What are lice?

Liceare small insects, of theAnoplura group, also called sucking lice, because they usually enter specific places of humans, in order to suck their blood, reproduce in them and live indefinitely. They begin as small larvae and when feeding can grow into adults.

Note: Head lice can have eggs that are known asnits, according to a medical study, they define them in this way “Nits are small whitish eggs that are attached to the base of the hair and in 7-10 days hatch and become lice”. (1)

Causes of lice in adults

There areseveral causes on the appearance of lice, especially in adults, who have activities very different from those of children, so we present the main causes:

1. Direct physical contact

Regardless of whether you are a child or an adult, liceare always easily transmitted through direct physical contact, usually with someone who suffers from head lice.

Important: A study emphasizes that “Head lice infestation is called pediculosis and is not related to dirt or poor hygienic habits.” (2)

2. Shared personal belongings

LyceumCan lay nit eggs on personal items, such as combing brushes, caps, and hats. Objects that when shared, can easily transmit the eggs of these insects to another person unexpectedly, it is importantnot to share these objects if you have lice.

3. Contact with contaminated bedding or furniture

Lyceumcan dislodge from the scalp and crawl onto nearby beds or furniture,as well as drop nit eggs. In the worst case, if the person receives company or certain visitors, people are potentially at risk of getting lice, without knowing it from the first moment.

4. Sexual contact

Lice on adults can be easily transmitted through sexual contact. Where you are very prone to being around your partner or another person infested with lice, which not only transmits them to your hair, but worse, worseto the pubic hair on your genitals.

Note: These lice are known as pubic lice or crab lice, and according to a study “People infested with pubic lice should be examined for the presence of other sexually transmitted diseases.” (3)

How to remove lice in an adult person?

Fortunately, being a matter of health and personal hygiene, there are effective treatmentsto eliminate head lice in adults. We present the most important ones.

1. Shampoos and creams

There are special shampoos and hair creams, created in order to directly eliminatethe lice that can be harbored. These must be used with care, since they havechemicals and poisons capable of eliminating these insects, but if they are applied incorrectly and come into contact with mucosal walls, it can be serious.

2. Mechanical removal

It is an equally effective measure and is complementary to the use of chemicals , where indicated tools are used at home, such as systematic and meticulous combing with special narrow-toothed combs , in which nits and lice can remain attached, removing them from the head.

3. White or apple cider vinegar

This is a Home Remedy to Eliminate Lice , both white and apple cider vinegar should be boiled and allowed to stand for a while, in order to drain them over the head of the infected person and for the lice to come off the leather hairy.

Note: This is an effective home remedy as vinegar makes hair silky.

4. Essential oils

In addition to vinegar, there are other Special Oilsin order to eliminate lice, making hair silky and separating lice from the scalp. Among the most efficient oils that exist areLavender Oil, Tea Tree Oil and Cinnamon Leaves.

5. Eucalyptus leaves

The eucalyptus leaf is a well-known medicinal plant , which works to eliminate nits, since it has Antiparasitic properties and due to its extremely strong smell, it repels lice on the scalp.

6. Mayonnaise and vinegar

We know how vinegar makes hair silky and how it manages to get rid of lice, however there is mayonnaise as a home treatment against lice,which works like a mask that is placed on the head, in order to capture and suffocate the lice. Lice including nits.

How to prevent head lice in adults?

There are various measures that have to be followed, in order to avoid the presence of lice in adults. It is necessary to take them into account to avoid uncomfortable situations.

1. Avoid contact with infested people

If you know someone who scratches their head a lot or has confessed to lice, you should keep your distance and avoid physical contact. It is a safe and sanitary way to avoid the spread of these lice, it is also important that the other person take the appropriate treatment.

2. Avoid sharing personal items

You can’t share personal items like hairbrushes and even hats. This is a preventive measure for both sides, if you have lice, it is important not to transmit them to another person or vice versa.

3. Wash clothes, garments and household linen with hot water

If you come into contact with objects or if you can see lice and small nits on your clothes and garments, it is important that you wash them with hot water in order to effectively burn and eliminate the lice. In addition, this must be done with everything that has silk.

4. Periodically check your hair

Always check and check your hair periodically, in order to prevent the appearance of lice and be attentive, in case these insects are found harboring on our scalp. It is safe and manages to prevent annoying experiences.

5. Cut your hair

If possible, you should cut your hair to some extent in order to be able to easily see the presence of lice and nits. This can prevent external lice from attaching to a person’s hair.

6. Maintain proper hygiene

Proper personal hygiene must be maintained, in order to prevent lice from gaining a foothold on a person’s body, including to prevent the appearance of nits or lice on someone’s private parts. This prevents lice infestations and their spread.

Key Conclusions

  • Lyceumare tiny insects that attach themselves to hairs and begin to feed on a person’s blood, regardless of age.
  • There are three types of lice , found on the head, body, and pubic hair.
  • These can Play rapidly by leaving nit eggs and are spread by direct contact.
  • There are various Chemical and Home treatments to eliminate lice, making the hair silky and detaching the lice from the skin.
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