Heartburn is one of the most common and uncomfortable ailments that can affect humans, since it usually appears after eating difficult-to-digest foods , with a large amount of seasonings, spicy foods, or as a symptom of a gastric disease.

Likewise, heartburn usually occurs as one of the symptoms in individuals suffering from the Helicobacter Pylori bacterium , also in people who drink alcoholic beverages regularly and as part of stomach disorders suffered by pregnant women.

The above are some of the most frequent reasons for heartburn, therefore in the following article you will be able to discover the 12 best and most effective home remedies to quickly combat this ailment.

What is heartburn?

Heartburn is a health condition that occurs when gastric acids return to the esophagus (thus causing what is known as reflux), some of its symptoms are: intense pain in the chest and in the upper part of the stomach due to irritation that generates the stomach contents in that area.

This condition can be reflected minutes after eating and intensify if the person makes sudden movements, because leaning or lying down makes it easier for gastric juices to return to the throat.

Important: It is imperative that heartburn is treated by a gastroenterologist if the person considers that they have symptoms and continuous episodes of reflux, since the stomach contents can damage the mucosa that lines the esophagus.

Home remedies to eliminate acidity

If you are one of those who prefers to use traditional and natural methods to relieve discomfort, here are the 12 effective home remedies to eliminate heartburn, reflux and therefore that annoying burning sensation that usually occurs after eating certain foods:

1. Papaya juice

It is one of the best-known fruits for its properties that help alleviate stomach problems and it is not only the fruit, but there are also multiple benefits of consuming papaya seed , so it becomes an excellent ally for those who seek to eliminate Stomach problems.

In this sense, the Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research (Corpoica) (1) , published an article on papaya, where they ensure that this fruit is effective in relieving gastric ailments thanks to its papain content, an enzyme that facilitates the breakdown of papayas. protein, which facilitates digestion.

You should know: Papaya has laxative, healing, detoxifying and antibacterial properties that, together with its large amount of water and fiber, make it one of the most effective foods against gastrointestinal diseases, especially as part of the treatment against Helicobacter Pylori .


  • Papaya
  • Water
  • sweetener to taste


  • With the help of a knife, remove the papaya peel, then with a teaspoon you can remove the seeds, we recommend that you leave some so that you can also obtain its benefits.
  • Subsequently, cut the fruit into squares and add to the blender with enough water and the sweetener of your choice.
  • Blend until everything is integrated and drink the cold juice at least 3 times a day, preferably on an empty stomach and after each meal.

2. Baking soda

Baking soda has the great quality of balancing the pH of the stomach , which is affected by the large amount of gastric acids, which regulates the burning sensation in the esophagus almost instantly after ingesting it; it is also an excellent natural antacid against stomach heaviness and feeling of fullness.


  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Water


  • Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to 1 glass of water and stir to dissolve.
  • Then, eat after each meal so that the bicarbonate acts on the gastric juices and thus avoid heartburn.

3. Chamomile tea

There are multiple properties and benefits of chamomile for health, from its qualities to relax, reduce stress and fall asleep, to its great ability to improve the digestive process.

This is due to the fact that chamomile has antispasmodic properties and works as a natural pain reliever for abdominal pain, at the same time that it regulates the intestinal flora and repairs the damage caused to the mucosa that lines the intestinal tract due to the constant passage of juices. gastric.


  • chamomile flowers
  • Water
  • sweetener to taste


  • Boil some water, add 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers and cook for 3 minutes.
  • Then, remove from the heat and cover the pot so that the chamomile releases all its properties, let it infuse for at least 5 minutes. After the time has elapsed, strain the preparation, sweeten to your liking and eat lukewarm.

4. Ginger tea

Among the benefits of ginger , its vasodilator and anticoagulant action stands out , it is also used to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which also works as a powerful antibacterial with properties that relieve cold symptoms.

In addition to being considered one of the most used aphrodisiac foods , ginger is also implemented as a home remedy for heartburn, since it has effects that control gastric juices , so that they do not go up to the esophagus, thus preventing reflux and the sensation of nausea. burning in the chest

Important: Ginger intake should be regulated in people with high blood pressure, as this root can increase heart activity and maximize blood flow.


  • fresh ginger root
  • Water
  • sweetener to taste


  • To prepare ginger tea, you must wash the root very well, cut it into small slices and cook it in a little water. When it reaches its boiling point, remove from the heat and let it infuse for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • After the time has elapsed, strain the preparation, add the sweetener of your choice and eat lukewarm.

5. Aloe vera juice

There is a wide variety of benefits of aloe vera , this is because this medicinal plant is made up mostly of water. The Manual for the Good Use of Medicinal Plants (2) , details that it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory , healing properties, among others.

Note: Aloe vera or aloe vera also has vitamins A, B, C, D and E, amino acids, minerals and multiple compounds that benefit the proper functioning of the different systems that make up the body.

For its part, it works as a home remedy for heartburn, thanks to its analgesic action that reduces pain in the stomach and esophagus caused by heartburn, while healing the mucosa of the gastric tract. Ingredients


  • aloe vera crystals
  • Water
  • sweetener to taste


  • Wash 1 aloe vera leaf or stalk with plenty of water, carefully remove the thorns and the rest of the skin, exposing the crystalline interior of the aloe vera.
  • Subsequently, cut the glass into pieces and add it together with a little water to a blender, you can sweeten with a little honey or the sweetener you prefer.
  • Blend until everything is properly mixed and drink 1 glass on an empty stomach.

6. Pear juice

The powerful benefits of pear juice will make you want to consume it daily. Its contribution to the health of the stomach, is that since it is made up of water and fiber, it is a powerful fruit if you want to regulate your intestinal transit, in turn it acts as an antibacterial, facilitates digestion and prevents reflux and acidity.


  • ripe pears
  • Lemon juice
  • Water
  • sweetener to taste


  • Wash 2 ripe pears and remove the seeds, cut into cubes and add them to the blender, add the juice of a lemon to improve its action, add a little water, the sweetener of your choice and blend.
  • You can drink this cold pear juice with each meal, thus it will regulate intestinal transit and the burning caused by acidity.

7. Fennel tea

The Journal of Public Health of the Autonomous University of Guerrero , Taxco el Viejo. Mexico (3) , describes that fennel has antibiotic properties against various fungi and bacteria.

You should know: Fennel seeds, like the plant in general, have qualities that benefit the mucosa of the stomach and esophagus, usually inflamed by the constant passage of gastric acids.


  • Fennel
  • Water
  • sweetener to taste


  • Wash some fresh leaves of the fennel plant with plenty of water and place them in a pot with water, cook until it reaches a boiling point. Then, remove from the heat and let the tea steep for 5 minutes.
  • After time, strain the infusion, sweeten to your liking and eat warm.

8. Mint tea

Thanks to the refreshing properties due to the menthol content that the mint plant has, it becomes a natural option to eliminate acidity, since it calms the heat and burning that produces reflux in the throat and throughout the digestive tract, in addition mint tea benefits digestion and stimulates digestive secretions.


  • Mint leaves
  • Water
  • sweetener to taste


  • Wash the mint leaves and place them in a pot with water, cover the preparation and let it cook until it boils.
  • When the water is turning green, turn off the heat, remove the leaves, pour tea into a cup, add your sweetener of choice, and drink warm or cold.

9. Licorice tea

Licorice tea can be used as a home remedy for heartburn due to its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic action that act directly on the gastric mucosa weakened by the presence of gastric acids, in addition, licorice has properties that improve digestion , gases and flatulence decreases.

Note: Licorice should be consumed with caution because it has effects on blood pressure.


  • licorice root
  • Water
  • sweetener to taste


  • Boil a piece of licorice root in a little water for 5 minutes so that it releases all its properties.
  • Then, remove from the heat and let it infuse for 15 minutes, after the time, remove the root, sweeten and drink 1 cup of this healthy tea.

10. Cinnamon tea

The multiple properties of cinnamon will make you not only use it as an ingredient for desserts, but also use it as a remedy to eliminate acidity, because it has carminative , antispasmodic, and antiulcer qualities , in turn stimulating saliva production. which improves digestion and heartburn.


  • Ground or stick cinnamon
  • Water
  • sweetener to taste


  • Add the cinnamon, either in powder or in a stick, to a pot with water, cook for 5 to 8 minutes and then remove from the heat so that the infusion rests, thus concentrating all its properties.
  • Subsequently, strain the tea, sweeten and pour into a cup, drink it lukewarm no more than 3 times a day.

11. Clove Tea

Stomach upset caused by heartburn can be improved with clove tea, this is because this spice maximizes the production of gastrointestinal enzymes that reduce heaviness, facilitate digestion and minimize reflux , therefore, these actions contribute to which improves the pain caused by pain in the esophagus.


  • clove powder
  • Water
  • sweetener to taste


  • To prepare this tea, you must boil a cup of water, then pour it into a container and add 1 teaspoon of clove powder.
  • Stir a little so that the spice integrates with the water, sweeten with a little honey and eat warm.

12. Oatmeal water

The properties of oats and their action against gastric problems are known and used by different cultures worldwide. In principle, oats are known for their great contribution of fiber that improves intestinal transit, however, it also has mucilage (a type of soluble fiber) that has effects on the gastric mucosa.

The above is essential to improve acidity , since the walls of the stomach, the esophagus and the lining of these are the main ones affected by reflux, for this reason, oatmeal water acts as a protector of the mucosa and an excellent remedy for remove acidity.


  • oat flakes
  • Water
  • cinnamon (optional)
  • sweetener to taste


  • Add 2 tablespoons of oat flakes to the blender with a little water, you can also add a little cinnamon powder and honey or the sweetener you prefer.
  • Blend until all the ingredients have been incorporated, strain the preparation and drink the cold oatmeal water before each meal.

Key Findings

  • Heartburn is the product of an alteration of the gastric juices that are formed in the stomach as part of the digestive process .
  • Reflux is stomach contents back up the esophagus, causing pain, burning sensations, and heat in the chest, stomach, and throat.
  • Papaya juice, baking soda and oatmeal water are the best known and most effective home remedies against heartburn.
  • Aloe vera juice helps to heal the walls of the stomach and the digestive tract irritated by the constant reflux.
  • Fennel , mint and chamomile tea provide relief, reducing pain and inflammation.

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