The vegetable kingdom provides us with a large quantity and variety of foods , which are beneficial for human health and among them are fruits, foods with a low calorie percentage and with many vitamins and minerals, one of them being the pear.
In this article, we explain the most outstanding benefits of pears certified by science.
What does the pear do in our body?
Due to its great contribution of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds, this fruit has numerous health benefits, which we will discuss below:
1. Strengthens the immune system
The pear is a source of vitamin C, folic acid , pyridoxine, iron and zinc, elements necessary for the construction of blood tissue, including white and red blood cells , which are essential in the fight against diseases, strengthening the immune system.
The pear also has a high content of antioxidant compounds, which somehow have the property of fighting free radicals responsible for cell aging.
Note: A scientific article explains in detail the beneficial action of vitamin C that pears have on the immune system. (1)
2. Promotes cardiovascular health
The antioxidants present in pears, in addition to promoting the body’s immune action, prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases, which is why they contribute to heart health, due to their antioxidant properties in conjunction with vitamin E. (2)
To highlight: Vitamin C also prevents the formation of fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels called atheromas , since it reduces low-density cholesterol (LDL), which obstructs blood flow and promotes increased pressure. arterial. (3)
3. Lowers the risk of diabetes
The pear is a fruit with a low content of carbohydrates (10.6 gr per 100 gr of edible portion), which decreases the presence of glucose in the blood, as well as a significant contribution of fiber, both soluble and insoluble.
You should know: This fiber content limits the absorption of carbohydrates through the small intestine and with it the presence of sugar in the blood. (4)
4. Improves kidney and intestinal functions
The pear has a high water content (86.7 grams per 100 grams of edible portion) , a necessary element for the proper functioning of the kidneys, benefiting people who suffer from kidney failure due to various circumstances.
Note: The water contained in the pear is one of the elements that favor the diuresis process (5) , helping to eliminate toxins in the body.
In relation to the digestive function, the pear has a large amount of dietary fiber , between soluble and insoluble. The largest amount of fiber is contained in the skin of the pear and prevents the appearance of constipation . (6) .
5. Strengthens bones, muscles and tissues
To maintain the health of the bones and strengthen them, the pear provides minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, which are directly involved in their strengthening. (7)
To highlight: Its contribution to muscles and tissues is related to its contribution of iron, folic acid, sodium and potassium, minerals and vitamin C, which contribute to the processes of contraction, muscle relaxation and healing. (8)
6. Fights anemia
The pear is a fruit that, as we have mentioned before, contributes with the contribution of some vitamins and minerals for the synthesis of hemoglobin and the production of red blood cells, important elements for the construction of blood tissue.
You should know: The consumption of this fruit can help with problems such as anemia thanks to its iron and vitamin C content. (9)
7. Contributes to the maintenance of body weight
A healthy diet constitutes one of the bases for a healthy lifestyle and that is why the consumption of vegetables and fruits is very important, due to their low caloric content and their great contribution of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds. (10)
Note: The pear contains a low level of calories (49 Kcal per 100 grams of edible portion) , does not contain cholesterol and also provides a good amount of dietary fiber that regulates the absorption of sugars and fats through the intestines.
What are the properties of the pear?
Pears are fruits that contain many essential chemical and nutritional components for human health, which we mention below:
1. Vitamins and minerals
The pear is a source of the following vitamins: folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamins C and A, highlighting ascorbic acid.
To highlight: Among the minerals are calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium and phosphorus, highlighting the presence of potassium and phosphorus.
2. Other components
Other pear compounds that favor human health are the presence of flavonoid compounds such as quercetin, kaempferol and catechins with antioxidant properties, as well as water, healthy carbohydrates and fiber such as pectin. (eleven)
How is the pear consumed?
The pear is a perfect ally in the kitchen and is a food consumed throughout the world, since it is such a versatile fruit that people of any age and sex can consume it, as well as at any time of day and doctors set a limit up to 3 pears per day, however they limit that one is enough.
Being this a fruit with many qualities, its main consumption is raw and preferably with the skin, constituting a nutritional contribution for athletes because it has the ability to provide quick energy and water.
You should know: It is also very common to prepare it in the form of pear juice , especially for children, and it can also be part of the ingredients of salads.
Key Findings
- The pear is a fruit with a low caloric intake and low in carbohydrates.
- The pear contains minerals, vitamins and antioxidants vital for the health of the organism.
- The pear contributes to the maintenance of body weight and cardiovascular health.
- Pear promotes gastrointestinal health and strengthens the immune system.
- The pear is a fruit that can be consumed by almost any type of person, either directly raw or in juices .
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.