Why do red stretch marks come out?

This type of stretch marks are skin atrophies in the initial stage of the genus stretch marks of distension, a common disorder but that urges aesthetic assistance; The different types of shades vary, they are red, butthey can change to purple and pink.

Note: According to a study, “Initial lesions (stretch marks rubra) transform over time into hypopigmented and depressed atrophic lesions (stretch marks alba), which are permanent.” (1)

Here are themost common causesthat trigger the appearance of red stretch marks:

1. Pregnancy

It is known that red stretch marks or rubras, are more frequent in women and that they develop during pregnancy. It is usually due to the tightening of the skin, affecting cells of the dermis (who play an important role in healing) or other factors related to the skin.

Important: It is known that “Stretch marks rubras, in addition to the stages of pregnancy, are rapidly growing during puberty, obesity, prolonged use of potent or systemic topical corticosteroid therapy, and Cushing’s syndrome.” (2)

2. Overweight or weight loss

Again, the stretching of the skin is the cause of stretch marks, whatever the case may be. However this applies even during the weight loss stage, especially in the thigh areas and the abdomen area.

Obesity is due to poor nutrition at an early age in girls, as a consequence, they suffer from annoying striae rubras in the future .

To highlight: Thanks to the dermatologist Perla Calderón, it is known that “the current rates of obesity are favoring the early appearance of stretch marks in girls and adolescents” . (3)

3. Family history and genetic disorders

Stretch marks can rarely appear due to family history (inheritance factor or hereditary DNA), as well as abnormal genetic disorders. Although the etiology of this type of stretch marks is not entirely correct, it is explained that their appearance is also due to combinations of genetic predisposition.

Note: A medical study mentions that “The pathogenesis of these stretch marks is related to changes in the components of the extracellular matrix, including collagen, elastin and fibrillin” . (4)

How to remove red stretch marks?

Fortunately, this problem of red stretch marks can be easily alleviated, since these scars react better to treatment at their first detection, giving good results. These are the main ways to eliminate them with a few simple tips:

1. Keep skin hydrated

The skin must be hydrated, which maintains its moisture and protects the dermis layer from external agents.

Tip: Hydration can be done with a gel or various creams (anti-stretch mark creams), which directly protect the skin or with abundant water consumption to refresh the body, being its main advantage.

2. Exfoliate the skin with coffee

Coffee is an antioxidant, it helps eliminate toxins or fats that are in the skin, this works if a coffee exfoliation is applied on top of the dermal layer, which will absorb the toxins that are found, keeping the skin clean and moist. It does not require high costs.

Note: The coffee scrub also helps with cellulite and acne.

3. Apply aloe vera gel

There are aloe vera or aloe vera gels that are very easy to acquire and it is an excellent option. The benefits of aloe are diverse, mainly it is a healing agent and aToxin purifier.

Tip: You can apply the sap or gel directly to the affected skin, which helps reduce stretch marks, plus aloe vera also stimulates proper blood circulation.

4. Use essential oils

There are oils created especially to treat or reliefthe appearance of stretch marks, several of these come from recipes that help tissue regeneration and provide skin pigmentation. They can be applied with a little massage.

Note: The main oils are almond, orange or rosehip, which also contain various vitamins.

5. Perform physical activity

It is important to maintain a proper diet and perform physical exercises , which can be beneficial for the human body of women, not only to eliminate stretch marks by strengthening muscles, but also to prevent flaccidity and cellulite.

6. Moderate the consumption of alcohol, coffee and fats

Moderation should be maintained regarding the consumption of liquors , which affect the regeneration of the skin or slow it down for a long period, as well as the excessive consumption of coffee and greasy foods , the latter can greatly influence obesity.

7. Protect yourself from the sun

You have to protect yourself from the sun when stretch marks just appear, since prolonged exposure to the sun can cause rapid healingin these stretch marks, making them become permanent or leave much more noticeable marks. Which would be uncomfortable presenting this problem.

Key Conclusions

  • Red or rubrastretch marks are atrophies of the skin, which belong to a group of stretch marks called striae distensae.
  • They are usually temporary (last months) or permanent, manifesting as a scar if they increase rapidly or depending on the phase.
  • They are common in pregnant women or due to excessive fat accumulation.
  • These stretch marks respond quickly and positively to existing Natural treatments such as exfoliation, hydration, proper nutrition and physical exercise.

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