Surely the word agave is immediately associated with Mexico and its popular drink, tequila. But it turns out that the agave is a plant from which a delicious and very sweet nectar is also extracted, known as agave honey.
Agave honey is a natural sweetener without much chemical processing, which has currently made it one of the most suitable alternatives for sweetening food, since it is low in calories as well as having great properties and proven health benefits. with scientific studies carried out by renowned institutions such as the Center for Research and Advanced Study (Cinvestav) , as well as the American Diabetes Association .
On the other hand, agave honey has a high glucose content and a low glycemic index, which is why it is recommended for diabetics, as well as for those interested in taking care of their weight without having to give up the sweet taste.
It is important to mention that despite being a natural product, it should still be consumed in moderation.
We invite you to learn in this article a little more about agave honey and the wonderful benefits that its consumption has for health.
What is agave honey?
Agave honey (also known as mead, syrup, tlachique or syrup) is the sap extracted from the blue agave, a plant of Mexican origin similar to aloe vera.
In order to extract agave honey, the plant must be between 12 to 15 years old.
To obtain agave honey, a traditional technique is used in the families of Mexican day laborers who are dedicated to the cultivation of this plant. Said procedure consists of removing 3 to 4 leaves or stalks and making a hole near the heart of the plant.
The sap is deposited in the hole, which is then collected with a tool called an aspina, very similar to a spoon, which prevents the hole from healing so that the nectar continues to flow.
Once the sap is collected, before it begins to ferment, it is placed on the fire until it becomes a dark-colored concentrated syrup called agave honey.
Health benefits of agave honey
According to research carried out by Mexican scientists from Cinvestav (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional), being an organic product, agave honey has many health benefits, since it contains compounds that improve the absorption of minerals. such as calcium and magnesium, essential for the proper functioning of the body.
On the other hand, the American Diabetes Association points out agave syrup as a sweetener with a high fructose content and a low glycemic index, making it a better option than refined sugar, representing a benefit for diabetics.
Another study carried out by Mexican researchers, published in the prestigious electronic journal Scientific Reports , which bears the name Agave salmiana mead concentrate and its extracted saponins , demonstrated that agave honey prevents weight gain, regulates cholesterol, improves glucose tolerance among other benefits.
Based on the aforementioned studies, here is a list of the most important and scientifically verified benefits of agave honey for health.
control diabetes
Agave honey has low glycemic and insulinemic indices, that is, it has a low impact on blood sugar.
Therefore, the consumption of agave honey allows diabetic people to improve their condition by keeping glycemic values controlled.
Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides
The study carried out by Mexican researchers and published in the journal Scientific Reports , determined that the agave honey concentrate and its extracted saponins (steroid glycosides) reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and triglycerides, thus improving the metabolism of toxins.
Therefore, agave honey could prevent diseases such as acute pancreatitis, coronary artery disease, stroke, and others related to high cholesterol and triglycerides.
Protects the digestive system
Agave honey is ideal for treating digestive system problems, as it encourages the growth of intestinal flora, which reduces the effects of diarrhea, gastritis and constipation.
In the same way, agave honey prevents colon diseases since it naturally increases the elimination of fats and toxins from the digestive system.
Stimulates the immune system
The immune system is the natural defense of our body.
In this sense, studies carried out by Mexican scientists from Cinvestav , determined that agave honey contains anti-inflammatory properties and antimicrobial action.
These properties strengthen the immune system, which makes it possible to deal with various infections and diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi.
Keeps arteries and veins clean
Due to the presence of vitamins and minerals such as: A, B, B2, C, iron, phosphorus, proteins and niacin, agave honey drains the arteries and veins, allowing them to detoxify, in such a way that blood circulates properly. .
Therefore, the consumption of agave honey could reduce the risk of heart disease, embolism, thrombosis, heart attack, and stroke, among other conditions related to poor circulation.
prevents osteoporosis
Various articles based on scientific research and published in different digital magazines, such as the Énfasis magazine , agree that agave honey increases the absorption of magnesium and calcium.
Therefore, it is an excellent ally to prevent osteoporosis, since it increases bone mineral density and bone mass.
Limits the growth of harmful bacteria
By stimulating the immune system, as well as having antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, agave nectar prevents the growth of intestinal bacteria such as Listeria, Salmonella, Shigella and E.Coli.
Therefore, agave honey prevents diseases and infections such as diarrhea, salmonellosis and shigellosis.
Promotes weight loss
Agave honey is a natural, low-calorie sweetener that can be a substitute for refined sugar.
Therefore, its consumption is recommended for those who wish to lose weight without neglecting the sweet taste.
However, you should not exceed your consumption. The fact that it is a natural product does not mean that it can be consumed unlimitedly.
In fact, agave honey is sweeter than others, so it does not require a large amount to sweeten any drink or food.
Additionally, the American Heart Association recommends limiting sweetener intake of any kind to no more than 6 teaspoons for women and 9 tablespoons for men, on average per day.
prevent cavities
Research carried out by the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (Cinvestav) detected the presence of a substance called Oligofructose in agave honey.
This substance is derived from sucrose and has multiple health benefits, many of which have already been mentioned.
Regarding dental health, the Oligofructose present in agave honey prevents the proliferation of oral bacteria that cause bad breath and cavities. Therefore, agave honey is an excellent aid in the prevention of cavities.
Improves cough and cold symptoms in children
A comparative study conducted in the United States by researchers at the Penn State School of Medicine in Pennsylvania, sought to determine whether cough symptoms in children were reduced by placebo treatments.
Said study also compared the effectiveness of agave honey to reduce coughing, which showed as results that agave honey does indeed provide relief in cold and cough symptoms in children.
Properties of agave honey
The benefits obtained from agave honey are many, due to the micronutrients it contains . For this reason, here are some of the most important:
Nutritional values (per 100 grams)
- Calories: 310
- Total fat: 0.5 g
- Cholesterol: 0mg
- Sodium: 4mg
- Carbohydrates: 76g
- Proteins: 0.1g
Micronutrients (Percent Daily Values)
- Vitamin C: 28%
- Vitamin E: 8%
- Vitamin A: 5%
- Vitamin K: 28%
- Calcium: 1mg= 0%
- Iron: 7%
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.