Diets are guidelines or eating regimens, which allow us to achieve objectives thanks to the consumption or restrictions applied to our habits. Among the large existing list of diets, we can highlight those that are considered the most effective and at the same time healthy to lose weight.
For this reason, in the following article we will talk about what these diets are, what benefits we can obtain from them and a brief example of eating plans for their application.
What is the best diet to lose weight?
Weight loss diets usually pursue a fairly specific goal , so they focus heavily on reducing certain foods that can keep us from losing weight.
We will mention below which are the main diets that are recommended to lose weight, taking care of our health and the needs of our body.
1. Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean diet is based on foods of plant origin , although fish, shellfish and poultry are included in controlled amounts, as well as dairy products.
You should know: In the Mediterranean diet , iron and calcium levels must be monitored, due to the reduction of certain foods within the diet, in order to avoid risks or unwanted side effects.
In this sense, here is an example of a daily menu in the Mediterranean diet that you can try:
Breakfasts should represent an intake that allows the acquisition of energy to start the day. We mention different options below:
- Eggs , toasted bread with honey and fruits.
- Tomatoes and olive oil on a slice of toast.
- Yogurt, fruit and oatmeal.
- Homemade oat bars with nuts .
Lunch is the opportunity of the day to add a significant amount of protein to our body. We mention different options below:
- Lentil and carrot salad .
- Baked fish and vegetable salad.
- Salmon, asparagus and avocado .
- Chicken with peppers and spinach.
Afternoon snack
The snack will allow proper digestion and the inclusion of the necessary nutrients. We mention some options below.
- Fruit and quinoa salad .
- Homemade roasted almond and honey bars.
- Toasted bread with tomato and garlic.
- Yogurt and granola.
To close the day, light meals should be included that provide benefits to our body and complement the recommended daily intake. We mention some options below.
- Rice Caesar salad.
- Baked chickpeas .
- Russian salad.
- Cream of vegetables such as pumpkin or carrots.
2. paleo diet
The paleo diet is one that focuses on consuming foods that can be obtained through gathering and hunting , including lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, and seeds.
Important: An indiscriminate and unsupervised consumption can cause a kidney load or a calcium deficit. Cholesterol levels can be altered and therefore, there are risks at the cardiovascular level.
Here is an everyday menu option for the paleo diet that you might want to try:
Within the characteristics of the paleo diet , it is important to mention what are the existing options for breakfast:
- Mango pudding.
- Boiled egg and avocado,
- Fruit salad, cinnamon and nuts.
- Banana and milk shake .
As we previously mentioned, the paleo diet opts for foods that can be obtained by gathering and hunting , we mention the following options:
- Steamed salmon and zucchini salad.
- Sautéed spinach , meat and potatoes.
- Baked vegetables and omelet with mushrooms.
- Salmon and vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack
Snacks should be light meals that allow us to adequately nourish ourselves and avoid the consumption of foods that do not favor our objectives. Here are several paleo diet snack options:
- Baked sweet potato .
- Avocado and boiled egg.
- Fruit salad .
- Nuts and yogurt.
For dinner , foods with a high nutritional level can be consumed in responsible portions. Here are several available options:
- Baked chicken, tomato and cucumber salad.
- Vegetables cream.
- Cauliflower and tortilla.
- Lettuce with chicken, avocado and tomato.
3. Diet dash
The Dash diet is characterized by being low in salt and high in the consumption of natural products such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, grains and lean proteins . Its name comes from the English acronym Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. (1)
Note: The Dash diet has shown benefits in reducing cardiovascular risks and decreasing bone density . (two)
By virtue of its benefits, we share below an example of a daily menu in the Dash diet:
Due to the nature of the Dash diet and the foods that are consumed, we will mention different options for breakfast:
- Milk, oatmeal and sliced banana.
- Yogurt, fresh fruits and granola.
- Whole wheat bread with cheese and tomato.
- Oatmeal, milk and almond cookies.
The importance of including protein at lunch expands the options in the diet, which allows the creation of different options that we will mention below:
- Lentils and tomato sauce.
- Chickpea and chicken salad.
- Fish and broccoli meatballs . Banana.
- Chickpea and corn salad.
Afternoon snack
For a light mid-afternoon meal, healthy and fresh options exist due to the nature of the diet. We mention a few below:
- Milkshake and cherries.
- Yogurt with oats and pineapple .
- Whole wheat bread with cheese and a cup of tea or coffee.
- Whole wheat bread, avocado and tomato.
To end the day, the diet focuses on protein consumption again to take care of our health and daily demands properly. We mention some examples below:
- Mixed salad and salmon.
- Fish salad wrapped in lettuce tacos .
- Chicken and vegetables.
- Baked salmon and vegetables.
4. Flexitarian diet
The flexitarian diet is considered a variation of the vegetarian diet with the occasional addition of animal protein. Among the products that can be consumed are dairy derivatives and eggs.
To highlight: The benefits are reflected in health and the body, although a drastic decrease in protein can cause irreversible damage and unwanted side effects. (3)
Next, we share with you a daily menu option for the flexitarian diet that you can try:
We mention different options for breakfast below, but the origin of the food must be taken into account and the conditions of the diet must be respected :
- Oatmeal cookies and yogurt.
- Baked eggs, avocado and cheese.
- Banana cookies.
- Oatmeal baked with fruits and almonds.
Due to the reduction of animal proteins, it is at lunch that the diet focuses on replacing and adequately nourishing the body . We mention different options below:
- Sauteed rice, lentils and vegetables.
- Chickpea and sweet potato salad.
- Eggplant, brown rice and banana.
- Cauliflower omelette and green salad.
Afternoon snack
The snack in the flexitarian diet focuses on the consumption of fresh fruits to acquire nutrients and avoid excessive and unnecessary consumption of foods outside the parameters:
- Carrot sandwich.
- Homemade oat and nut bars.
- Banana tortillas and fresh fruits.
- Stuffed oranges.
At dinner , the meals are complemented to obtain nutrients , consuming creams, fruits and vegetables so that a light and satiating intake is maintained. We mention several examples below:
- Carrot cream and a pear.
- Baked broccoli and chickpeas.
- Greek salad.
- Baked eggs and avocado.
5. Intermittent Fasting Diet
The intermittent fasting diet consists of the restriction or abstinence of drinks and food. It can be focused on different periods or intervals, being with alternate or consecutive days.
Important: This type of diet has side effects such as sleep disorders, irritability and anxiety, so it is recommended that it be carried out under professional supervision.
In this sense, below we share a simple menu that you can follow in intermittent fasting:
The intermittent fasting diet is characterized mainly by skipping the first meal of the day , but since the days are alternate, we recommend below which foods can be consumed on days that fasting is not practiced:
- Fruit salad.
- Whole wheat toast and avocado.
- Boiled egg.
- Tea infusion and homemade oat bar.
At lunchtime it is important to eat a meal that supplies valuable energy and nutrients to the body. We mention some options below:
- Chicken and chickpea curry.
- Sweet potato stuffed with cheese.
- Sardines and bean salad.
- Pork with vegetables.
Afternoon snack
For the snack, light but quite nutritious foods are consumed , compensating in a balanced way the caloric effort that fasting requires. We mention some examples below:
- Bowl of yogurt, fruit and granola.
- Glass of milk with wholemeal bread, cheese and avocado.
- Rye bread and tuna.
- Homemade oatmeal cookies and yogurt.
In the intermittent fasting diet dinner, the day is complemented with light but nutritious meals such as creams, salads and tortillas. Here are a few options to consider:
- Pumpkin cream .
- Carrot cream.
- Vegetable soup.
- Greek salad.
6. Keto diet
The keto diet or ketogenic diet is one that focuses on reducing carbohydrates and obtaining more protein and fat, benefits metabolism and improves the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes. (4)
You should know: The keto diet can cause headaches, tiredness, nausea , dizziness and loss of muscle mass, so it is important that it be done responsibly and under medical supervision.
We share with you below an example of a daily menu that you can try on the keto diet:
For breakfast on the keto diet , the consumption of flour is reduced , so it focuses on the consumption of proteins and fruits. We mention some options below:
- Boiled eggs and avocado,
- Spinach omelette and pineapple chunks.
- Cloud bread, eggs and fresh cheese.
- Omelette with fresh herbs and yogurt.
In the keto diet , the consumption of fats and proteins is intensified , so lunch is the meal of the day that focuses on these nutrients. We present some options below:
- Tuna and mixed salad.
- Baked chicken gratin with cheese.
- Baked salmon.
- Pavo curry.
Afternoon snack
In the snack , light meals are presented that allow us to adequately nourish ourselves and avoid the consumption of foods that do not favor the objectives of the keto diet. We mention some options below:
- Natural yogurt and almonds.
- Cloud bread and nuts.
- Pumpkin seeds.
- Fruit salad and yogurt.
At dinner, meals are complemented to obtain nutrients, avoiding carbohydrates but maintaining a light and satisfying intake. We mention several examples below:
- Baked eggs, cheese and avocado.
- Tuna omelette.
- Baked salmon.
- Eggplants and mozzarella cheese.
7. Dieta power
The power diet is a diet developed by the University of Newcastle in Australia and is aimed at men, where their goal is to gradually reduce weight without the need to go on strict diets. (5)
Note: It includes exercises and produces slow changes and results, but focuses on habit building so that it becomes a healthy lifestyle for individuals.
Here is an example of a daily menu on the power diet:
Taking into account that breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day and the physical demand they present, they recommend a generous breakfast . We mention options below:
- Oatmeal cooked with milk and nuts.
- Bread with avocado and tomato.
- Yogurt with oats and granola.
- Eggs and sausage.
For lunch it is always recommended to accompany the protein with healthy salads and natural drinks, preferably all made at home . We mention some examples below:
- Baked chicken and Russian salad.
- Turkey and mixed salad.
- Sautéed veal and spinach.
- Salmon, avocado and tomatoes.
Afternoon snack
The snack will allow proper digestion and the inclusion of the necessary nutrients. Here are some options:
- Yogurt and fruit bowl.
- Oatmeal and banana.
- Toasted bread with tomato and avocado.
- Homemade oat and nut bars.
At dinner, the inclusion of both meat and vegetables is sought in favorable portions. Water intake is recommended with the food options that are mentioned below:
- Chicken breast , lettuce and avocado.
- Tomato soup.
- Baked salmon and sautéed chard.
- Lentil Burgers.
8. Dieta TLC
University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.