Sometimes it’s surprising how much little information we ignore throughout our lives. The nutritional composition of food, although we know of its existence and importance, there are many things that are beyond our reach and therefore, we miss out on or ignore its benefits.
A clear example is the core of this article: grape seeds. The same ones that we usually discard or consume, just for the simple fact that they are small and go unnoticed, but they also have incredible properties and benefits that will be discussed below.
In the next article then, we will learn more about the potential use of these seeds and how to consume them.
What are grape seeds?
Grape seeds ( Vitis tiliifolia and Vitis vinifera ) are a by-product of agricultural origin that has a large field of research, because it was usually discarded in the production of wines and juices.
The grape is a fruit that grows in clusters in cool, wooded and climbing areas. They are berries and there are approximately 600 species, where 20 of these are used even from their leaves for consumption like any other vegetable.
It also has pharmaceutical and cosmetic use, and most of the focused research seeks to encourage its consumption to obtain its benefits and disease prevention.
Grape seed properties
The studies that are carried out for the use of grape seeds are based on their high antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, it is also quite important to recognize and consider the nutritional contributions they have. We will address those components below.
Among the outstanding vitamins found within the grape are mentioned: vitamin C, A, E, B2 and B9, which are quite important for the proper development and functioning of our body.
These same ones are in charge of benefiting the eyesight, the immune system and a correct development of our organism in general senses and the concentrations found per 100 grams of grapes vary from 1% to 88% of the recommended daily intake.
Between 2 and 4% of the total weight of the grape seeds, its composition is minerals. In different and important concentrations we find potassium , calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and manganese, the latter being a contribution of 99% recommended in daily intake.
According to research carried out such as the antioxidant capacity of grape seed oil , they mention that the highest antioxidant capacity is located in the seed rather than in the peel.
Those that stand out mainly are phenolics, tocopherol and proanthocyanidins. These are responsible for enhancing the functionalities of the vitamins that are consumed (including those from this same source) and protecting us from free radicals.
The black grape and its seeds are one of the main sources of proanthocyanidin antioxidants, covering 95% (a high concentration) and this being one of the most effective antioxidants that exist.
They favor the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, arteriosclerosis and arthritis, in addition to inhibiting hormones responsible for allergic responses and inflammatory reactions.
Nuts or processed fruits tend to increase the amount of calories they have based on their original values. The evidence with the grape is seen in a value of 43 calories per 100 grams of grape and for grape seed oil it is 44% of the recommended daily intake, which is equivalent to 884 kcal.
In the Health Research and Information Magazine , they developed an article directed to the medicinal properties of the grape seed where they carry out an evaluation of the chemical composition of the grape seeds reflecting values of 10% of their composition in fat matter.
There are even oils made based on these seeds based on their oleic acids. It is important to mention that within its components there are 0 milligrams of cholesterol.
Health benefits of grape seeds
Everything previously mentioned within the component elements of grape seeds, derive in a list of benefits for our body. We present them below.
Boosts the immune system
Due to the minerals and vitamins they contain, especially highlighting vitamin A and C and iron, our body benefits from the consumption of processed or direct grape seeds. These micronutrients are those that participate in the proper functioning of our immune system.
Helps fight heart problems
In the research carried out by Good Clinical Practice entitled ” Physiological effects of grape seed extract in diastolic heart failure “ , it is shown that the antioxidants present in grapes block the harmful effects of diets rich in salt that directly affect problems with heart failures.
It seeks to guide the use of grape seed, as a dietary supplement to then combat the levels of harmful substances and also improve the functioning of the heart and cardiac vessels.
Promotes blood circulation and purifies the blood
In the same previously cited research, they expose the benefits of consuming grape seeds since there is an effect on hormones and other chemical substances that can affect the proper functioning of the heart and its blood vessels, as well as helping to control blood pressure.
Fight lung diseases
Due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant activity, grape seeds are responsible for having a preventive effect on respiratory diseases. Added to that, the antihistamine action of grape seeds has a protective effect against lung infections.
Improves eye health
Due to its high concentration of vitamin E, grape seeds can offer an improvement in visual abilities. It also prevents the sensation of blurred vision and stimulates the correct functioning of the eye muscles.
slows down aging
Due to its antioxidant components, especially OPCs (oligomeric and polymeric complexes), our body is protected from the action of free radicals, which delays the aging process or premature deterioration of cells and tissues in our body.
Improves gut health
A study carried out at the Rovira i Virgili University (URV) of Tarragona, talks about the ability of seeds to be protectors of the intestinal tract, especially from alterations thanks to the polyphenols that they have within their components.
Polyphenols act by preventing discomfort and inflammation and intestinal permeability throughout the gastrointestinal tract and also oxidative stress in the colon.
Protects against contamination
The type of deterioration caused by contamination in our body and direct contamination through the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are retained and controlled with the consumption of grape seeds. It is recommended above all for passive smokers who wish to counteract their exposure to tobacco.
Fights inflammatory and bacterial diseases
This is one of its main benefits of grape seeds, it focuses on its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial abilities, protecting the body with its high levels of vitamins and minerals. Beta-carotene also acts favorably by fighting free radicals.
Prevents some types of cancer
Among the basis of the various studies of the different types of cancer, it has been determined that the grape seed could mainly prevent colon cancer.
In PALIGMED they developed an investigation on the Grape Seed Extract against cancer , where they expose how the antioxidant components, bioflavonoids and an active component called B2G2, are identified as those with biological activity against cancer cells.
“Ongoing work in the laboratory further increases our understanding of B2G2’s mechanism of action that will aid future preclinical and clinical studies.”
Strengthens the hair
Among the products developed with the grape seed is an oil intended for cosmetic use. This product focuses on the use of its antioxidant components to hydrate and strengthen hair. Avoid water retention that causes split ends and controls frizz.
Added to that, vitamin E helps rebuild tissue and linoleic acids promote growth.
Improves skin health
For aesthetic care, it is considered beneficial because it is a product rich in essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid, phytosterols and phospholipids. Thanks to the application of fatty acids on the skin, dehydration and dryness are avoided.
How to consume grape seeds?
The idea of consuming grape seeds is to add them as a complement to our diet, to take advantage of all the benefits that we have just mentioned. Below we provide three ideas for its use.
In the grape fruit
Direct consumption (virgin grapes). The correct washing and consumption of the grape with seeds and shell included will produce advantages in our body. Perhaps the results will not be immediate, but our body will be grateful for taking care of it in this way.
When grapes are used for processing, the grape seeds are often turned into waste. The investigations of the benefits of this by-product are oriented towards their use and to reduce the production of organic contamination, which, destined to the wrong places, could lead to environmental consequences.
In herbalists or vineyards there is the commercialization of grape seeds in this presentation.
In juices and smoothies
Being part of the ingredients (using grapes) or adding grape seeds to the initial recipe as a complement will always be a bonus. There is also an extract made precisely for this purpose, to become an extra ingredient for our diet.
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.