The fresh egg for breakfast is a delicious and very healthy option , which can be used in a delicious omelette, cake, salad, soups and even fried or scrambled, since it has become a versatile and essential food in the diet.

Likewise, it is favorable for athletes who want to increase muscle mass or a growing child, since eggs provide nutrients, minerals and a high protein content that offers great benefits to the body.

However, this food should be eaten only when it is fresh , in order to avoid illnesses related to bacteria and viral loads. For this reason, in this article we will indicate in detail the characteristics of a fresh egg.

What characteristics does a fresh egg have?

An egg provides the amount of daily protein that the body needs, as well as being delicious and pleasing to the palate. Its quality is determined by its freshness and preservation . Therefore, knowing if it is expired is very important and simple. Here are some characteristics of a fresh egg:

1. Sinks in a glass of water

This sign is one of the most common techniques to confirm the freshness of this food. His verification consists of filling a glass of water in half with salt . Then the egg is introduced and the more it floats, the less fresh it is ; but if it sinks completely, it indicates that it is in optimal condition.

Note: This experiment is due to the fact that as the days go by, air enters through the porous shell and the air chamber increases, which allows it to remain floating.

2. No sound when shaken

This is a feature known as the sound check , which is based on placing the egg in your hand and shaking it gently . If you hear a noise inside, it’s not cool. 

To highlight: When this food is new, the white dampens the movements of the yolk and prevents any noise from being heard.

3. The yolk is dense and centered

Another characteristic to know if an egg is fresh is to break it. After breaking it, you should place it on a plate or flat surface. It will be fresh if the yolk remains firm, dense and in the central part . In addition, it will have a compact appearance and without mixing with the white.

Important: In Spain an analysis of the characteristics that can affect the boiled egg was carried out, where the integrity of the yolk and a successful shelling will determine it. In addition, storage at a correct temperature and a suitable height above sea level. (1)

4. The white is transparent and gelatinous

Another simple way to know if an egg can be consumed is by observing the appearance of the white. When you open it, it should be clean and without any dirt or stains. Its appearance is completely transparent and with a wet and gelatinous texture.

You should know: If the white is very liquid or with dark spots , this indicates that it is infected with bacteria and fungi.

How many days does a fresh egg keep?

It is necessary to take into account that the consumption time of an egg is 28 days after its laying. Conservation may vary depending on storage conditions. If kept at room temperature, eggs are more prone to developing toxic microorganisms, bacteria, and fungi.

Likewise, if you want to keep eggs fresh for a longer time, it is ideal to keep them at a low temperature. On the other hand, inside a refrigerator they can last up to 12 days completely healthy, since the minimum temperatures reduce the formation of bacteria that accelerate decomposition.

What is the correct way to store a fresh egg?

Eggs are the protagonists of innumerable gastronomic and beauty recipes. It is necessary to consume and use them fresh to prevent the spread of diseases caused by bacteria, such as salmonella . Here we explain the most effective way to store them:

1. Maintain a refrigeration of 4º C 

It is necessary to keep the eggs refrigerated at a temperature of 4 ºC. In this way, they are kept fresh and under the necessary conditions to preserve all their nutrients, minerals and vitamins. In addition, this temperature is ideal to prevent pathogens from entering the egg.

To highlight: In Colombia, a study was carried out on eggs under different temperatures. Some were stored at room temperature and others under refrigeration at 4 ºC, where changes in quality and healthiness could be demonstrated , resulting in the fact that low temperatures are necessary for their conservation. (two)

2. Do not wash it when refrigerating it

This is a recommendation that few people know. It is necessary to avoid washing or passing the egg through water currents, before taking it to the refrigerator. This is because it is a food with a porous shell, water can enter the interior of the egg and contaminate it. In addition, the nutritional composition of the same can be altered.

3. Avoid leaving it at room temperature

Temperature is an essential factor in keeping eggs fresh. It is recommended to avoid keeping them at room temperature , since high temperatures increase bacterial production within this food.

Important: In Spain, a study was carried out on the effects of ambient temperature on chicken eggs. This revealed that after 5 days of storage they began to show a decrease in the height of the yolk and albumin. (3)

4. Discard the one with the damaged shell

Storing or consuming eggs with damaged or damaged shells should be avoided at all times and under any circumstances . In this condition, the food has been exposed to many bacteria, parasites and viruses from the environment.

Note: This state generates the probabilities of having from chicken droppings to mosquitoes. It is best to discard them when they are in this condition 

Key Findings

  • The egg has a high content of proteins, vitamins and minerals.
  • To consume and store it, the shell must be clean and without fractures.
  • The white should be transparent, dense and gelatinous. On the other hand, the yolk should be thick.
  • Eggs usually have a fetid and unpleasant odor when they are not fresh .
  • Consuming eggs that are not fresh can cause contamination with bacteria such as salmonella .

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