Bumps and small muscle bruises become common at home, however, when they are of great magnitude they can cause inflammation , bruises or bruises on the skin that are usually uncomfortable and painful.
This is because these injuries break the blood vessels located throughout the skin, which is why the affected area turns reddish or purple , depending on the intensity of the bruise.
To alleviate said pain, in the following article you will be able to learn about the most effective home remedies that naturally eliminate blows, reduce inflammation, bruising and therefore pain.
ToggleHome remedies to remove bumps
Sprains, blows with household objects, falls, bruises and other common small accidents that can occur daily, leave blows that hurt the skin, causing pain, inflammation and in certain cases bruises.
Therefore, below, you will discover a list with the best 10 home remedies to relieve blows:
1. ice
Since ancient times, ice has been used to treat bruises , cramps and muscle pain, this is because cold helps reduce inflation , reduces tissue damage, contracts blood vessels and numbs the skin, thus generating an analgesic effect in the area that has been affected.
Tip: When applying the ice to the blow, avoid placing it directly on the skin, we recommend that you wrap it with a small cloth towel so that you do not burn the skin of the affected area. To do this, apply the ice 4 times in 10-minute sessions, taking 10-minute breaks between each session.
2. Including tibia
Warm compresses are one of the most effective treatments for pain reduction, vasodilation, tissue regeneration and deflation of muscles affected by a blow. Blood circulation improves with the warm compress , which in turn increases the healing of the affected area.
Tip: To apply the warm compress, you must heat it to a temperature that is resistant to contact , thus avoiding any type of burns. Let the warm compress rest on the bump until it has lost its heat, repeat the same action 3 times.
3. Arnica ointment
Among the benefits of arnica , its anti-inflammatory property derived from the flavonoids that compose it and its analgesic action stand out thanks to its high content of sesquiterpene lactones, thus making it an excellent plant to relieve muscle pain caused by bruises or blows and reduce bruises. .
On the other hand, researchers from the Fundación Universitaria Agraria de Colombia published a Manual for the good use of Medicinal Plants (1) , where they ensure that the arnica plant stimulates blood circulation when applied to the bruise, blow or sprain, thus significantly reducing pain and inflammation.
Tip: Apply the arnica ointment on the affected area, perform a light massage for a few minutes to activate the different properties of the plant and stimulate circulation. We recommend that you perform this action twice a day.
4. Gel the aloe vera
Aloe vera or aloe vera is one of the best known medicinal plants for its multiple properties and uses. Initially, this shrub was known for its usefulness when healing wounds or as an expectorant when suffering from a respiratory disease.
However, the benefits of aloe vera are much more extensive, since aloe vera gel is also used as a pain reducer, anti-inflammatory and dilator of small blood vessels that are affected by blows or bruises, thus causing bruises on the skin. skin.
Tip: For the treatment of bruises and reduction of body pain, distribute the aloe vera gel over the affected area with a light massage to encourage blood flow, repeat this action 2 times a day, especially before sleeping so that the bruises gradually subside.
5. Rosemary bath
The Spanish Food Book (2) , details that rosemary is a condiment that contains within its properties a compound known as rosmaricin, this substance intercedes directly on blood circulation, causing its flow through the different pathways and arteries of the body be bigger and better.
Therefore, this plant helps reduce bruises caused by bruises in the different muscles of the body, thus providing a stimulating effect for good blood circulation in the body.
You should know: Blood circulation improves with moderately high temperatures , therefore, the rosemary bath must be done with warm water. Add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to a bucket of water and take baths for 10 to 15 minutes with said preparation, placing special emphasis on the affected areas.
6. Salt and lemon poultice
Salt and lemon are two culinary ingredients, commonly used as home remedies to mainly alleviate stomach ailments, however the combination of both can help you significantly improve aches and bruises caused by blows.
This is due to the fact that the mixture of salt and lemon juice helps to reduce inflammation and therefore the pain and discomfort generated by blows at the muscular level, in addition to being a useful home remedy, it is one of the simpler and easier to prepare.
To do this, you must mix the juice of a lemon with a small tablespoon of salt , stir a little to integrate both ingredients and apply with a cotton ball or cloth napkin on the blow, leave it to act for 30 minutes and wash the area with plenty of water. preferably warm or at room temperature.
Tip: We recommend that you apply this home remedy before going to sleep , so that the action lasts through the night along with rest and relaxation of the muscles, promoting tissue regeneration more easily, reducing inflammation, pain and the bruise.
7. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is recognized worldwide for its multiple uses in gastronomy, in addition to its benefits for weight loss, lowering bad cholesterol, avoiding heart disease, treating gastrointestinal conditions, balancing the body’s pH, and helping to eliminate toxins.
In addition, apple cider vinegar is implemented as a tonic to reduce bruising and relieve muscle pain and improve skin conditions caused by varicose veins or varicose veins.
This is because, among the different benefits of this commercial type of vinegar, it is found to be an excellent blood stimulant, that is, it improves blood circulation while reducing pain and inflammation of bruises.
Tip: Dilute two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, apply the mixture gently with a cotton ball on the bruise, using circular movements to stimulate blood flow.
8. Comfrey Bath
Comfrey is a medicinal plant of European origin considered an excellent home remedy for reducing inflammation and reducing muscle pain caused by strains, sprains, minor joint fractures, arthritis, cramps and blows.
In addition, comfrey has healing properties, thus making it an excellent resource when it comes to relieving body pain. Currently, this plant is marketed in creams for topical use or it can also be applied in lukewarm baths on the area that is in pain.
Tip: Cook a handful of comfrey leaves until they reach their boiling point, let them rest for 15 minutes, strain and apply the warm preparation with a compress on the bruise or blow. You can perform the comfrey bath 2 times a day for better results.
9. Camphor Oil
Camphor is a compound with a menthol smell used mainly to lose weight, however, its properties are also intertwined with the ability to reduce body pain commonly caused by diseases at the muscular and joint level.
In addition to its analgesic action , camphor is considered a powerful rubefacient, that is, it has the ability to quickly redden and irritate the skin when contact with said substance is prolonged, therefore, it is used to increase blood flow in areas with bruises and bruises.
Tip: Apply camphor oil gently and in small quantities in the area where you have the ailment, perform small massages on the skin so that the substance is absorbed by it and thus improves blood circulation while its analgesic action is activated.
10. St John’s wort oil
St. John’s Wort is a plant for medicinal use implemented to reduce conditions linked to the nervous system, that is, its intake reduces depressive states, anxiety and nervousness.
However, St John’s wort oil is used to relieve bumps because it is an excellent anti-inflammatory , as well as having antibacterial, antiseptic and healing properties.
To obtain its benefits, you can massage the affected area with St John’s wort oil for a few minutes, this will stimulate its anti-inflammatory action and will significantly improve bruising caused by muscle blows.
Key Findings
- Cold and heat therapies are the best known and used to relieve blows at the muscular level.
- Aloe vera gel, in addition to having multiple medicinal benefits, is considered a powerful anti-inflammatory and vasodilator.
- Rosemary is used as a stimulant of blood circulation, improving vascular conditions at the skin level.
- Apple cider vinegar serves as a tonic to reduce bruising and relieve pain.
- Camphor is a powerful rubefacient , that is, it has the quality of increasing blood flow, thus reducing body pain.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.