Some foods have the ability to promote weight loss, thanks to certain qualities : they are low in calories and carbohydrates, they have a large amount of fiber and protein. Of course, we are referring to natural and real food and not products made in factories under the slogan of “ dietary product ”.
In the following article, we will show you which foods can help you lose weight without resorting to diets, “miracle” pills or expensive treatments.
What foods are good for losing weight?
Depending on the nature and properties of the food, these can influence the consumer’s diet and help them lose weight. Foods rich in water and fiber stimulate the digestive process and provide a more prolonged satiating sensation that allows the reduction of excessive food consumption. We mention below a list of foods to lose weight, which could be good for your daily diet:
1. Quinoa
Quinoa is a seed, a small grain that is grown and eaten like a cereal , which is why many consider it a “pseudocereal.” Thanks to its high nutritional value, quinoa has been classified as a superfood: it is an excellent source of protein and fiber and provides numerous vitamins and minerals in significant amounts. (1)
To highlight: It is precisely these qualities that make quinoa a perfect food for those who want to lose weight. On the one hand, its protein content helps reduce appetite and cravings, decreases total calorie consumption, and speeds up metabolism. (two)
On the other hand, the fiber present in quinoa also contributes to weight loss (3). In addition, it is a food with a low glycemic index, which is associated with a lower calorie intake and ideal for diabetics. (4)
2. Eggs
Who said that the egg is not a healthy food was very wrong. Not only is it a food full of nutrients of all kinds , but it is also a food with very positive effects on weight loss.
A single egg has 6 grams of very high-quality protein, which greatly influences its weight-loss properties (5). With a low amount of calories , eggs are able to fill your stomach for longer and make you consume fewer calories from other foods.
To highlight: Many studies have confirmed that eating eggs in the morning, for example, for breakfast, causes a lower calorie intake during the next 36 hours and increases weight loss by up to 65%. (6)
Likewise, it has also been observed that an egg-based breakfast decreases abdominal circumference by 34% and increases fat burning by 16% .
3. Fruits
Fruits are a healthy food in many ways. They contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals , are low in carbohydrates and calories , and their fiber content is very high. All this combination of qualities is what makes fruits also help you lose weight.
In addition, some fruits also have a high satiety index . However, it is important to note that the best way to eat fruit and benefit from its effects on weight loss is to eat the whole piece of fruit, since juices do not have fiber. (7)
4. Legumes
Legumes are a group of foods that are very rich in fiber and protein and generally low in calories , characteristics that make them incredibly filling. (8)
Note: In one study it was concluded that the intake of legumes increased satiety by 31% , when compared to other foods such as pasta. (9)
5. Fish
The protein provided by fish is not only of very good quality, but its satiating effect is much greater than the protein present in other foods such as beef or chicken. (10)
Fish is usually very rich in omega 3 fatty acids , a fat with multiple health benefits, including increased satiety , as concluded by a study conducted with overweight and obese people. (eleven)
Highlights: In a comparative study on the satiety index of various foods, fish ranked second after boiled potatoes. (12)
6. Avena
The most common way to consume oats is by making a kind of porridge with oatmeal and water or milk. Oats are a whole grain, rich in both fiber and protein and an ideal source of manganese.
In a study where cooked potatoes ranked first for the most satiating food , followed by fish, oatmeal cream took third place (13). In other words, eating oats can help you lose weight thanks to its high satiating effect, for which soluble beta-glucan fiber is responsible. (14)
Note: The beta-glucan present in oats is capable of delaying stomach emptying and promotes the release of satiety hormones. (fifteen)
7. Vegetables
Another food that can greatly promote weight loss are vegetables. Vegetables are low in calories, low in carbohydrates, and packed with fiber and water , attributes that make eating them especially filling.
To highlight: Some vegetables that you can include in your diet to lose weight are: sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots, asparagus, eggplant, tomato, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, artichokes, among others.
8. Nuts
Nuts are useful to satisfy hunger , low in carbohydrates, with a high amount of fiber and protein and very rich in healthy fats that help you stay in top shape.
There are studies that confirm that between 10% and 15% of the calories present in nuts are not absorbed , hence it is said that these foods help to lose weight. (16)
Note: There is also evidence that a diet supplemented with almonds can increase weight loss by up to 62%. (17)
9. Yogurt
Yogurts are a dairy product that stand out for their high protein content , a substance that helps to lose weight in various ways:
- Reduces appetite.
- Decrease protein intake by up to 441 calories per day. (18)
- Increases calorie burning.
- It keeps the metabolism accelerated . (19)
One study found that eating a Greek yogurt in the middle of the afternoon, containing 24 g of protein and 160 kcal, caused decreased appetite, increased satiety, and delayed dinnertime. (twenty)
To highlight: If we choose whole yogurts , that is, those from which the fat has not been removed, we will also be contributing to weight loss.
Several studies have linked the consumption of full-fat dairy products with a lower risk of obesity , as well as type 2 diabetes. (21)
10. Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese is a type of cheese that is low in calories and fat and very rich in protein : 100 g of cottage cheese provides you with around 12 g of protein, just like the rest of the foods on this list, its high protein content makes it the consumption of cottage cheese is very satisfying in terms of satiety, keeping your stomach full for longer .
Note: It has also been found that in terms of satiety, cottage cheese is more or less as satiating as an egg. (22)
11. Carne
Of all the foods that exist, meat is one of the best sources of protein along with fish. For this reason, and repeating what has been said above, eating meat can help you reduce your appetite and eat fewer calories thanks to all the protein it has , which translates into a notable weight loss.
Note: In fact, it has been claimed that people who eat a protein-rich meat meal at lunch eat 12% less at dinner. (23)
12. Corn popcorn
Popcorn is another snack made with corn kernels and with a very high fiber content : 14 g of fiber per 100 g of popcorn.
The highlight: According to a study, popcorn manages to fill the stomach more than other salty snacks , such as chips, or sweets, such as chocolate. (24)
However, it is not possible to generalize and attribute this quality to all types of popcorn. Homemade popcorn is the healthiest and any additive or the use of a high amount of fat in its preparation reduces the slimming effects of this rich food.

University Professional in the area of Human Resources, Postgraduate in Occupational Health and Hygiene of the Work Environment, 14 years of experience in the area of health. Interested in topics of Psychology, Occupational Health, and General Medicine.