Coconut is a source of healthy fat, which generates discussions between professionals and consumers about nutritional recommendations when using coconut oil, coconut butter and any other derivative from this fruit in diets.

Note: Some nutrition specialists recommend their patients remove it from the diet because it is high in saturated fat, while others do not rule it out due to its high nutritional content.

However, people say they feel healthier by eating a low-fat diet without the benefits of coconut , while others say that consuming coconut products has had positive impacts on their weight levels , mood and energy.

Although not all organisms react the same to different sources of fat. Coconut has a healthy fat that is worth taking into account to include it in your diet.

These are some of the properties of coconut and the reasons why you should not consider ruling out the use of its derivatives in your diet:

Coconut nutritional properties

Like any fruit, coconut contains a large number of properties and benefits for health , in addition to the popularity that coconut water has always had as it is considered an isotonic drink, since it provides the body with the necessary hydration to recover energy and stay healthy.

In this sense, below we will detail the properties and nutrients that you can obtain from 100 grams of grated coconut according to data provided by Self magazine (1) :

  • Water: 37.6 grams
  • Calories: 14% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
  • Carbohydrates: 4% CDR
  • Protein: 5% CDR
  • Fibra: 29% CDR
  • Grasa total: 41% CDR
  • Saturated fat: 119% CDR

1. Vitamins

Among the vitamins present in coconut, vitamin C, E, B1, B5 and B6 stand out, as well as a good amount of folic acid. Coconut is not considered a source of vitamins, however, those it contains can help, in small proportions, to maintain the health of people, especially pregnant women.

2. Minerals

The minerals that coconut provides are more significant, since it has a high content of iron, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, copper, potassium, as well as a little calcium, sodium and zinc. Therefore, if you want to increase the content of minerals and antioxidants in your body, the ideal is to add coconut to your diet.

Note: Coconut water contains moisturizing and remineralizing properties , this is because most of its minerals are concentrated in the liquid of this fruit. For its part, coconut water is considered an isotonic drink, usually used by athletes and for the consumption of people who want to strengthen their immune system.

3. Trace elements and other compounds

Manganese , fluoride and chromium are trace elements that stand out in the properties and benefits of coconut. It also contains lauric acid, a substance that contains excellent antimicrobial properties that is also commonly used in skin care products.

What are the health benefits of coconut?

The properties of both water and coconut meat not only provide benefits for body hydration, but also keep muscles and bones healthy due to their calcium content. Coconut derivatives are used to keep the skin hydrated, increase the amount of iron and antioxidants needed by the body.

In addition to helping fight the bacteria that can be lodged in it, among other benefits that will make you want to have it in your kitchen, which we will detail below:

1. Promotes weight loss

Coconut properties alone do not guarantee miraculous weight loss, but due to the aforementioned properties, it can be a great source of healthy fats to include in your diet to help you lose weight more easily.

You can substitute butter, oils, and cheese in your  diet  and add coconut butter or coconut oil to your cooking. You will be eating a large amount of saturated fat several times during the day, which helps control your satiety for sugar and will be a rich source of energy for your body.

Tip: An effective way to include coconut in your diet, in order to  lose weight , is to add a teaspoon of butter or coconut oil to your meals three times a day , you can also use coconut milk. This could be used in breakfast drinks or cereal, melted over some vegetables at lunch, or mixed into your dinner entrée.

2. Helps reduce sugar cravings

All fats (especially saturated fatty acids) can help reduce sugar cravings, since they can be part of snacks that satisfy that need.

However, one of the benefits of coconut is that it is high in protein and fiber, with the exception of the nuts and seeds, even though they are higher in carbohydrates.

Note: The fiber and protein in coconut further aid feelings of satiety from sugar consumption, and provides blood stabilizing benefits . The MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) fats found in coconut are used as a source of energy, so the body does not have a physical need to rely on carbohydrates.

If your sweet tooth kicks in during the afternoon or right after eating, try having a tablespoon or two of coconut butter instead of a sugary item.

Tip: Baked recipes (low in sugar and calories) can be made with coconut flour or coconut milk , instead of regular flour or milk, to help your body satisfy its need to consume the sugar and carbohydrates that are found in refined baked goods.

3. Does not contain cholesterol

Coconut  oil, coconut butter, and coconut meat are similar to butter in that their fat can be easily absorbed and used by the body , however, another of the benefits of coconut is that it is  cholesterol -free , difference from butter. Coconut is also lactose-free, making it a better option than butter for most people on dairy-free diets.

You should know: A study published by the Hospital Nutrition magazine (2) reveals that the consumption of extra virgin coconut oil can increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels and decrease the risk of coronary artery disease.

Whether or not you control your cholesterol with a balanced diet, it is important to eat foods that help us balance the fat levels in your meals .

The excessive use of butter and saturated fats of animal origin can lead to heart disease and affect the liver, two of the main health problems that we must avoid.

4. It has medium chain triglycerides (MCT)

Medium Chain Triglycerides (or MCTs) are fats with an unusual chemical structure that allow the body to digest them more easily . As a result of this rapid digestion and absorption, the brain stimulates the mood in a short period of time. MCT fats also have a ketogenic effect on the body.

One of the properties of coconut is being a good source of MCT oil, it improves the way the body uses fats in a healthy way, increasing mood naturally, without having to eat a low-carb diet. Other keto food sources include salmon, casein, eggs, and macadamia nuts.

Note: It’s important to note that to get these mood-boosting benefits from MCT fats from coconut , it should be paired with a diet rich in  whole grains , low-glycemic produce, lean protein, and healthy fats.

Put aside junk foods and remember that just using coconut oil does not generate the aforementioned results in terms of improving your mood.

5. Stimulates liver function

Excessive consumption of any food strains the liver as it throws the body out of whack. So this benefit of coconut cannot take away the idea of ​​consuming healthy fat.

The moderate use of coconut has significant advantages for the liver , since it acts as an adjunct to detoxification processes in the body, in addition to the nutrients and minerals that this food contains.

You should know: Coconut helps the liver in the detoxification process , it works when carbohydrates enter the bloodstream and act as an antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal that at the same time speed up metabolic functions.

Coconut can help increase the capacity of the liver, since the fat deposited in it acts as fuel immediately, increasing the release of toxins into the liver and out of the body through the digestive system. As a result, it boosts the cleansing process and increases energy levels naturally.

Note: Excessive consumption can tax the digestive system, but adding a little coconut oil or butter to food can provide amazing detox benefits that we should all take advantage of.

6. Helps control blood pressure

The minerals present in coconut, such as iron, potassium and magnesium, help regulate blood pressure while also benefiting the muscles that are compressed, when the heart pumps blood throughout the body.

Coconut helps lower blood pressure. This is one of the most common conditions especially in the elderly population, coconut intake thanks to the fact that it is rich in potassium and other minerals, helps to improve blood circulation, lowers bad cholesterol levels and its nutrients benefit the integrity from the heart.

Tip: You can eat 100 grams or 2 cups of coconut water, grated or fresh weekly, the oil and butter of this food if they must be consumed in small quantities, since its consumption should not be exaggerated due to the amount of saturated fatty acids it contains. contains.

7. Improves skin conditions

The characteristic lauric acid in the properties of this food, together with vitamins C and E, antioxidants and potassium, are the ideal set to combat problems associated with the skin in a natural way.

In this sense, the nutritional value of coconut, especially since it is rich in lauric acid that helps reduce the presence of bacteria on the skin , makes the cosmetics industry incorporate this food into the ingredients, especially in lotions and moisturizing creams.

Tip: Make a natural mask with a little milk, coconut essential oil and honey. Mix the ingredients, apply with a brush or brush on your face, let it act for at least 15 minutes and remove with plenty of water.

8. Prevents neurodegenerative diseases

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease can be prevented and improved with coconut consumption.

Note: According to a publication in Molecules magazine (3) , coconut has good antioxidant effects that can protect DNA from oxidative damage.

In this sense, coconut consumption can significantly reduce the amount of free radicals present in the body , which together with vitamins C and E, are beneficial for improving the symptoms caused by neurodegenerative diseases.

How to take advantage of the benefits of coconut in a diet?

You don’t have to be on a low-carb or high-fat diet to reap the health and body benefits of coconut. Healthy fat consumed in moderation benefits the body, weight, mood and heart health .

Other sources of healthy fats to include in your diet are:

  • Raw almonds.
  • Olive.
  • Salmon.
  • Flax, chia, pumpkin, hemp and sesame seeds.
  • avocados.
  • Nuts, macadamia or Brazil nuts.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Cacao.
  • Olive oil (used sparingly)


Tips when buying and storing coconut

An important tip when purchasing your healthy fats, including coconut, is to always buy raw or cold-preserved .

Cooked or processed fats are more likely to go rancid and lose their properties. Rancid fats are inflammatory in the body and can cause some problems in the body.

Great sources of coconut to include in your diet are:

  • Coconut butter (also called coconut manna).
  • Unrefined coconut oil.
  • Coconut fragments.
  • Coconut meat or pulp.

These coconut-based products have the characteristic of keeping at room temperature , so you can feel free to leave it in your pantry. If it melts with the heat, don’t worry, they can return to their consistency by placing the coconut butter or oil in the fridge until it hardens again, keeping it refrigerated.


Other Healthy, Fat-Free Sources of Coconut

Other sources of food made from coconut, which are free of fats that can be used although they will not provide the same benefits of coconut mentioned above are:

  • Coconut Vinegar: A tangy vinegar made from fermented coconut that is similar to apple cider vinegar in providing healthy blood sugar and stimulating detoxification in the body.
  • Coconut Amina: A sodium-free soy-like sauce used for stir-fries and soups.
  • Coconut water:  Contains a high amount of potassium that helps increase hydration and contributes to the digestion of food.

Highlights: People throughout history have relied on the coconut fruit for nutritional and health benefits. When we are looking to improve our diet it is important to take into account the ancestral knowledge, which is full of wisdom regarding a long life using the products of nature.

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