The grape fruit is one of the least consumed and therefore least known; It is mainly known for being an important item in the manufacture of wines.
But its benefits go beyond winemaking, and it is that it has interesting properties that make it an excellent therapeutic option for important pathologies.
Next, we present the following article where we talk about its wonderful health benefits.
Health benefits of grapes
The contributions to the health of this fruit come from its chemical properties. Here are the top 12 benefits:
1. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases
The grape fruit contains in its shell an important antioxidant called “resveratrol” , which is given a cardioprotective property.
To highlight: A study reveals that resveratrol exerts a cardioprotective role , since it acts on the mechanisms involved in the development of arteriosclerosis, and consequently reduces the possibility of the appearance of heart pathologies associated with dyslipidemia. (1)
2. Strengthens the immune system
Due to its fiber content , grapes help in the intestinal transit of food and balance the intestinal flora.
In addition, due to its content of antioxidant substances such as resveratrol, flavonoids, anthocyanins and tannins , it strengthens the body’s immune system and contributes to delaying the aging process thanks to the presence of antioxidant compounds.
3. Regulates blood pressure
Minerals such as potassium and its high water content help to balance blood pressure , so people with high blood pressure should increase their consumption of grapes.
Additionally, with the contribution of antioxidants, grapes decrease the formation of atheromas , improving blood circulation through veins and arteries.
4. Improves cognitive functions
The literature indicates that the consumption of polyphenols, especially flavonoids (component of grape fruit), may protect against age-related cognitive decline and enhance cognitive function.
Note: A doctoral thesis, whose title is “Neuroprotective strategies in brain aging. Neurochemical and molecular mechanisms and their correlation with the effects on cognitive abilities” , points out, based on epidemiological studies, that grape wine has beneficial effects on health , such as reducing the risk of dementia. (two)
5. Eliminate fluid retention
Thanks to its diuretic property, grape juice is indicated to prevent fluid retention in the body, the possible cause of which is excessive sodium consumption.
6. Fight constipation
The fiber content, both in the pulp and in the skin of the grape fruit, contributes to a better performance of digestive functions, facilitating intestinal transit.
7. Delays aging
The content of antioxidants such as resveratrol and other polyphenols, act on cells, protecting their oxidation and subsequent deterioration , with the consequent appearance of pathologies such as cancer, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, considered as markers of aging.
Note: A study on “Resveratrol and its possible uses as a new pharmacological therapy” indicates the potential anti-aging effect of this component on the body. (3)
8. Prevents eye diseases
Its anthocyanin content , another interesting flavonoid from the grape fruit, prevents degenerative eye diseases such as cataracts. In addition, it helps maintain visual acuity for longer.
Studies have indicated that the administration of anthocyanins in rats with ocular deficiency resulted in a reduction of inflammation and an increase in visual acuity. (4)
9. Increases physical energy
The grapes consumed directly through juices are ideal for physical recovery after intense sports practice . Its high fiber content and great contribution of carbohydrates generate a powerful source of energy.
To highlight: We must also take into consideration the vitamins, minerals and the wonderful source of water that this fruit contains, which contribute to rapid recovery after strenuous exercise.
10. Protects bone health
The minerals contained in the grape fruit such as manganese, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin K, contribute to the strengthening of the bones and good bone health in general.
11. Improves skin
The skin contains collagen and elastin, whose function is to maintain its elasticity and firmness. The grape contains polyphenols, powerful natural antioxidants that prevent the degradation of skin cells and decrease the production of elastin and collagen. This supposes the delay of the natural process of premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles.
12. Prevents the development of cancer
The polyphenols contained in the grape fruit, such as resveratrol, with its antioxidant power, help delay oxidative damage to cells , preventing the appearance of cancer.
Note: In a summary of a scientific article on “Resveratrol and cancer” , reference is made to beneficial actions for health, including cancer. (5)
Grape properties
The grape fruit has many properties derived from its chemical composition, both from the pulp, from the grape seed , and from its peel. We will mention them below.
The grape fruit contains the following vitamins from the B complex: vitamin B1 or thiamin, vitamin B2 or riboflavin, vitamin B3 or niacin, vitamin B6 or pyridoxine and vitamin B9 or folic acid. It also contains vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C.
This fruit contains several minerals in its chemical composition such as: potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, and zinc.
The grape contains a high content of carbohydrates, (around 17% of its content), making it an important supply of fiber for digestion.
The grape has a high water content , so it does not provide more than 70 Kcal. for every 100 grams. It also contains a glycemic index of 45, which makes it an effective ally for periods of weight loss.
Note: The grape fruit contains phenolic compounds such as catechins, tannins, and resveratrol. This is how he refers to an article on “Wine Phenolics” , where he describes the chemical composition of this fruit. (6)
How to consume grape?
Now that you know its benefits and properties, we are going to teach you the easiest ways to consume this interesting fruit and enjoy its benefits:
Grape juice
A practical way to consume the fruit of the grape is through the preparation of juices, with which all its nutrients will be consumed directly and healthily. Here is a simple way to prepare it:
- Green or red grapes
- Water
- sweetener to taste
- Place in a blender, the grapes with the water and blend for a few seconds.
- Strain the contents.
- Sweeten to your liking and take it as a refreshing drink.
grape smoothie
Now we are going to tell you how to prepare a grape smoothie, a quick and simple recipe to enjoy, which is also very healthy, since it contains hardly any fat and stands out for its contribution of antioxidants:
- Green or red grapes
- Vegetable or skimmed milk
- Ice
- sweetener to taste
- We place the wine grapes in a blender or blender glass and crush them.
- Add skim milk and sweetener to taste.
- We beat again at slow speed, in order to obtain a smooth and homogeneous cream.
- We put the drink in a container and add ice.
- We serve and enjoy.
Key Findings
- The grape is a powerful antioxidant due to the presence of resveratrol.
- It contains several types of vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the body.
- It is ideal for hydration as it is an excellent source of water.
- Supports the functions of the immune system.
- Its main consumption has been through wine.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.