There are many foods rich in vitamins and minerals, which are almost essential in the natural diet of man and help our body a lot.
Therefore, it is important to know the kind of foods that have essential components in their structure and because of this, the mission of this article is to teach you 10 foods rich in various vitamins for health, so that you can incorporate them into your diet. everyday.
What are vitamins?
Vitamins are nutrients in the form of substances, which are very special for the body to function properly , allowing growth and strengthening at the cellular level.
In this sense, there are a total of 13 types of vitamins , where the best known in common foods are vitamin C , vitamin A , vitamin D , vitamin E, folic acid or vitamin B9 and vitamin K.
To highlight: A study mentions that: ” The term vitamin was coined by joining the words life and amine, the chemical genus of the substance .” (1)
What foods are rich in vitamins?
There are several foods rich in vitamins and proteins necessary for the body , without ruling out minerals, but regarding the central issue, there are a series of foods that are special for the human diet. Next, the best foods with vitamins:
1. Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are great sources of vitamins . The most relevant are spinach (542 mg of vitamin A), lettuce , kale (with 0.029 mg of vitamin A) and chard (with 140 mg of vitamin B9). These vegetables can strengthen the immune system and protect cardiovascular health.
2. Vegetables and vegetables
These are also foods rich in minerals , just as in vitamins. Among the most relevant with vitamins are carrots (10 mg of vitamin B9), tomato (with 1,499 mg of vitamin A), zucchini and pumpkin (with 22 mg and 14 mg of vitamin C), which are essential for digestive health and collagen supply .
Note: A study mentions that: “Vegetables provide vitamins and minerals, and a source of fiber in our diet. They also contain phytochemicals . (two)
3. Fruits
Fruits have a high content of essential vitamins . Among the most famous are strawberries , grapefruit , orange (with abundant vitamin C), avocado , melon and black cherries (abundant in vitamin E and vitamin A), being good for providing fructose and fighting free radicals. .
You should know: The curious vitamin K , important for coagulation , is widely available in kiwi and blackberries.
4. Eggs
Eggs are foods rich in vitamins and proteins , as well as water and abundant lipids.
To highlight: Chicken eggs have a high content of vitamin A (or thiamine) with an estimated 28% of its composition , as well as abundant vitamin D, riboflavin and vitamin E, providing a lot of body energy and improving digestion.
5. Milk
Milk is a nutritional liquid, with water-soluble vitamins as well as fat-soluble ones.
To summarize, it contains abundant vitamin A and B complex vitamins such as B12 or vitamin B9, apart from vitamin K, being essential for blood clotting and providing digestive enzymes.
Important: A study mentions that: “The micronutrient profile of whole milk shows that it is an excellent source of calcium and vitamin B2″ . (3)
6. Red and white meat
Most red meat , such as poultry, always provide vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin B6, small antioxidant amounts of vitamin E and D, even when prepared without vegetable oils, being essential for the formation of red blood cells and the stability of the nervous system.
You should know: Lean meats such as chicken or rabbit are a source of B vitamins for the nervous system, especially B12, which also helps against diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
7. Blue fish
Oily fish is a food rich in B complex vitamins, such as thiamine, vitamin A and also abundant vitamin D , including fatty acids .
Note: The best oily fish are tuna, salmon (these two also contain vitamin B6), eel and sardines, being beneficial for reducing blood lipids and improving blood pressure.
8. Whole grains
Cereals or whole grains have a high content of vitamin B, niacin (vitamin B3) and folates, but they are also foods rich in minerals such as potassium and iron.
To highlight: The best whole grains are rice, oats , millet and burgol wheat, also being essential to level the glycemic presence and even provide fiber to the gastric system.
9. Nuts and seeds
There are important nuts such as walnuts , almonds (with 3.5 and 5.3 mg of niacin), hazelnuts (with 21 mg of vitamin E), and pistachios (with vitamin E and various folates).
On the other hand, there are seeds such as chia , poppies , flax seeds and sunflower seeds, which contain abundant vitamin A, folic acid and antioxidant vitamins such as E and C.
10. Legumes
Finally, legumes contain large amounts of B vitamins, such as niacin, thiamin and riboflavin, but they also provide protein and vitamin A , with a great mix of minerals essential for good health.
You should know: The best legumes to consume are chickpeas , lentils, soybeans and beans, being even beneficial for alleviating heart conditions , diabetes and also contributing to weight loss.
Key Findings
- Vitamins are nutritive substances for the functioning of the organism .
- They are found in abundance in foods such as greens, vegetables, and fruits .
- Other antioxidant vitamins are found in red, lean meats and even oily fish .
- Other foods that have essential vitamins are eggs, milk and nuts .
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.