Cellulite is a condition that is not dangerous, but on an aesthetic level, it represents a problem that can cause the appearance of psychological disorders.
In the following article, we give you the necessary information so that you know about this condition and learn how to overcome it.
What is cellulite?
Scientifically, gynecoid lipodystrophy or cellulite is defined as an alteration of the subcutaneous cell tissue due to disorders that occur in the blood and lymphatic microcirculation.
It is considered a metabolic disease , which manifests itself in the skin appearing bulging and with small irregularly shaped depressions known as orange peel .
Physiologically, it is the accumulation of fat in certain parts of the body such as the thighs, stomach and buttocks, which produces a very characteristic roughness on the skin . This occurs because the fat pushes the connective tissue under the skin and makes the surface of the skin look wrinkled and uneven.
Note: Cellulite is a very common and harmless skin condition that is more prevalent in women and occurs in most women during periods of hormonal changes.
It is important to note that obesity and cellulite are different disorders . Cellulite is not necessarily formed with obesity.
Causes of cellulite
Most of the causes are related to the person’s quality of life . Here we mention the most common:
Localized fat accumulation
The accumulation of adipose nodules in certain areas of the body, due to excess consumption of saturated fats , which are not used by the body for its metabolic functions, are accumulated under the dermis of the skin.
Excess fluids
Excess salt consumption causes the accumulation of sodium in the body, the main mineral present in this seasoning. To offset the harmful effect of this mineral, the body retains water.
The skin, unable to perform its drainage function correctly, causes the appearance of bumps and dimples on the skin of the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen. It is necessary to consume a lot of water so that our body does not retain excess fluids and they are excreted through the urinary tract.
Note: The continuous sitting position and the lack of exercise cause slow blood and lymphatic circulation.
Hormonal and genetic factors
Genetics play a huge factor in the development of cellulite . A scientific article entitled “Gynecoid lipodystrophy (cellulite)” states that genetics is an important factor in the development of this condition. (1)
Also hormones in stages such as menopause, pregnancy , and when you use birth control pills , alter the metabolism of women, affecting the appearance of cellulite.
Weight and muscle tone
Although body weight is not directly related to the formation of cellulite, it is an incident factor in its appearance . This is also important muscle tone.
If we have very little muscle development in some parts of the body, especially in the hips and thighs, the adipose tissue pushes the skin more and the orange peel effect will be more visible.
Tips to remove cellulite naturally
There are a variety of ways to correct, eliminate and prevent the appearance of this bad aesthetic appearance, especially in women. Here are ten tips to treat it naturally.
1. Maintain a balanced diet
It is important to consume good fats , vegetables, fruits and less saturated fats, refined carbohydrates and sugars, in addition to eating meals with a correct balance between foods with proteins , carbohydrates and fats.
2. Constantly hydrate
Sufficient fluid consumption during the day prevents fluid retention, thus reducing the appearance of cellulite.
3. Exercise regularly
Physical activity, especially aerobic activity , is indicated for the activation of metabolic processes , which will help to eliminate or reduce the accumulation of adipose tissue on the skin, especially legs and buttocks.
4. Avoid cigarette and alcohol consumption
It is already scientifically documented that the consumption of tobacco and nicotine generates an increase in the formation of free radicals that are harmful to the skin, attacking the collagen cells that form the skin and also elastin, causing fat to be more visible.
To highlight: A scientific article highlights the oxidative damage produced by nicotine with the supply and production of free radicals in the body. (two)
In another article on the “Influence of free radicals on cell aging” , some effects of nicotine are mentioned, including skin aging. (3)
5. Moderate the consumption of salt and coffee
The consumption of salt increases the concentration of sodium in the body , forcing the body to retain water to compensate for the excess of this mineral, affecting the appearance of cellulite on the skin.
Just as cigarette and alcohol consumption generates the formation of free radicals, molecules that are harmful to the body, caffeine consumption causes fluid retention and this contributes to increasing fat deposits in the skin. It is for this reason that coffee consumption favors the formation of cellulite.
6. Avoid prolonged inactivity
Prolonged sedentary lifestyle, coupled with an inadequate diet, affect the accumulation of adipose tissue on the skin, especially on the legs, abdomen and buttocks.
Tip: It is the recommendation to perform physical exercises of mild to moderate intensity.
7. Avoid tight clothing
The origin of gynecoid lipodystrophy is due to an inflammatory process in the adipose tissue that covers the body, and its appearance is easy with very tight clothes since they compress the body, causing blood circulation to be impaired, contributing to the evolution of cellulite, mainly on the legs.
8. Get localized massages
The objective of anti- cellulite massages is to stimulate circulation in the areas of the body most prone to cellulite , mobilizing the substances that have remained stagnant and return to their natural state so that the body can eliminate them.
Tip: These massages can be done with various types of creams, which can also be exfoliating and moisturizing.
9. Perform homemade exfoliations
Homemade scrubs that are used to combat cellulite activate blood circulation. For example, making a mixture using ground coffee, aromatic oil of your choice, and sugar is recommended to perform these exfoliations.
Note: Caffeine is the number one enemy of cellulite, but applied topically to the skin, it provides beneficial antioxidants.
10. Take cold showers
To activate the circulation of the skin, cold showers are indicated, favoring the initiation of physical activity. Applied locally, cold water can improve sagging, toning the skin and helping to reduce cellulite.
Key Findings
- Gynecoid lipodystrophy is aesthetically known as cellulite.
- Cellulite can have a strong genetic predisposition.
- It is not directly related to obesity.
- Lifestyle also influences its appearance .
- It is characteristic of women.
- It gets more complicated as you get older
- It can be reduced with a balanced diet, constant hydration, exercises, massages and cold water.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.