Physical activity applied on a regular basis, means a wide amount of benefits for the health of the organism, in addition to allowing evolutionary increase in resistance, improvement of strength and muscular capacity , together with benefits in the respiratory and cardiovascular areas.

In the following article, we will delve into the benefits of physical exercise that have been proven through scientific studies.

What are the benefits of exercise?

Physical exercise includes a type of effort, which is beneficial for the health of the body, obtaining results that take care of our quality of life and an adequate and regular development, it is therefore that we will mention below what are the main and most outstanding benefits of this activities:

1. Lowers the risk of heart disease

Cardiovascular risk factors are greatly reduced along with the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents, as well as heart attacks and arrhythmias.

Note: Physical exercise is so important for health that the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends developing our aerobic capacity in order to increase maximum oxygen consumption, a physiological indicator of our state and cardiovascular health. (1)

2. Regulates blood sugar levels

In the cases of diabetic patients, physical exercise plays an extremely important role since it allows to control blood sugar levels and thus reduce a crisis.

To highlight: Physical exercise improves glycemic control and increases insulin absorption capacity , usually for periods of 24 hours, so it is recommended to perform aerobic exercises for 30 minutes, every day. (two)

3. Prevents strokes

Studies and follow-ups carried out at the Health Institute of the Harvard Medical School have shown that physical exercise reduces the risk of stroke by at least 27% , making the main comparison with the effectiveness in older people with respect to medications or drugs used. . (3)

4. Enhances cognitive functions

Scientific evidence has shown that physical activity improves cognitive functions and the quality of life of patients with mental illnesses or disorders. It is also highly recommended in cases of depression, anxiety or stress, allowing the body to obtain responses that reduce symptoms. (4)

5. Strengthens bones and muscles

Bones and muscles are living tissues that produce responses to the stimulation of physical activity, allowing their strengthening and in some cases the achievement of a greater bone density , thus obtaining a higher level of consistency and strength, in addition to helping to improve balance and coordination (5)

6. Helps control body weight

Regular physical activity allows you to maintain a healthy weight or reduce it if necessary. Physical activity burns calories during the process, since they are used to obtain energy , so there is a balance that the more physical activity is performed, the greater the weight lost. (6)

7. Reduces stress, anxiety and depression

As we mentioned before, there are cases of stress, anxiety and depression where the inclusion of physical activity as part of the treatment is highly recommended .

You should know: This is because our body improves all levels of endorphins and concentration, also avoiding a sedentary lifestyle and creating habits that allow for greater social interaction. (7)

8. Increases energy and physical resistance

Constant physical activity improves physical resistance, but also influences an increase in energy thanks to the stimulation of the supply of oxygen and nutrients in the tissues , for which the body responds by working much more efficiently. (8)

9. Improves sleep quality

Among the production of hormones mentioned above, there is also one called melatonin, which is related to the periods and hours of sleep , which greatly reduces insomnia. 

Note: In this way , the use of drugs is avoided and a higher quality sleep is obtained. (9)

10. Prevents some types of cancer

It has been shown through several scientific studies, the ability to reduce the risk of cancer thanks to regular and constant physical activity , especially in cases of colon, breast, uterine and lung cancer. (10)

Tip: To avoid chronic and degenerative diseases such as cancer, the recommendation is to exercise at least 30 minutes, at least 3 times a week .

Key Findings

  • Exercise can help prevent diseases and increase the health of individuals , so it is an activity that is encouraged to perform.
  • Physical exercise controls blood pressure, blood sugar levels, increases energy and improves sleep periods.
  • Physical exercise also serves as part of mental health therapy in cases of stress, anxiety and depression.
  • Physical activities greatly improve a person’s quality of life, in addition to the fact that constant movement provides us with incredible advantages for our state of mind.
  • Physical exercises have a significant impact on cardiovascular health , in addition to improving bone, muscle and joint health and well-being.

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