Elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood mainly affect the circulatory and cardiac systems, which is why it has become one of the most common causes of heart attacks.

A sedentary lifestyle, the consumption of foods with a high fat content, suffering from metabolic syndrome, among other factors, are also involved in the increase in triglycerides.

Unlike cholesterol, to lower triglycerides it is not enough to change your diet, you must also perform physical activities and take into account other aspects that we will highlight in the following article.

What are triglycerides?

Triglycerides are a type of fat that stays in the body from the consumption of foods such as oil and butter, they can also be absorbed from unnecessary calories for the proper functioning of the body.

On the other hand, the high level of triglycerides in the blood is known as hypertriglycemia, this is diagnosed through a blood evaluation, with normal levels being less than 150mg/dL and the upper limit of 150 to 199mg/dL.

In addition, there are two more lines that are the highest risk for heart health, the high value between 200 to 499 mg/dL is considered and the limit that can trigger other pathologies when triglycerides oscillate between 500 mg/dL and plus.

How to lower high triglycerides?

Hypertriglycemia can be improved with different lifestyle changes that are basically focused on eating, however, other activities are also added to obtain better results and lower high triglycerides more effectively.

Reduce consumption of refined sugar

Excessive consumption of refined sugar is absorbed by the liver and transformed into triglycerides that are lodged in the bloodstream as fat, for this reason, excessive consumption of refined sugar-based sweets is harmful for hypertriglycemia conditions.

In this sense, a low intake of this sweetener decreases the production of non-beneficial fats in the body.

Therefore, refined sugar can be replaced by a small amount of sweeteners and reduce the consumption of cookies, ice creams or desserts, for others with low caloric levels.

Reduce consumption of simple carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates are those that the body uses to convert them into energy, extracted from fruits or from foods made with refined sugar such as sodas and candy.

Although simple carbohydrates provide energy for the body to function, when they are eaten in excess and no physical activity is performed, triglycerides begin to accumulate as fat.

However, reducing the consumption of these calories and eating changes to a diet low in sugars reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Reduce fat intake

The main way to lower blood triglyceride levels is by reducing the consumption of saturated fats present in sausages, milk and oils of animal origin.

Also, poultry skin, butter, and any type of food where fat remains solid at room temperature are harmful to people with hypertriglycemia.

Increase fiber intake

A study published by the Spanish journal Nutrición Hospitalaria indicates that fiber intake helps reduce high triglycerides in people with metabolic syndrome.

Fiber consumption is one of the most common options to reduce triglyceride levels in the body, since it helps to absorb substances that are harmful to the body naturally.

Consume foods rich in omega 3

Omega 3 is a fatty acid that the body is unable to produce, therefore it must be taken from foods such as fish, shellfish and nuts.

Omega 3 has the particularity of stabilizing the metabolism of fats in the body, therefore it is an excellent ally to reduce high triglyceride levels.

In addition, this fatty acid cleanses the veins and arteries of the fat accumulated by a poor diet, facilitating blood circulation and improving problems that affect the heart.

Feed every 3 to 4 hours

Nutritional recommendations for people with hypertriglycemia are to reduce the consumption of trans fats and eat healthy, fat-free, fruit-based meals every 3 to 4 hours.

This will prevent you from being tempted to eat desserts or foods with high caloric levels, therefore, if you feed your body regularly in a healthy way, triglyceride values ​​will decrease.

Lose weight

High triglycerides are mostly linked to people with obesity or with weights above normal values ​​according to their age and height, so losing weight is the main treatment to lower triglycerides.

When the body contains too much fat, its proper functioning is destabilized, which triggers certain pathologies that can be lethal.

For this reason, following a low-calorie diet is important for the body to stabilize again the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.

Get regular physical activity

According to an article published by the Fundación Hipercolesterolemia Familiar in Madrid, Spain, exercising moderately is essential to reduce calories in the form of fat stored in the body.

Performing physical activities is one of the practical strategies to lower triglycerides, apart from reducing sedentary lifestyle.

It also increases cardiac activity by exercising the heart, which has been affected by high levels of triglycerides in the blood.

symptoms of high triglycerides

A simple blood test can determine the value of triglycerides in the body, however, the high fat content in the body can also trigger some conditions and symptoms, so we recommend viewing the following list.

Accumulation of abdominal fat and other areas

One of the main causes of hypertriglycemia is the accumulation of abdominal fat and other areas of the body such as the extremities and double chin.

This is because the fat obtained through foods with a high caloric content tends to accumulate in the aforementioned areas, in addition, physical inactivity and hormonal imbalances also stimulate the concentration of abdominal fat.

Tiredness and muscle pain

Tiredness and muscle pain present as symptoms of high triglycerides because the high level of fat circulating in the bloodstream minimizes and atrophies normal muscle function.

While tiredness is caused by the double work that the body must do, mainly the liver and heart when working with so many levels of fat circulating through the body.

craving for sweets

Having high triglycerides means that your body is not getting the right nutrients to produce energy, on the contrary, a poor diet only turns into fat for the body.

In this sense, the body needs the energy produced by sugars and from there the anxiety to consume foods high in sugar or calories is triggered.

However, this creates a rebound effect, you get a little energy but also a lot of calories.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea occurs when there are sudden pauses in respiratory function while the person is asleep, this occurs as a consequence of hypertriglycemia because excessive body weight hinders good lung function.

Likewise, the transport of red blood cells is affected by the amount of fat accumulated in the bloodways thanks to high triglycerides, which in turn makes breathing difficult, especially during rest hours.


The normal functions of the body are degenerating due to high levels of triglycerides, being a health condition that attacks one of the most extensive and important systems of the organism such as the circulatory system, causing severe headaches.

The headache can be caused by the lack of oxygen in the brain or by the low circulation of red blood cells, in both cases they are causes that are closely linked to the obstruction that hypertriglycemia causes in the veins.

trouble sleeping

Metabolic problems are generally linked to insomnia, this is because the body is unable to fall asleep because your body is not working correctly.

Sleeping problems are part of the chain of symptoms that are linked to hypertriglycemia. The different symptoms that appear due to high triglycerides cause lack of sleep and continuous fatigue.

Fluid retention

When the body retains fluids outside the correct space that should be the veins and arteries, the kidneys cannot get rid of them and begin to retain them, usually this occurs in joints such as knees and bolillos.

In this sense, the liquids adhere to the lymphatic tissues that originate thanks to the high triglycerides, that is, the liquids are concentrated in the fat, thus generating the accumulation of these.

Emergence of xanthelasma

Xanthelasma is the main type of skin infection due to excess fat in the body.

Its origin is due to hypertriglycemia, this occurs because the body stops processing fat so it begins to bulge on the eyelids, knees, elbows and other parts of the body.

On the other hand, xanthelasmas are also considered small benign lesions, the treatment consists of lowering triglyceride levels so that the lesions do not continue to grow and performing dermatological procedures.

Some home remedies to lower high triglycerides

These simple home remedies, together with the medicine that your doctor has prescribed and a balanced diet, will help you restore triglyceride levels in the blood.

Oat water

A report issued by the Spanish Nutrition Foundation on current data on the nutritional properties of oats reveals that the consumption of this fiber-rich cereal lowers triglyceride levels in the blood.

For this reason, we invite you to prepare the following recipe.


  • 2 tbsp. oat flakes
  • 1 glass of water

Preparation and consumption

  • Add the two tablespoons of oat flakes to the glass with water and stir with a teaspoon, if you prefer you can also beat it with a blender.
  • You can pour the oatmeal water into a pitcher and consume throughout the day.

Apple vinager

The properties of apple cider vinegar facilitate the metabolization of sugars, therefore reducing the unnecessary formation of triglycerides in the blood, we present its easy preparation.


  • 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 1 glass of water
  • honey taste

Preparation and consumption

  • Dilute the two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in the glass of water, add honey to your liking and stir with a teaspoon.
  • This preparation can be taken twice a day, preferably once in the morning and once after lunch.

Green Tea

Green tea is also used to reduce blood sugar and calories levels, this is because the catechins present in green tea quickly break down triglycerides lodged in the arteries.


  • 1 green tea bag
  • 1 cup of water

Preparation and consumption

  • Pour the water into a pot and bring to the heat until it reaches its boiling point.
  • Then place the green tea bag in the water and let it infuse for 2 minutes.
  • After time, remove the tea bag and ingest.
  • We recommend that you consume the cup of tea after breakfast.

Pineapple and orange juice

The soluble fiber present in orange and pineapple pulp help to counteract triglyceride levels in the blood, which is why you will love this excellent juice.


  • 2 pineapple wheels
  • 1 orange
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 glasses of water
  • Honey

Preparation and consumption

  • Remove the skin and cut the orange and pineapple into pieces, then extract the juice from the lemon.
  • Add all the ingredients to the blender, add the water and honey to taste.
  • Beat until all the ingredients have been mixed properly and serve.
  • You can ingest this juice twice a day, in the morning and then at night.

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