One of the questions that arises, after having had a long life of eating excesses that led us to a state of overweight is: how do I lose weight?

The process for weight loss is a methodical process and above all of personal will that mainly leads to a healthy lifestyle , a safe loss of body fat and a diet that does not make you starve.

It is our interest, then, in the following article, to give you the necessary recommendations of what you should do to lose weight safely.

Recommendations to lose weight in a healthy way

The weight loss process is more than an act of our own will , where the main actors are ourselves , and above all with a plan in hand, so the success of these recommendations, if you put them into practice, depends mainly of  you

Next, we will describe the main guidelines that will make you lose weight, in a healthy and safe way:

1. Adequately reduce the amount of calories 

According to scientific estimates, kcal for adults should be in the range of 1,800 to 2,100 kcal for women and 2,000 to 2,400 kcal for men , to maintain adequate metabolic functions. If you exceed that daily amount of caloric energy, your body stores it as body fat.

So, the first recommendation is to reduce your caloric intake based on your normal height and weight, but be careful, this has its science and you should consult your nutritionist.

Note: The general recommendation to safely lower calories is to follow a diet that allows you to reduce a maximum amount of 500 kcal per day from what is necessary for you, however individualities must be taken into account.

2. Drink enough water

In the process of losing weight, the body needs to be sufficiently hydrated to carry out the metabolic functions aimed at burning fat. 

In addition, this process generates a lot of metabolic waste that is excreted through the urine, and kidney function needs abundant water to efficiently eliminate these wastes and toxins. (1)

Tip: It is advisable to drink two glasses of water before going to bed, because during sleep is when the body works the most.

3. Perform physical activity regularly

Another of the mistakes that we have to lead a healthy life correctly and that generates an increase in body weight, is that we stop exercising. 

This is how one of the basic guidelines is to carry out a weekly exercise plan, at least three times a week and as our body adapts to routine physical activity, increase the sessions per week to four. or five. 

To highlight: Exercising , in addition to helping you consume excess fat from your body, preserves and develops your muscle mass.

4. Avoid alcoholic, carbonated and pasteurized beverages

Excessive intake of alcoholic beverages is counterproductive to our health, there are already many scientific studies on this subject, and that is that these types of beverages are very high in calories, due to their carbohydrate load.

On the other hand, carbonated drinks, like alcoholic beverages, are loaded with calories due to the sucrose present among their ingredients. A 355 ml container of any carbonated drink has at least 150 kcal and let’s remember that these drinks are very addictive. (two)

You should know: A healthy and safe goal to lose weight is to lose 500 grams of fat in the body weekly.

5. Avoid processed foods and foods high in trans fats

Many of the foods in the food industry are made with trans fats. This type of fat is used to increase its shelf life. Trans fats are the most harmful, since they increase the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, therefore you should avoid them.

Note: The best diet to prevent weight gain, obesity, and cardiovascular disease is a diet low in fat and high-sugar beverages, low in refined carbohydrates, and high in fiber, grains, and protein. (3)

6. Reduce the consumption of sugar and carbohydrates

The intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates in excess, raise cholesterol and blood glucose levels, contributing to the accumulation of adipose tissue in the body. 

For this reason, the importance of minimizing in your diet those foods with a high concentration of carbohydrates and sugars , and ingesting nutrients with a low glycemic index and healthy carbohydrates, such as healthy fruits and vegetables . (4)

You should know: Reducing sugar intake also helps to mitigate the problems of people with diabetes and insulin.

7. Consume more fiber, vegetables and fruits 

Consuming fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals for your energy and the metabolic functions of your body, but they also provide fiber , an important element in the diet.

Fiber regulates the absorption of glucose and cholesterol through the digestive tract (5) , reducing their presence in the body as well as causing a satiating effect, helping you consume less caloric energy from food and consequently lose weight.

8. Consume protein and healthy fats

One of the tips for you to lose weight in a healthy way is to eat healthy proteins such as fish and chicken, and if you have to eat red meat, keep it lean.

You can also help yourself by consuming healthy oils that contain omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, present in nuts and olive oil foods that will help you lose weight.

Note: You should substitute refined carbohydrates and eat whole carbohydrates to help you lose weight.

9. Eat slowly and at set times

Another important aspect during the meal and that is part of healthy eating habits, is to eat calmly in order to chew food correctly and favor the digestive process and the correct assimilation of food.

It is also important to establish routine hours for eating, since the body organizes metabolic rhythms for functions such as digestion.

10. Make small meals several times a day

Eating small portions of food throughout the day will make you lose the stress caused by hunger, it will even favor the digestive process of food. Dieting is not an easy process, especially since it generates anxiety about food. It is advisable to eat 4 or 5 meals a day to mitigate the effects of anxiety.

Important: Some studies have concluded that eating several meals a day reduces cholesterol and insulin levels compared to a 3-meal-a-day diet. (6)

11. Rest properly

Rest is very important in fat loss processes, and this is so because during sleep, the body works to repair the damage caused during the day, such as repairing muscle fibers, detoxifying the body, among many other functions.

At this time, the body uses stored fat as a source of energy to perform the full range of metabolic functions while you are sleeping. It is appropriate then, to give the body at least 8 continuous hours of rest during the night.

12. Take a day a week to eat what you want

To make going on a low-calorie diet less stressful, it is appropriate to give yourself one day a week to eat what you want, but if you want to be successful in this weight loss process, we recommend doing so in moderation.

Tip: Eat only what is necessary and in portions that really make you feel satisfied and then you will see fast results.

Key Findings

  • To lose weight in a healthy way, it is recommended to increase the consumption of healthy vegetables and fruits with a low glycemic index because they provide fewer calories. 
  • To lose weight you must also incorporate physical exercise into your daily routine, as it contributes to weight loss and also favors your general health. 
  • To achieve consistent weight loss, you must reduce the consumption of unhealthy fats and refined carbohydrates and drink plenty of water.
  • It is essential to rest for at least 8 continuous hours during the night so that the body consumes calories, mostly from cellular metabolism.

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