What is hydroxocobalamin?

Hydroxocobalamin (cyanocobalamin) is a type of vitamin B and is a chemical compound classified as an active principle , which belongs to the line of vitamin supplements with an effect on various metabolic functions in the body . (1)

What is hydroxocobalamin used for?

  • Hydroxocobalamin is a coenzyme involved in various metabolic functions, including lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and protein synthesis .  
  • It is used to treat: 
    • Neuritis and neuralgia including diabetic , alcoholic, postherpetic, trigeminal, facial paralysis and pernicious anemia . (two)
    • Patients with suspected cyanide poisoning.
    • Vitamin B12 deficiency.

Dosage and routes of administration of hydroxocobalamin

The usual presentation of hydroxocobalamin is in the form of an injectable solution in vials containing 1 µg hydroxocobalamin. The administration of this drug is intramuscularly and its dosage as a reference is as follows: 

  • Adults: The usual dose is one injection a day or every three days for as long as your doctor tells you. 

What products contain hydroxocobalamin?

Some of the medicines that contain hydroxocobalamin are:

  • Duradoce®
  • Imcobex®
  • Tribedoce®
  • Sum-B®


  • Duradoce® is a vitamin medicine, which uses hydroxocobalamin as the active substance.
  • It is used to treat states of neuritis and neuralgia .


  • Imcobex® is a synthetic drug that belongs to the group of anti-anemic drugs, which uses hydroxocobalamin as an active substance.
  • It is used in the treatment of pernicious anemia and other forms of anemia.


  • Tribedoce® is a medication from the group B vitamin complex,   which uses hydroxocobalamin among its components.
  • It is used to treat the deficiency produced by the metabolic expense of the vitamins contained in its formula.
  • For more information about this medicine, see Tribedoce: What is it and what is it for? .


  • Suma-b® is the trademark of a medication that uses hydroxocobalamin as one of its active ingredients.
  • The therapeutic use of Suma-b® is indicated as antineuritic and hematopoietic .

Hydroxocobalamin Side Effects

Clinical data indicate that hydroxocobalamin therapy has caused the following adverse reactions in some groups of patients: 

  • Possible appearance of some allergic manifestations due to patient contact with any component of the formula.
  • Itching or hives, swelling of the face or hands, swelling or tingling in the mouth or throat.
  • Tightness in the chest and difficulty breathing.
  • Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea .
  • Skin redness at the injection site.
  • Fatigue or weakness.

Important: Due to the possibility that some of these symptoms or others not described may arise during treatment with hydroxocobalamin, please discontinue use and notify your doctor if any of them occur.

Contraindications and warnings of hydroxocobalamin

The use of hydroxocobalamin is contraindicated in any of the following situations mentioned below:

  • Patient hypersensitivity to vitamin B12.
  • Patients suffering from polycythemia vera.
  • In the case of people with Leber’s disease.
  • During the period of pregnancy without medical approval.
  • During breastfeeding without the respective medical authorization.

To highlight: Provide all the necessary information to your doctor about your health history, before starting treatment with this B vitamin.

Avoid if you have:

  • History of hypersensitivity to vitamin B12.
  • History of having polycythemia vera.


  • Pharmaceutical products such as hydroxocobalamin must be administered with a prescription or medical prescription.
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions while using this drug.
  • Do not exceed the indicated dose.
  • Tell your doctor about other medicines you are using for other pathologies.
  • Keep this product out of the reach of children.
  • Store at room temperature at no more than 30°C.

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