We all associate beer with parties or gatherings, but what few know is that it is not only a refreshing drink, it has positive effects on the body when ingested in moderation.
In fact, it has been proven that drinking between one or two beers generates benefits such as reducing the risk of heart disease, reducing bad or harmful cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of diabetes, avoiding fluid retention, among other benefits, which in this article we will let you know more widely.
What is black beer?
Black beer is one of the most famous and best-selling liquors, this due to its flavor and delicate aroma that place it in the top of the best drinks in the world .
As for its flavor, it tends to vary and is different depending on each person’s palate, but for true barley lovers, its flavor will know how to appreciate and enjoy it.
Note: Its flavor is strong and bitter and for connoisseurs of this type of drink, drink it together with a little chocolate or coffee , all with the intention of appreciating the flavor of beer even more.
Types of dark beer
Black beer acquires that characteristic color thanks to the manufacturing process in which darker tone malts are used , this results in its appearance, flavor, various aromas and different styles.
Now we will introduce you to the different varieties of black beer, so that you know their differences.
Porter type beer ( 1) is known for being the most popular black beer worldwide, due to its great flavor and aroma of dark malt.
Its main ingredient is barley and it is a type of ALE beer (beer fermented with surface yeasts at high temperatures, that is, between approximately 18 and 24 degrees), which means that it is made with weak water .
Fun fact: It originated in London, United Kingdom and its name comes from porters, supply market workers of that time.
The Stout is known for being one of the strongest black beers, with a percentage of 10% alcohol and a strong flavor.
There are a number of variations of this type of beer such as Irish Stout, Irish Extra Stout, Sweet Stout, Oatmeal Stout, Tropical Stout, Foreign Extra Stout, American Stout, Imperial Stout and milk stout.
Note : Stout beer comes from the Porter style , in turn at this stage it evolved and in that process such variations were born.
dark lager
They are known as those in which their fermentation with bottom yeasts , are at low temperatures, between 4 to 12 degrees.
Important: Lager beer in its term is better known, this since it is the type of beer that is most elaborated in the world, also adding its refreshing flavor.
cream stout
For this kind of beer, caramelization is used in the barley , it is not malted. As a result of that we find a beer with a slightly sweet flavor and in terms of its color it is lighter than the porter.
Schwarzbier – type beers are dark and with a smooth balance of malt . This German beer has a bottom fermentation , with an alcohol content of more or less 5%.
dark ale
Among the various drink options of this type that exist, we find the Dark ale stout model .
It is dark in appearance , strong, with a different flavor, since it has an exquisite combination of malt, with certain species and a flavor of black fruits . They stand out for their softness and rich flavor.
Amber in color and with a heavily roasted malt flavor, the Bock-style beer is characterized by its creamy colored head. In studies done by the University of Cuenca in Ecuador , they add that its alcohol content is between 4.5 and 6.5%. (two)
Note: Bock beer is known as Weizenbock or Wheat Bock , as it is made from barley and wheat.
Health benefits of black beer
There are a large number of benefits when drinking black or dark beer, since it contains amino acids such as lecithin , among its minerals are calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and also vitamin B.
Important: In the study carried out by the University of Cuenca , they determined that this drink does not contain fat and is rich in fiber and protein. (3)
In addition, the study adds that they protect the cells of the body , since beer has antioxidant properties .
1. Lowers the risk of heart disease
Research carried out by specialists from the Complutense University of Madrid , Spain, revealed that beer, in some cases studied, improves the lipid profile , apart from exerting a cardioprotective action after myocardial infarction. (4)
This through vascular protection generated by the reduction of oxidative stress and apoptosis , therefore, positively helps reparative fibrosis , improving overall cardiac performance.
2. Reduces bad cholesterol levels
Beer, thanks to its high barley content , helps expel bad cholesterol , it is also beneficial to ingest because it contains pyridoxine (B6) , niacin , folic acid and thiamine (B1), which also increase good cholesterol .
3. Lowers the risk of diabetes
People who regularly consume beer, especially black, have a slightly healthier eating pattern , which in turn contributes to a lower risk of diabetes . This conclusion was made by doctors at the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona, Spain. (5)
4. Stimulates intestinal transit
Black beer helps regulate intestinal transit , this means that it contributes to a better absorption of food.
5. Avoid fluid retention
Thanks to its high water and sodium content , black beer keeps the body hydrated, these elements help prevent fluid retention . (6)
Note: The mixture of beer and coffee together greatly helps the human body, as long as it is ingested in moderation.
6. Reduces kidney stones
In the studies carried out by the University of Cuenca , they saw that being a diuretic drink , it helps prevent kidney stones from forming as well as stones in the urinary tract.
7. Delays cell aging
Studies carried out by the University of Valencia , Spain revealed that the consumption of this drink is a great antioxidant . (7)
It also delays cell aging , since it acts as a hydroxyl and peroxyl recycler , apart from acting as a metal intoxicator such as iron and copper, a source of active oxygen.
8. Reduces the risk of osteoporosis
Black beer has a positive effect in avoiding osteoporosis problems , in fact, studies carried out at the Autonomous University of Madrid have linked these good effects with the polyphonic content of alcohol, referred to previously. (8)
9. Increase energy
Thanks to its barley content , black beer has a high level of carbohydrates , consequently, it gives us a lot of energy for many hours.
10. Reduces anemia
Black beer is indicated in the treatment of anemia , thanks to studies carried out by the University of Oviedo , Spain. This is due to the high degree of vitamin B that it contains, which helps people with this condition.
11. Delays menopause
The flavonoids contained in black beer have antioxidant effects associated with an increase in calcitonin , which increases the activity of said bone cells and decreases those that destroy them, and also prevents loss of bone mass as a result of menopause.
12. Regenerates the skin
Thanks to the components contained in barley, the sparkling drink has a regenerative effect on the skin .
Note: Frequent consumption makes the skin more flexible and smooth.
Black beer properties
As we have been mentioning, dark beer, beyond being an alcoholic beverage, has many benefits such as minerals, proteins, as well as antioxidant properties .
Important: Its consumption in low doses reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease , helps to have better digestion and delay menopause.
Black beer also contains a greater amount of iron than blonde beer, thanks to being natural drinks these help and protect our body from oxidation and cellular aging.
In 2011, the Journal of Abnormal Psychology published a study in which they determined that beer provides 3% of the recommended vitamin B12. (9)
This vitamin is very important, because it regenerates cells and is important for the nervous system and brain to function properly .
A large amount of minerals such as calcium, potassium, carbohydrates, magnesium, selenium, silicon, chromium, phosphorus can be found in dark beer. (10)
Note: The amount of each of the minerals also depends on the quality of the water with which the beer is brewed.
Ingesting black beer in moderation does not generate changes in the values corresponding to body weight or increase calories in either women or men, since there are 43 calories per 100 ml , so consuming it does not help weight gain . this under studies carried out by the Polytechnic University of Madrid , Spain. (eleven)
How to consume black beer?
In the investigation by the University of Cuenca , they add that this popular beer is virtuous, both in its flavor, as it is a perfect companion for endless dishes.
alone in moderation
In this article we mention in detail the great properties in terms of its consumption, so taking it alone frequently will help and benefit your body, as long as you do it in moderation .
In meals and desserts
Beers in general are a good complement to food , but both blonde and black are paired with certain dishes. In this sense, dark beer combines very well with caramelized meat dishes , spicy food, all kinds of cheeses, desserts with nuts, chocolate and cinnamon.
Key takeaways
- Consuming between one or two beers generates benefits , such as decreased risk of heart disease and diabetes, reduction of cholesterol levels, elimination of fluid retention, among others.
- Black beer acquires that color, thanks to the brewing process in which darker tone malts are used , this results in its appearance, flavor, various aromas and different styles.
- Black beer contains amino acids such as lecithin and its minerals include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and also vitamin B.
- Black beer also contains a greater amount of iron than blonde beer, thanks to being natural drinks they help and protect our body from oxidation and cellular aging.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.