Pear juice is one of the most consumed drinks in the world , due to its extraordinary flavor that makes it the perfect drink for breakfast and the favorite for children to take to school in their lunch boxes.

In addition to this, it has incredible properties for people’s health, with different preparation methods to enjoy a different drink, but with the same goal, to be totally healthy.

In this article, we will present 12 of its healthy benefits , with different forms of preparation as a bonus, to enjoy at a snack or dinner. You choose the moment.

What benefits does pear juice have?

Pear juice exists thanks to the fruit of the same name, distributed mainly from central Europe to South America in its beginnings, with multiple properties and nutritional reserves 

To highlight: According to a study carried out by DESCO , regarding the benefits of the pear “These nutritional characteristics are important for the proper management of this fruit, since they help to efficiently manage the plantations and their consumption in various ways.” (1)

In this sense, what kind of nutritional benefits does pear juice have? We present 12 of them below:

1. Strengthens the immune system

Pear juice is capable of raising the defenses of the immune system , due to its nutritional properties, it has 0 fats, as well as being rich in minerals and vitamins (A, B and C). 

Note: The pear provides important antioxidant substances , necessary to protect the immune system and its degradation.

2. Reduces the risk of heart disease

Pear juice is quite a hydrating drink , which also protects people with diabetes and hypertension from heart disease.  

You should know: The cardiologist José Manuel Sosa (2) carried out a study, where he explains the importance of the presence of fruits such as pears and apples in a balanced diet, mentioning that: “The patients in the study who ate nine to eleven servings of fruits and vegetables a day, had reduced their risk of heart attack by 18 percent.” (3)

This is because the pear fiber regulates cholesterol and inflammation that can affect the immune system, thus reducing the pathological risk of heart disease and different complications of stress.

3. Lowers the risk of diabetes

Pear juice reduces the risk of diabetes in an incredible way, since the pear is present in different diets that if they are highly rich in fiber, the risk of suffering from diabetes is favorably reduced , in addition to this they maintain adequate and stable control. with glycemia (blood sugar level). 

Important: Thanks to a study by the Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo , it is known that the lack of dietary fiber in the body can be a triggering factor for diabetes , therefore good nutrition is necessary, where include a daily intake of 20 to 40 g of fiber , being the pear rich in soluble fiber. (4)

4. Regulates bad cholesterol levels

Pear juice has the ability (as an antioxidant) to absorb unnecessary levels of cholesterol found in the system, eliminating them from it.

To highlight: A study explains that: “Antioxidants neutralize the negative effects that free radicals can have on the body , especially those coming from fruits and vegetables. They also act as vitamin carriers to  speed up the proper flow of cholesterol from intestinal cells to the intestinal lumen . ” (5)

In this sense, the soluble fiber of the fruit is what contributes to this action , since the consumption of approximately 5 to 100 grams of soluble fiber is capable of reducing low-density cholesterol.

5. Balances high blood pressure

This drink is special for people who have blood pressure complications, thanks to being rich in vitamins and being made up of a high degree of water 

This is not to mention the potassium and antioxidant properties it contains , which help control the stiffness of the heart tissue, as well as its inflammation, which will reduce hypertension problems.

6. Eliminate fluid retention

Pear juice is very useful for draining liquids within the system, since it works with a diuretic process because it is highly composed of water, helping the kidneys to expel more sodium through urine, which is completely eliminated from the body. 

7. Promotes gastrointestinal health

Pear juice helps a lot with the gastrointestinal process of the system, again due to its high level of fiber, constipation is relieved, keeping digestive processes regulated , providing 22% or more fiber to make this possible. 

So, by protecting the gastrointestinal system, the pear helps eliminate bacteria and promote digestion.

8. Decreases inflammation

The pear has flavonoid antioxidant properties (phytonutrients), necessary to reduce inflammation of the immune system, which if prolonged can be detrimental to daily life. 

Note: The Spanish Nutrition Society (6) mentions in a study that: ” Flavonoids are phenolic compounds and represent substantial constituents of the non-energetic part of the human diet.” (7)

9. Fight anemia

The benefits of pear juice are very favorable to combat anemia, since it increases the number of red blood cells thanks to being rich in iron and copper , it is then a very favorable fruit for hemoglobin. 

Plus, it promotes a faster way to absorb minerals . Remembering that anemia occurs a lot due to the lack or deficiency of iron in the human body.

10. Strengthens the bones

Pear juice is widely consumed since childhood, due to its contributions to bone growth. In fact, the University of Palermo (8) strongly recommends the consumption of pear fruit, highlighting that: “Thanks to its high content of Calcium and carbohydrates is ideal for bones to grow strong and healthy , and strengthens them as they grow.”

11. Contributes to weight loss

The pear is a very low-fat fruit , therefore there is no need to worry about obesity with its consumption. 

On the contrary, pear juice helps a lot to lose weight , due to its high content of water and vitamins, which strengthen the system and speed up metabolism , so it is extremely important to consume this type of juice after training .

12. Reduces food allergies

The pear is a fruit that is rich in quercetin (a green pigment found in various fruits), which helps to strengthen the resistance and performance of the immune system , in addition to preventing hay fever (allergic rhinitis), which can reduce certain people’s allergies to a diverse number of foods.

Pear juice properties

Knowing all the benefits that pear juice provides, it is necessary to know what properties make all this possible . Here we present the main and most relevant ones:

1. Vitamins

Pear juice favors a healthy diet, due to its numerous vitamins for the human body, divided into certain percentages. It has vitamins A , B and C , which help bone development, promote metabolism and provide nutrients necessary for healthy human growth. 

You should know: Pear juice is also rich in vitamin E , which is one of the antioxidants necessary to protect the system and body tissue from different bacterial agents.

2. Minerals

Pear juice has various minerals necessary for the body, including calcium, phosphorus, sodium and is highly rich in iron. These minerals have various functions, such as transporting oxygen to the blood, serving as an antioxidant, producing proteins , regulating growth, and metabolic function .

How to prepare pear juice?

As an additional detail, we will present you two ways to prepare a pear juice or juice, ideal for a healthy and well-nutritious diet.

1. Pear smoothie

It is one of the simplest recipes, the favorite and the least complicated. Prepare it for a good breakfast , a snack or an ideal and nutritious dinner.


  • 2 pears
  • Boiled water
  • Lemon juice
  • sweetener to taste
  • Ice


  • It is important that you cut the pears into small pieces, if you wish you can include them with the shells, otherwise simply peel them first.
  • In a blender, mix the water previously boiled in a pot (in order to eliminate bacteria that it may contain) together with ice.
  • Add the chopped pears and start blending the first part
  • While you are blending, you add the juice or lemon juice little by little, it must be incorporated with a juicer.
  • To finish we add the sugar or a natural sweetener to your liking and serve the way you want.

2. Pear smoothie

The pear smoothie is tastier and is ideal for a post workout . It will be more creamy and quite tasteful.



  • Whether you want to peel the pears or not, it is important that they are ripe, then cut them into small pieces so that they blend perfectly.
  • In a blender add the vegetable or skimmed milk (you can also opt for powdered milk) along with plenty of ice or to your liking.
  • While blending add cinnamon if desired and beat again slowly
  • Add sugar or any sweetener
  • Make sure it is creamy and immediately afterwards, serve to taste

Key Findings

  • Pear juice is one of the most consumed drinks in the world , due to its extraordinary flavor.
  • Pear juice is capable of increasing the defenses of the immune system , due to its nutritional properties.
  • Consuming pear juice protects against heart disease , reduces the risk of diabetes and controls hypertension.
  • Pear juice contains vitamins A, B, C and minerals such as iron, phosphorus, sodium and calcium.
  • Pear juice can be consumed as a smoothie or shaken with vegetable milk. In both ways it is very favorable for health and nutrition.

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