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Healthy Food

Showing: 21 - 30 of 113 Articles

7 benefits of cucumber for our health

Cucumber or Cucumis sativus is a fruit from the watermelon and pumpkin family. It is a creeping plant from which an elongated, green fruit of approximately 15 cm is obtained.  It has high concentrations of water and great contributions of vitamins , minerals and antioxidants . It is for this reason that it is considered diuretic, cleansing and moisturizing. In the following article, we …

Lettuce: properties and health benefits

Lettuce or Lactuca sativa, is a highly recognized food for its use in salad recipes . It’s refreshing, with sleep-relieving and even pain-relieving qualities, but lettuce really confers a host of health benefits that not all of us are aware of. In the following article, we will talk in depth about these incredible benefits that lettuce has and its nutritional properties. What is …