The love between parents and children and all members of a family, is the fundamental element to strengthen the bonds of union and respect, this is because it is necessary for every human being to feel loved and admired by someone, starting with their family group.

Therefore, from the small nucleus that develops after the union of a couple, either by marriage or cohabitation, a family system is formed where the different generations are growing, adopting the values and particular references of each family.

However, for every family to live in harmony, a progressive maturation is necessary that is linked to love, demonstrations of affection and trust that distinguish every family group, in addition to the strengthening of family roots and ties.

For these reasons, below you will know what love of the family is about, its importance and the most effective keys to consolidate loving and affective bond in a family group.

What is love of family?

Anarticlepublished by theInstituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, the family is the most important scenario for the development of every human being.

In addition, it is the space where adaptive capacities are fostered and the sense of achievement is strengthened, in turn, it is the nucleus that unites people who share the same degree of consanguinity and where a large part of personal values, coexistence and respect are learned.

In this sense, it is understood as family love, the bond formed by the members of a group united by a kinship, where unconditional love is the one that prevails and is the most genuine.

Therefore, family love is responsible for the psychological development of children and family members, this affective process is one of the most solid because despite suffering fractures, it will always be present.

Keys to strengthen the love of family

The love of the family is built from the moment two people decide to unite their lives, from there different types of love emerge, however, one of the purest is the one with people who share a bond as strong as the to be family

It is important to maintain love and family union to strengthen coexistence and well-being of the family, therefore, below you will learn the best keys to strengthen love for the family:

1. Truly know the family

Getting to know each other among the members that make up the family is important and crucial for their good development, it goes beyond their physical characteristics, it is knowing how to differentiate their tastes, moods and interests.

Therefore, really knowing the strengths and disadvantages of the family group and each of its members helps to resolve and avoid possible conflicts, to make coexistence more enjoyable and, above all, to further consolidate affective ties.

2. Foster trust and security among all

The unconditional love that is born in family groups is closely linked to the trust that everyone has and that sense of security that emerges from family relationships that help increase happiness and the satisfaction of living with loved ones.

However, both elements must be built, consolidated and kept stable, this process is reinforced as time goes by and is determined thanks to the actions and attitudes of family members.

3. Establish moments to share

Every family must establish their own spaces to share and strengthen the bonds of union, this makes the union stronger and love grows, it also keeps them connected and increases the sense of belonging in each of the members, which is of great value for the cognitive development of the little ones.

4. Spend quality time

According to a Study published by the Child Indicators Research magazine , the good relationships that each human being maintains since childhood, be it with family and friends, is an important factor that intervenes in their good development and emotional health.

Its importance lies in the fact that in the early stages of human development, it is important for the person to learn to establish relationships, to be sociable and to behave according to society’s standards, therefore, these elements must be inculcated from home.

Therefore, it becomes imperative to dedicate time as a family to share their experiences, strengthen the ties that unite them and enjoy the company of loved ones, they can be on short weekend trips, an afternoon in the park or see a movie together. tag.

5. Apply empathy

Empathy is about being more sociable, empathetic and open with the people you live with, which is why it is a fundamental point for families, because maintaining good family relationships also entails getting along and maintaining a healthy coexistence.

On the other hand, empathy must be instilled in the development of children and reinforced in adults, it is a job that starts from home so that they can be pleasant people with good values.

6. Communicate assertively

Communication is the basis of any good family relationship, therefore it is the main element to strengthen the love between loved ones, because knowing how to express yourself and doing it clearly will avoid future conflicts.

In this sense, learning to communicate what you feel and make it known in the correct way to the other members of your family will help you to relate better, make known your affective feelings or disagreements, which will reinforce family love.

7. Identify conflicts and resolve them in a timely manner

According to the book “Psychology of “Psychology of love: Love in the family” , written by Bismarck Pinto, PhD in psychology, every loving family has problems, discussions and different points of view among its members.

The author explains that families that try to be normal to the point of believing themselves to be perfect tend to develop psychopathologies, because they try to be an example for society and do not focus on resolving family conflicts, but rather hide them.

For this reason, a united family that lives with love will always try to identify the adverse situations that arise, resolve them and be able to continue being an integral family where love reigns.

8. Seek well-being for all

A stable home, which lives with love and harmony, is one where the family in question is concerned about the well-being of each of the individuals that make it up, therefore, it is necessary that everyone feel comfortable with the type of coexistence and relationship they maintain.

However, moments may occur where one of the people does not feel satisfied with a particular situation, therefore, communication, respect for opinions and knowing how to resolve conflicts are the fundamental elements to recover family well-being.

9. Show affection and affection

Demonstrations of affection between family members are the purest and most sincere within the entire field of love, however, there may be members of the family group who find it difficult to express their emotions.

In this case, it is the duty of the whole family to show him how he can be affective so that love and feeling can be consolidated among all, in addition to any act of love that will always be well received by other individuals.

10. Value the qualities of each one

While it is true, being a family share the same genes and some similarities in terms of personalities, but this can vary because no person is totally the same as another.

For this reason, they must all know how to value the qualities of each member, know what their strengths or weaknesses are and learn to use them in favor of family well-being, this is also a key point for the resolution and prevention of conflicts.

11. Respect opinions and differences

As previously mentioned, due to the singularity between characters or attitudes of each individual, moments may arise where opinions regarding a common topic are different and differences develop that can range from tastes or interests to different thoughts.

Consequently, it is necessary for everyone to learn to respect the points of view of each person and, above all, for everyone to have the opportunity to express their opinions, this will strengthen the union, create an environment where respect prevails and will also help in social development. of individuals.

12. Convey joy, optimism and tranquility to everyone

The family is there to support each other at all times, whether the situations that the family group is going through are positive or negative, it is essential that they maintain optimism, tranquility and joy depending on the circumstance.

This, in addition to strengthening the bonds and the love that they have, generates an environment of security and protection, which is essential for the proper development and well-being of every family, it is the small details that make a harmonious prosperous family.

13. Be patient, tolerant and understanding

Tolerance goes hand in hand with respect for the opinions and differences that arise among all the individuals who live together, so being patient and understanding in these situations is essential to be able to handle and resolve any situation that arises.

At the same time, moments can arise where people lose their calm and the environment becomes negative, however, the particularity of family love is that despite any adverse event, the union that family members maintain makes everything come together. can solve.

However, as human beings, one must learn to be patient, tolerant and, above all, to understand the reasons for all kinds of situations, in order to be better people for society.

14. Strengthen spiritual life

Spiritual strengthening goes beyond believing in God or belonging to and practicing a particular religion, it is about knowing how to forgive and forgive yourself, staying in tune with positive energies and strengthening affective ties.

All of the above, it is essential that it be practiced among all the individuals of the family group so that they consolidate the love they have for each other and can live together healthily.

15. Carry out recreational activities

Recreational, sports or any type of leisure activities, when done in a group and with the people that make up your family group, tend to be enjoyed and experienced in a better way.

For this reason, carrying out any type of recreational activity will keep them together, strengthen the love between all of them, and be pleasant for the well-being of each member.

Importance of love for family

Loving the family, above all, makes better people develop for society, since it is in the home where the main values, norms and ethical conditions that every person must respect, exercise and comply with are instilled.

Therefore, it is important that all human beings form part of a family group where love, empathy and support are the fundamental bases, which in turn improves the quality of life and strengthens both personal and collective well-being.

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