes muscle spasms. It is usually a mild or chronic constant discomfort. This pathology can only affect the lumbar area, as it can also extend to other areas such as the legs and feet.

Note: This pain is an irritation of a nerve root, which spreads through various parts of the body, which is a constant discomfort that worsens when making movements.


One of the common symptoms that usually accompany this disease is numbness and tingling, which is a sign that occurs in different types of low back pain, whether with nervous pressure or not.

Note:When having lower back pain, there is usually tingling due to the inflammation caused in the affected area. This discomfort is caused by proteins within the vertebral space.

Muscle spasms

This sensation is the main symptom of low back pain and usually occurs when there is some nerve damage in the lower back,which causes weakness in the muscles of the extremities. The area becomes inflamed and there is pain when performing daily movements.

Treatment to relieve low back pain

Each patient may have lumbago with different symptoms. It is necessary to have a personalized treatment,with an early evaluation of all the patient’s medical history. The most effective ways to cure this pathology are as follows:

Analgesic drugs

Doctors often prescribesmedications to relieve pain, reduce swelling, and relaxmuscles. These drugs can be oral or intravenous, which are usually effective and the patient sees results in minutes.

Important: Some of these drugs require a prescription, others are available over the counter. The most recommended thing isto go to a specialist and not self-medicatetag. Low back pain that is not treated tends to become chronic and requires more aggressive medication with greater side effects.

Physiotherapy and ozone therapy

Therapeutic exercises often improve and rehabilitate the spine. These are recommended in patients who have low back pain for no more than 6 weeks. Physiotherapy should not be used for those withosteoarthritis, hernias and rheumatic history.

The symptoms of people suffering from low back pain usually decrease and the pain may disappeartag. On the other hand,ozone therapy is also used as an analgesic to relieve discomfort and reduce inflammation in the affected area.

Note: A study from the National University of Colombia , states that physical treatment is one of the most prescribed in patients with low back paintag. It is the most effective to be able to resume daily activity and return to the work environment successfully.(4)

Hot and cold applications

Heat and cold therapies are ideal for relieving back pain, which consist of placing hot pads or bandages on the affected area, where the heat reduces discomfort, while placing ice packs on the lower back helps decompress the muscles and reduces the tension and inflammation of the injury.

Avoid prolonged inactivity

Rest has always been recommendedas a treatment to reduce spinal problems. However,being inactive for a long period of time can be detrimental to health, causing muscle weakness, depression, and increased pain.

In case of suffering lumbago, it is preferable to rest for the first few daystag. After that, you should start physical activity progressively and eliminate sedentary lifestyle.

Tip: It is recommended to Practice Tai Chi for people who are coming out of a lumbar condition, since it is a relaxation discipline that helps flexibility.

A study from the University of Carabobo in Venezuela revealed that excessive rest can be harmful and should be limited until the patient does not feel so much pain. (5)


Surgery is the treatment used after various solutions have been triedand none have been successful. This procedure can range fromremoving herniated discs, emptying the nucleus pulposus or placing a prosthesis. Its objective is that the patient does not feel more pain and can start a daily life without any discomfort.

Key Findings

  • Lumbago is pain that occurs in the lowerBack.
  • It can affect people of different ages.
  • If the pain exceeds more than 3 months, it begins to be a chronic lumbago.
  • Low back pain of less than 3 months can be treated with physiotherapy, massages and common analgesics.
  • Lumbago due to hernias, it is recommended that they undergo surgical treatment. This is how whatever is affecting the spine is removed and root pain is eliminated.

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