The apple is a fruit from the apple tree , very popular in almost every country in the world for its great versatility and also because its consumption brings health to the body . It is a fruit with a firm, juicy, refreshing texture, with a flavor between acid and sweet, its size varies according to the variety and its use.

Note: The apple tree is one of the most widespread worldwide, and apple production is carried out throughout the year. Its origin is located in the temperate zones of Europe, western Turkistan and southwest and central Asia.

 In the following article, we give you all the information about this extraordinary fruit and we describe its most important contributions to health.

What are the benefits of eating apple?

By having multiple nutritional properties, the apple has important health benefits, which we mention below:

1. Strengthens the immune system

The apple is mainly provided in its skin with antioxidant chemical compounds called flavonoids, which together with vitamin C and minerals, reinforces the protective work of our immune system (1)

To highlight: According to publications, it has been described that the antioxidant content of the apple skin was 4 to 7 times higher than the pulp , depending on the variety of apple. (two)

2. Protects heart health

The apple contains ascorbic acid, a nutrient with antioxidant capacity that prevents the damaging action of free radicals, especially in the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins, maintaining cholesterol levels in the prevention of heart disease. (3)

Likewise, it contains a flavonoid compound called procyanidins , which performs an antioxidant function in the circulatory system, protecting heart health . In addition, the apple is free of cholesterol, making it a suitable fruit for the daily diet.

To highlight: The apple is a constant source of antioxidants, since it is available throughout the year.

3. Helps balance blood sugar

The apple is a low source of carbohydrates , providing little glycogen to the body. Added to this, it is also a source of soluble fiber (pectin). This fiber forms a gelatinous material that limits the absorption of sugar through the intestines, helping in the prevention of diseases such as diabetes.

Note: More than 7,500 varieties of apples have been registered , although among the most commercial are the Golden Delicious, Royal Gala, Ralls Genet, Granny Smith, Delicia or Red Delicious, all with blood glucose regulating properties.

4. Increases memory and attention

Apples have a high content of flavonoids with antioxidant properties. This guarantees that the veins and arteries that go to the whole body are free of fatty plaques, which can obstruct blood flow to the brain, preventing diseases such as Alzheimer’s .

The free flow of blood guarantees sufficient oxygenation and nutrition of the brain cells. The presence of minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which contribute to the vasodilation of veins and arteries, maintain abundant blood flow to the brain. 

Tip: Eating an apple a day helps keep cholesterol and blood sugar balanced.

5. Stimulates intestinal transit

Apples contain soluble (pectin) and insoluble fiber, with a greater presence of insoluble fiber, which provides volume and softness to the stool and helps improve the intestinal transit of food . It also contains water that together with fiber prevents intestinal discomfort such as constipation.

Note: Insoluble fiber is found in greater amounts in the skin of the apple, therefore its consumption is recommended without removing it.

6. Eliminates toxins from the body

The apple can help you in the body’s detoxification process. Compounds present in this fruit such as cystine and arginine, as well as malic acid, are very suitable for eliminating toxins that are stored in the body 

Likewise, the presence of potassium contributes, a mineral that raises the level of urine excretion, a flow through which toxins are disposed of. In the same way, the vitamin C content collaborates in the purification process of the organism.

To highlight: Apples, according to their variety, can be green, red or yellow (golden), which are usually the most expensive.

7. Increases muscle capacity

Eating apples provides B vitamins, which are involved in the synthesis of compounds necessary for muscles. 

This fruit contains thiamine that prevents muscle fatigue , riboflavin which helps to obtain energy and vitamin B6 that is involved in the proteins that form muscle mass.

Note: In athletes, apples provide a large amount of quick energy with a minimum contribution of calories.

8. Promotes hair, nails and skin

The consumption of apples benefits the hair, thanks to its content of pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin as well as other minerals, guaranteeing healthy and strong hair.

On the other hand, the vitamin C present in the apple participates in the synthesis of collagen , an essential protein to give elasticity and firmness to the skin and together with vitamins A and E, which help the growth and strengthening of the nails.

To highlight: The vasodilator effect provided by the nutrients and antioxidants of the apple, generates a correct flow of blood to the scalp, allowing its oxygenation and nutrition.

9. Protects oral health 

The fiber contained in the apple helps to clean the surface of the teeth, in addition to its antioxidant and mineral compounds, it maintains the health of the gums and eliminates bad breath since it balances the pH of the oral cavity.

Note: Apples contain calcium, a mineral that helps strengthen tooth enamel.

Apple properties

The aforementioned benefits are the product of the interesting nutritional characteristics of the apple, which we describe below:

1. Vitamins

The apple fruit contains the following vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin , pyridoxine, folates, cyanocobalamin, vitamin A, vitamin C or ascorbic acid, and vitamin E.

To highlight: The vitamin with the greatest presence in the apple is ascorbic acid with a contribution of 10 mcg per 100 grams of edible portion.

2. Minerals

Apples contain within their nutritional composition, the following minerals: Calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium and phosphorus.

The mineral with the greatest presence in the apple is potassium with a contribution of 120 mcg per 100 g of edible portion. (4)

3. Other compounds

Apple skin contains insoluble fiber and a significant amount of flavonoid compounds. The pulp contains pectin, a large amount of water and carbohydrates and has a low caloric value.

Key Findings

  • The apple has a large number of antioxidant compounds , most of them contained in its skin. 
  • The consumption of this fruit is a natural way of providing the body with important micronutrients for the different metabolic functions of the human body.  
  • This fruit has a low caloric intake , although it provides fast-consuming energy for the body. 
  • Thanks to its dietary fiber content, this fruit provides a satiating effect , as well as stimulating intestinal transit and the elimination of toxins from the body.

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